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Path of Building Community (POB fork) unofficial discussion thread

leighferon wrote:
when will be update to 3.16?

It is updated to 3.16
~ There are spectacular moments.
enyaisrave wrote:
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but it is very much related to POB and I use the community fork.


I have a hard time understanding how to calculate my Explosive Arrow DPS correctly.

When I theory crafted the build in PoB I used the following logic to calculate my Full (me+5xballistas) DPS: Attacks per second * number of projectiles = How many fuses I apply per second. Same for totems with the addition of * Number of Ballista's.

Following above logic I made sure I reached 20+ fuses per second on myself and each of my totems individually (GMP + Barrage and Quill rain etc).

This gave me an End game Full DPS of around 16M which for SSF is way respectable so I went for it.

Now I am level 74 and my imported character in PoB shows a Full dps of 4M which is WAY more than I experience in game.. Played for 9k+ hours and have had plenty of builds in that DPS territory and what I am achieving now feels nothing like that, I would guesstimate that I might pull 250k-500k DPS atm. I am struggling even clearing some incursions at T3 maps within the timer. Some map bosses feels like I am fighting Shaper HP pool (slightly exaggerated but ya).

Please help me configure my POB to correctly display the expected Total Full DPS for the build.

I am not asking for anyone to improve my skill tree pathing or obvious stuff like "You have to fire for your ballista's to fire with that support, that's why it feels worse etc. I am talking about Standing still and attacking a mob under perfect conditions with all ballista's up and how I should setup my PoB to reflect that.

Thank you so much to any of you that even attempt to help me out :) Appreciate it!


Need my POB to correctly display my Total Full DPS because I think PoB is currently not calculating 20 Fuse dmg correctly.

I went to import but I don't see the character in your profile?
Yes, I downloaded your PoB
~ There are spectacular moments.
Hi there -

I'm having trouble with PoB Community Fork. It is crashing even if I run as admin. It opened fine this morning and suddenly stopped working. I restarted, and it is still crashing.
I have attempted to re-download it, but the Github is giving error 500.

I'm not sure what else I can do. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

Edit: Github is investigating issues with their pages not loading. But I don't know if that specifically would make PoB Fork not load? Does it scan for updates as it loads and so if it can't contact Git, it closes automatically?

SOLVED: Turn off your internet. Load it. Dismiss the update check failure option. If you want to open a second one without disconnecting your internet, wait for the string error to pop and hit escape.
I want to rock right meow
Last edited by Laeortia#7731 on Nov 27, 2021, 4:40:48 PM
Hi, is it possible to show the different in stats when mosue over the different item set?

Currently the pop up only show the items in the set.

I could use a little help with the 2.24.0 version.
Under the "item" tab I am trying to use the "trade for these items" button and it opens a window that requires a session ID.
How do i go about finding the relevant info for this field in order to continue.
Hi everyone, im a relatively new POE player, played years ago but really starting to get into it now. I'm having a very annoying issue while playing in windowed mode on an ultrawide.

I have POB open to the right of the game window but once i click back into the game the entire POB window goes black. I've updated drivers, re installed POB community fork, tried disabling gsync, enabling vsync etc etc and nothing is helping.

Has anyone run into this?
did your antivirus software flagged POB?

POB connect to internet to seek for updates, which is red flag for some antivirus software which don't have a large database to whitelist unknown software
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funkrush wrote:
Hi everyone, im a relatively new POE player, played years ago but really starting to get into it now. I'm having a very annoying issue while playing in windowed mode on an ultrawide.

I have POB open to the right of the game window but once i click back into the game the entire POB window goes black. I've updated drivers, re installed POB community fork, tried disabling gsync, enabling vsync etc etc and nothing is helping.

Has anyone run into this?

Are you playing PoE at "Fullscreen" or "Windowed Fullscreen"? Try the latter.
please add a function, minimize to tray.
SC legues V
zaregu wrote:
please add a function, minimize to tray.

This is unofficial thread

G to github for suggestion (unsure they have discord server or not now)
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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