Good tidings, Nomad.

ZionHalcyon wrote:
For whatever its worth - faded in the background of the text and in the cosmos is the map device.

So those suspecting someone attached to the Elder (Elder's real origins?) could be onto something.

Its definitely something map-related...

It was stated that next expansion will be Atlas-Centric, so... yeah. Good eye mate!
Nishrek wrote:
Streamer in the basement?
sirgog wrote:
everyone else getting Kalandra vibes and I'm thinking 'Harbingers'

You are not the only one

I tend to agree which them....

Mhm "god tidings" is a thing only Whakano used to say.

"That which once hunted here" was the elder. And his echoing would be absence in this dimension (i guess the moment when sirus went facehugger to drive the elder away - he has gone "silent")

"Those great and unreachable" seem to be not connected to the elder in any way, because his presence kept them away. Now that they can't sense the elder in any way, they try to take his terretory? a clash with the sirus and the others is not avoidable.

I wonder if she is related to Kalandra. The mirror is the rarest currency and most things about "her" are mysteries. Wouldn't fit reveal her that bluntly.
Still a trip in the harbinger lands sounds fun, maybe some time...
Go there, clean the mess up they made free their caged god, get a nice reward.....
Processing tuned down tempest shield MTX [pending...]

Holy!! Isn't that the Robotic from Star Trek original series? :-D He is coming back to destroy all impferct :-D
But will SHE bless us nomads with reduced MTX prices?
Is this Navali and Prophecy changes? ohhohoho
Is this a league teaser or what?
omg, couldn`t imagine me being so excited about just a picture and some words
Dark and mysterious! How exciting!
The place of great darkness its the world of dreams?
Valdo is the Nomad?

Rejoice, Nomad (Valdo),for SHE (Zana) approaches, and she seek to witness your struggle (Valdo fights The Elder

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