[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame

Vague_Density wrote:

YOOOO Third Double Corrupt attempt! It's not the +4 but it's massive :D
(I Vorici crafted white sockets to freely swap Barrage/Fire Pen/EleFocus/etc)

Haven't taken Point Blank, how does it do with clearing? I assume we're fine right?

Congratulations mate :)

You won't feel the difference for the clear, but single target dps increase is massive.

Without Bottled Faith + Point Blank

With Bottled Faith + Point Blank

Last edited by Hey0cean#0102 on Aug 5, 2021, 3:42:11 AM
That's spicy, thanks! I'll give it a shot
Vague_Density wrote:
That's spicy, thanks! I'll give it a shot

Just checked in PoB specifically for your acc

Your numbers after Point Blank
Vague_Density wrote:

YOOOO Third Double Corrupt attempt! It's not the +4 but it's massive :D
(I Vorici crafted white sockets to freely swap Barrage/Fire Pen/EleFocus/etc)

Congrats on the corrupt!

Fire(The better one out of the 5 possible options) plus it comes with 90% Mana Cost? Sign me up!

Enjoy your Frostferno :)

TeddyMannen wrote:
When deciding for a helm enchant (for the Blizzard Crown), I looked at the dps numbers and Sniper's Mark was slightly better than the rest.

For example on my character when I replace a +2 Frostferno with a crafted Blizzard Crown,
EH 40% Dmg enchant is 9.1% more,
EH Attack speed enchant is 9.3% more and
Sniper's Mark enchant is 10.7% more.

Would you go for either of the EH enchants since the damage boost is always applied or Sniper's Mark since damage matter mostly for bosses in which we probably have mark active almost always anyway?

Love the build so far. Lacking a bit Int since I'm running a Xoph's Blood so I'm trying to find a nice ring with int and chaos res + other good stuff on it.

I would look at it in two ways:

1. If the Normal Mobs in the content we are engaging with takes sometime to die(e.g. Deep Delve, High % Delirious Maps, etc) or in cases where we are Hitting Multiple Bosses at the same time, then the EH enchant is a better choice since it is applicable in all situations.

2. What is our current DPS status(Per Totem)? If we have, say 10m DPS(Exaggerated number yes), the Sniper's Mark DPS increase over EH is probably not going to make a lot of difference since our damage is already owning the game content. If we have like 300k DPS, then the increase for Sniper's Mark will be significant as we need all the DPS we can get at this stage.

So I'll go for the one which suits these scenarios best which is likely to be Sniper's Mark for the majority of situations.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Aug 5, 2021, 5:33:01 AM
Thanks for the input Vei!

One more thing, without taking lab enchants into account, a +4 Frostferno is still better than the crafted Blizzard Crown right (damage wise)?

Or is there some other benefit to the Blizzard Crown that I'm missing? :)
Note to Everyone

If you are extracting your char into POB to do DPS test, do use the old Combat Focus as POB is not factoring in one of Combat Focus's affix in the new Combat Focus version, thus giving inflated DPS numbers.

Here's the old Combat Focus Code:

Combat Focus Viridian(Lightning)
Combat Focus
Viridian Jewel
Item Level: 85
LevelReq: 32
Radius: Medium
Limited to: 2
Implicits: 0
15% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Lightning Damage
With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike cannot choose Lightning
Combat Focus Crimson(Cold)
Combat Focus
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 85
LevelReq: 32
Radius: Medium
Limited to: 2
Implicits: 0
15% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Cold Damage
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike cannot choose Cold

How to use?

You can go to the Items Tab in POB, look for the Create Custom Option, change Rare to Unique, copy paste the corresponding code, then press Create and you will have your Combat Focus. Do this for each of the Code above.

TeddyMannen wrote:
Thanks for the input Vei!

One more thing, without taking lab enchants into account, a +4 Frostferno is still better than the crafted Blizzard Crown right (damage wise)?

As you can see above, the new Combat Focus is causing some issues and giving the wrong DPS numbers.

I tested using the old Combat Focus to give the correct DPS, I'll let the numbers speak for itself:

Sirus DPS per Totem(Default POB)

654k +4(Non Fire/Proj implicit) Frostferno
670k Blizzard Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
675k +4(Fire + Proj implicit) Frostferno
720k Archdemon Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)

Then I tested on Your Character, here's your Sirus DPS per Totem

288k Current +2 Frostferno you are wearing

324k Blizzard Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
328k Blizzard Crown(Level 20 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
334k +4(Non Fire/Proj implicit) Frostferno
346k +4(Fire + Proj implicit) Frostferno
348k Archdemon Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)
353k Archdemon Crown(Level 20 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)

Note regarding the crafted base: For non Raiders, using the Archdemon Crown as the base would be better as Archdemon Crown's Exposure provides more DPS than Blizzard Crown's Flat Cold Damage.

TeddyMannen wrote:
Or is there some other benefit to the Blizzard Crown that I'm missing? :)

Well, you can double corrupt it to get the dream +8 "Frostferno" :)

Though if one plans to double corrupt the crafted helm, using Lion Pelt as the base would be better since Blizzard/Archdemon Crown's implicit will be overwritten with the Corrupted Implicit when we corrupt it.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Aug 5, 2021, 12:24:11 PM
a couple of questions:

1). Attack speed. How does our attack speed influence our totem's attack speed? Is it a direct link? Is this why we want fast bow + attack speed on gloves / quitver/ etc? More attack speed => totems fire faster? Is there a diminishing return at some point?

2). Xoph's Blood. Why is it considered a great DPS choice? Around what level do the enemies start to have resists?

Last edited by scorburel#4260 on Aug 5, 2021, 12:18:10 PM
scorburel wrote:
a couple of questions:

1). Attack speed. How does our attack speed influence our totem's attack speed? Is it a direct link? Is this why we want fast bow + attack speed on gloves / quitver/ etc? More attack speed => totems fire faster? Is there a diminishing return at some point?


Totems inherit our offensive stats, which means they use our Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Multiplier, etc

Note that this doesn't apply for defensive stats. Totems have their own defensive stats.

If the attribute has a diminishing returns or maybe are effective up to a certain point, e.g. Flat Accuracy providing us with more DPS until our Chance to Hit reaches 100%, it will be the same for the Totems.

scorburel wrote:
2). Xoph's Blood. Why is it considered a great DPS choice?

Xoph's Blood has 2 very strong DPS affix on it.

- Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance
- Cover Enemies in Ash when they Hit you

Penetrate is a very strong offensive affix especially against bosses as they have much higher resist compared to Normal Enemies.

When an enemy is covered in Ash, they take 20% increased Fire Damage. This is calculated multiplicatively. Multiplicative calculations are very strong base on the way things are calculated in POE.

Besides the above 2, it also has Avatar of Fire which let us save 2 Passive Tree Points and invest them into DPS Passives.

All these makes it a great DPS choice.

scorburel wrote:
Around what level do the enemies start to have resists?

It is fine even if the enemy has 0% Fire Resist, when this enemy is struck by a hit with resistance penetration, in our case, "Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance", the enemy's effective resistance is reduced by 10%, which means the enemy is considered to be at -10% Fire Resist for determining the amount of damage dealt by this hit.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Vei wrote:
Note to Everyone

If you are extracting your char into POB to do DPS test, do use the old Combat Focus as POB is not factoring in one of Combat Focus's affix in the new Combat Focus version, thus giving inflated DPS numbers.

Here's the old Combat Focus Code:

Combat Focus Viridian(Lightning)
Combat Focus
Viridian Jewel
Item Level: 85
LevelReq: 32
Radius: Medium
Limited to: 2
Implicits: 0
15% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Lightning Damage
With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike cannot choose Lightning
Combat Focus Crimson(Cold)
Combat Focus
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 85
LevelReq: 32
Radius: Medium
Limited to: 2
Implicits: 0
15% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Cold Damage
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike cannot choose Cold

How to use?

You can go to the Items Tab in POB, look for the Create Custom Option, change Rare to Unique, copy paste the corresponding code, then press Create and you will have your Combat Focus. Do this for each of the Code above.

TeddyMannen wrote:
Thanks for the input Vei!

One more thing, without taking lab enchants into account, a +4 Frostferno is still better than the crafted Blizzard Crown right (damage wise)?

As you can see above, the new Combat Focus is causing some issues and giving the wrong DPS numbers.

I tested using the old Combat Focus to give the correct DPS, I'll let the numbers speak for itself:

Sirus DPS per Totem(Default POB)

654k +4(Non Fire/Proj implicit) Frostferno
670k Blizzard Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
675k +4(Fire + Proj implicit) Frostferno
720k Archdemon Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)

Then I tested on Your Character, here's your Sirus DPS per Totem

288k Current +2 Frostferno you are wearing

324k Blizzard Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
328k Blizzard Crown(Level 20 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee)
334k +4(Non Fire/Proj implicit) Frostferno
346k +4(Fire + Proj implicit) Frostferno
348k Archdemon Crown(Level 16 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)
353k Archdemon Crown(Level 20 Hypothermia, +2 Proj + 1 AoE +1 Melee, Exposure factored)

Note regarding the crafted base: For non Raiders, using the Archdemon Crown as the base would be better as Archdemon Crown's Exposure provides more DPS than Blizzard Crown's Flat Cold Damage.

TeddyMannen wrote:
Or is there some other benefit to the Blizzard Crown that I'm missing? :)

Well, you can double corrupt it to get the dream +8 "Frostferno" :)

Though if one plans to double corrupt the crafted helm, using Lion Pelt as the base would be better since Blizzard/Archdemon Crown's implicit will be overwritten with the Corrupted Implicit when we corrupt it.

PoB is adding working Combat Focus with correct numbers if it was created in PoB from custom import or from unique search from here

But it doesn't recognise them when you're importing the PoB for some weird reason.

So you can either create it from unique search or use the paste data you provided both will work .
Hey0cean wrote:

PoB is adding working Combat Focus with correct numbers if it was created in PoB from custom import or from unique search from here

But it doesn't recognise them when you're importing the PoB for some weird reason.

So you can either create it from unique search or use the paste data you provided both will work .

Ah, I didn't check whether a PoB created Combat Focus follows the old or new Combat Focus text. Seems like we can get a working one this way also. Thanks for the info! :)

Hey0cean wrote:
But it doesn't recognise them when you're importing the PoB for some weird reason.

I believe it doesn't recognize them when we import the PoB from our char because the new 3.15 Combat Focus refers to Prismatic Skills instead of the specific skill name, in our case, Elemental Hit in its text:

3.15 Combat Focus
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Prismatic Skills deal 50% less Cold Damage

3.14 Combat Focus
With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Elemental Hit and Wild Strike deal 50% less Cold Damage

My guess is POB is missing the code to recognize the Prismatic Skills words. That's probably the only thing missing since PoB's Elemental Hit already has the "Prismatic" tag on it.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide


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