Account Name: LiquidSmok3
Character Name: SmokesFlamez Time Zone: US Est Year/Month started playing PoE:2016/3 Highest Level:91 |
@LiquidSmok3 - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
Keep telling myself - skip the rituals - just rush through leveling... Hard to resist, like you need to join Rituaholics Anonymous!
Account Name: Mcnultei
Character Name:BleeDouf Time Zone: gmt +3 Year/Month started playing PoE: 2015 Highest Level: 98 |
@Mcnultei - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
It's shaping up to be the highest attendance I've seen in years! No wonder the servers are crashing!
Account Name: amdoch
Character Name: StonerRitual Time Zone: CST Year/Month started playing PoE: Jul 2018 Highest Level: 91 |
Account Name: SaD.ShUrIkEnGeR Character Name: ShurikengeBackToRitual Time Zone: Singapore/Hong Kong Year/Month started playing PoE: ~2013 Highest Level: 93 |
Account Name: andrei3000cs
Character Name: Sqwak Time Zone: IDK mane - EU Year/Month started playing PoE: 2017 Highest Level: 87 |
Account Name: Strafe_Massacre
Character Name: S_Massacre Time Zone: US CST Year/Month started playing PoE: 2013/Aug Highest Level: 87 |