[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame
Vei wrote:
kikeuy wrote:
Thanks , edited some more info that you probably wont like that much because its very minmax thing but its an option never the less and migth solve that question that almost everyone playing this type of build made at some point , where do I spend all the currency I farmed with this cheap build?.
Sure it could be a place to spent those currency earned with this build for those who want to min-max. Though I would think it's a better move to use the currency to make more helms to get that +4 Double Implicit Corrupt on it.
Also, just want to add 2 points for this helm:
1. With this helm we will be missing the 60% Mana Regeneration from Frostferno and base on my calculation that's about 2 seconds lesser for Berserk's Duration. (Feel free to add this to your negatives in your post)
2. This helm(Non Corrupted with the 2 Multimod) is basically the modern version of Standard's Legacy Frostferno with +3 Fire and +3 Cold affixes :)
k0lean wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to get a lethal pride jewel for my build. however I'm a little unsure as to how to get the additional mods that are mentioned. I tried putting it into POB but it only changes the Iron grip keystone and adds +2 strength to several of the nodes. Can anyone explain to me how additional mods works for lethal pride jewel?
POb doesn't recognize the number which determines the additional mods to be added to Notables, therefore you only see those +2 and +4 strength ones as these are fixed and not determined by the number.
The only way to see the mods is to insert Lethal Pride into the Jewel Socket in the game, then you will see all the additional Mods when you mouse over the Notables.
And in case you are wondering if there are any place to see what mods are actually added to Notables base on the number, I am not aware of any and the only way to find out is to buy and sell until you get the mods you want.
D3m0n0 wrote:
hi, question about infernal cry.
i read the 31.2 Possible Modifications
Using Infernal Cry Skill Gem(For Covers Enemy in Ashes)
Correct me if i'm wrong.. this only works by using the warcry ON mobs.. i mean the warcry need to "hit" something to work, right?
Yes, the enemy need to be within it's radius which is around 20-25(Base on wiki)
D3m0n0 wrote:
I'm using it on left click i feel this will be more useful by cast on specific situations.
maybe use phase run on left click instead?
Sure, I would say go with the arrangement that fits your playing style best. Like for me I prefer Phase Run to be a separate button rather than binding it to my left click.
nico5051 wrote:
I have a question about the boots. Actually I'm wearing this:
And I was looking for an upgrade but every boot I found with Life + pierce (2) + ms lowers my dps on POB. Why is that? Should I keep using he Gang's Momentum boots?
Gang's Momentum has
(25-40)% increased Damage against Ignited Enemies
so when you switch boots you will be losing the DPS from this.
However, you get 2 pierce, which means your projectile will pierce and might hit 1 or 2 more enemy which means you get double or triple your damage potentially. Of course against bosses the pierce will not be that useful(Depending on whether the boss fight generates any minions)
Another thing is we can get life on the rare boot which is important also.
The switch from Gang's Momentum to a Rare Boot with Pierce, Life, etc is definitely an upgrade IMO.
For your quiver, I assume you are just sharing it since I didn't see any questions about it.
Ooops, the question was if I should try to augment attack on that penetrating quiver or leave it like that.
Ooops, the question was if I should try to augment attack on that penetrating quiver or leave it like that.
Looking at the Quiver, if you want to Aug Attack, you will definitely want to block the prefix by crafting any temporary prefix so there will be 3 prefix already on the quiver after which Aug Attack will only be able to choose a Suffix with the Attack Tag to add.
After blocking the Prefix, the selection wise is pretty good, basically 3 possible ones:
- Increased Attack Speed
- Flat Accuracy
- Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks(Hunter's)(Not really useful)
Although they can roll low tier ones. The low tier ones won't really destroy the quiver since you can still either craft attack speed or accuracy on it after 1 Aug Attack.
I think worst result for Aug Attack will be a low tier Increased Attack Speed since you will have to go with Flat Accuracy Craft then. Chances to get a low tier Increased Attack Speed(i.e. Tier 2 or Tier 3) Increased Attack Speed is 1000/5600, which means 17.8%
To do it or not, I think it's up to you/your risk appetite :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
Ooops, the question was if I should try to augment attack on that penetrating quiver or leave it like that.
Looking at the Quiver, if you want to Aug Attack, you will definitely want to block the prefix by crafting any temporary prefix so there will be 3 prefix already on the quiver after which Aug Attack will only be able to choose a Suffix with the Attack Tag to add.
After blocking the Prefix, the selection wise is pretty good, basically 3 possible ones:
- Increased Attack Speed
- Flat Accuracy
- Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks(Hunter's)(Not really useful)
Although they can roll low tier ones. The low tier ones won't really destroy the quiver since you can still either craft attack speed or accuracy on it after 1 Aug Attack.
I think worst result for Aug Attack will be a low tier Increased Attack Speed since you will have to go with Flat Accuracy Craft then. Chances to get a low tier Increased Attack Speed(i.e. Tier 2 or Tier 3) Increased Attack Speed is 1000/5600, which means 17.8%
To do it or not, I think it's up to you/your risk appetite :)
Added some options on the base of the helm to craft on the original post.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that grant flat cold damage , the penalty is null for us since we dont care about enemies cold resistances.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that make the socketed gems cause exposure for QOL , but it does have a penalty of -10 to all resistances.
You need to use the add random influence from Harvest and get the Shaper influence on the base.
Added some options on the base of the helm to craft on the original post.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that grant flat cold damage , the penalty is null for us since we dont care about enemies cold resistances.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that make the socketed gems cause exposure for QOL , but it does have a penalty of -10 to all resistances.
You need to use the add random influence from Harvest and get the Shaper influence on the base.
I thought about this also, I think if a player is planning to Corrupt it for +2 or +4 then it might be a bit less ideal unless the corrupt fails and helm remains the same since Corrupt Implicits will replace the Helm's Original Implicit.
A Lion Pelt will probably be more ideal(Assuming the player is still evasion based) as the base for people who want to corrupt it, also easier to obtain a Shaper Influenced one compared to the Ritual Bases.
If a player doesn't plan to corrupt it then those 2 Ritual Bases you mentioned are great choices(With Archdemon Crown being the stronger one if players are not using Trap + Wave of Conviction Gem already), since they can also go for the "Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect" Enchant which makes the helm(Archdemon Crown) better than a +4 Frostferno(Without the Berserk Lab Enchant) when Berserk is activated.
Ultimately I think base choice depends on what a player plans to do with them. :)
akagisen wrote:
Hi guys,
My character died quite fast when getting to tier 16 maps, especially when Sirus appears and spams skills.
I got 5200 hp
Here are my gears.
I got all elemental res above 75 and chaos res to -2%
Any suggestion for more survivability ?
I have not encountered the "Sirus Invasion Event" yet so I will based my reply on doing T16 maps/endgame content in general. Maybe others can give their comments on the Sirus part.
Your char is using most of the defensive mechanics in the build already so only a few things I would suggest:
- I always recommend 5.5k life as a minimum for end game content. My character have 6.2k life. Most of your equipment has pretty good amount of life on them already so it'll be getting more Life Passives on the Passive Tree.
- Consider getting 1 more source of Chaos Resist to make it positive and use a "Recover 99% or Full Life on use" Forbidden Taste. This has saved my life so many times with just 1 button press, it also adds 10% Dodge/Spell Dodge for 4-5 seconds after we use it. Harvest 100% Duration Enchant can make the dodge lasts 8-9 seconds. An Amazing Flask I never leave my home(Hideout) without :)
- Your Divine Life Flask's prefix is not very ideal, I recommend referring to "11. Mid-Tier Equipment Details" for suggestions on what Flask and Affixes to use. Don't forget to quality it :)
Hope the above helps.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
My character died quite fast when getting to tier 16 maps, especially when Sirus appears and spams skills.
I got 5200 hp
Here are my gears.
I got all elemental res above 75 and chaos res to -2%
Any suggestion for more survivability ?
In general get more life on your gear and you are missing the Juggernaut notable (more healing from flasks and more armour).
You have no anti-curse flask. This is a must for mapping to remove the curse mods of maps. You get that on the diamond flask "chemist's diamond flask of warding" or "enduring eternal mana flask of warding".
You need to describe more in detail when and how you die in maps( map mods, type of monsters and and and...). Your deaths have maybe more to do with your play style(How you play a totem char).
Sirus in maps is just there to annoy us. It has nothing to do with your gear. You dodge his spells/attacks or just run away, when he appears near you and that is it. No problem at all.
Last edited by Kharadas#5625 on Feb 15, 2021, 11:33:13 AM
Added some options on the base of the helm to craft on the original post.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that grant flat cold damage , the penalty is null for us since we dont care about enemies cold resistances.
-You can use the new ritual base helm that make the socketed gems cause exposure for QOL , but it does have a penalty of -10 to all resistances.
You need to use the add random influence from Harvest and get the Shaper influence on the base.
I thought about this also, I think if a player is planning to Corrupt it for +2 or +4 then it might be a bit less ideal unless the corrupt fails and helm remains the same since Corrupt Implicits will replace the Helm's Original Implicit.
A Lion Pelt will probably be more ideal(Assuming the player is still evasion based) as the base for people who want to corrupt it, also easier to obtain a Shaper Influenced one compared to the Ritual Bases.
If a player doesn't plan to corrupt it then those 2 Ritual Bases you mentioned are great choices(With Archdemon Crown being the stronger one if players are not using Trap + Wave of Conviction Gem already), since they can also go for the "Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect" Enchant which makes the helm(Archdemon Crown) better than a +4 Frostferno(Without the Berserk Lab Enchant) when Berserk is activated.
Ultimately I think base choice depends on what a player plans to do with them. :)
akagisen wrote:
Hi guys,
My character died quite fast when getting to tier 16 maps, especially when Sirus appears and spams skills.
I got 5200 hp
Here are my gears.
I got all elemental res above 75 and chaos res to -2%
Any suggestion for more survivability ?
I have not encountered the "Sirus Invasion Event" yet so I will based my reply on doing T16 maps/endgame content in general. Maybe others can give their comments on the Sirus part.
Your char is using most of the defensive mechanics in the build already so only a few things I would suggest:
- I always recommend 5.5k life as a minimum for end game content. My character have 6.2k life. Most of your equipment has pretty good amount of life on them already so it'll be getting more Life Passives on the Passive Tree.
- Consider getting 1 more source of Chaos Resist to make it positive and use a "Recover 99% or Full Life on use" Forbidden Taste. This has saved my life so many times with just 1 button press, it also adds 10% Dodge/Spell Dodge for 4-5 seconds after we use it. Harvest 100% Duration Enchant can make the dodge lasts 8-9 seconds. An Amazing Flask I never leave my home(Hideout) without :)
- Your Divine Life Flask's prefix is not very ideal, I recommend referring to "11. Mid-Tier Equipment Details" for suggestions on what Flask and Affixes to use. Don't forget to quality it :)
Hope the above helps.
Oh nice. I appreciate it . Im at lv 92 now so i guess i need to lvl up a bit.
Last edited by akagisen#4113 on Feb 15, 2021, 8:58:32 PM
My character died quite fast when getting to tier 16 maps, especially when Sirus appears and spams skills.
I got 5200 hp
Here are my gears.
I got all elemental res above 75 and chaos res to -2%
Any suggestion for more survivability ?
In general get more life on your gear and you are missing the Juggernaut notable (more healing from flasks and more armour).
You have no anti-curse flask. This is a must for mapping to remove the curse mods of maps. You get that on the diamond flask "chemist's diamond flask of warding" or "enduring eternal mana flask of warding".
You need to describe more in detail when and how you die in maps( map mods, type of monsters and and and...). Your deaths have maybe more to do with your play style(How you play a totem char).
Sirus in maps is just there to annoy us. It has nothing to do with your gear. You dodge his spells/attacks or just run away, when he appears near you and that is it. No problem at all.
I was trying to lure more creeps into ritual round. And when there are bunch of rare corrupted mini bosses, Sirus appears and spams his skills. I guess i was too greedy to get more points for ritual xD
I was trying to lure more creeps into ritual round. And when there are bunch of rare corrupted mini bosses, Sirus appears and spams his skills. I guess i was too greedy to get more points for ritual xD
Ty anw.
Luring doesnt work. It was explained in Video FAQ with Chris Wilson.
Only monsters, which spawned directly near the ritual altar work for this. You see this, when blood(its an animation) moves on the floor to the altar. This doesnt happen after lured monsters die.