[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start
Hi everyone,
i can not stay strong in corrupted maps, monsters are very strong and bosses too. I dont know what should i do or fix it but i cant handle it at all |
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" You might want to drop your pob or at least make your characters public on your profile, there's no way anyone can help you without seeing more details about what you have for your build. Last edited by saltybaguettes#4657 on Mar 16, 2022, 7:26:26 AM
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Yo I heard you like lots of text. I brought you lots of text.
Seems like things are getting sorder out IRL, so I may now return to updating the build. And there are few things I wanna highlight first. Things that I plan to add to the build 1) Silver (Onslaught) Flask. Absolutely great addition to the build. Gives free attack speed to Flicker strike even faster. Helps with moving around faster two and can be used starting from acts. 2) Valuable Flask Crafts – those come from unveiling Cinderswallow Urn.
Regenerate 3% of Life per second during Flask Effect - self explanatory, while flask is no you, have a nice life regen. Pretty good craft for long going flasks. Helps a lot since our life recovery is much weaker than ES recovery. 15% of Damage Taken from Hits is Leeched as Life during Flask Effect - very much the same. Its like a worse version of Recoup. The way it worke, every time you are hit, 15% of that damage will be recovered. Stacks with itself up to 20% of max life regen per second (If you take many hits). Wose than Recoup because it gets removed at full life, while Recoup is not. Still its rather noticable. 17% increased Attack Speed during Flask effect - pretty good combined with Silver Flask for even more attack speed. Zoom zoom with the Flicker. 3) Extra step for upgrading the weapon. Mid tier point between 2c trash and 40ex god weapon. Crafting process:
1) Take Karui Scepter with Alva mod and empty suffix and open prefix.
2) Lock in prefixes – Craft Prefixes cannot be changed. 3) Use Veiled Chaos orb. 4) Pray it gives you Veiled Suffix. If you got Veiled Prefix – buy/farm a new base with Alva mod. Or try hitting an annul on prefixes so you have an open one again. 5) Pray it leaves open suffix. You need it to craft something to block common trash mods from appearing during unveil. If you don’t get it, its fine, still try to unveil your weapon – maybe you get lucky anyway. 6) Pray it leaves open prefix. You gonna need it to finish your craft with Hits Can’t be Evaded craft. 7) Unveil your weapon. You hope to get Trigger craft. If you didn’t get it – but all above conditions met – start over from 2). If you can’t craft it because all suffixes are full – try hitting anull, or buy/farm a new base. The end result would be a weapon with Hits Can’t be evaded – prefix - this will save you up to 5 passive points from a tree. Alva mod – prefix random prefix Trigger socketed skills on 4 second cooldown – suffix – this will make lot of your passives that refer to ‘recently’ be active 100% of the time, as well as trigger your skills more often. Random suffix Random suffix Things that are debatable. 1) Intuitive leap no top part of the tree to reach Infused Flesh. I’m still debating if its worth it or not. What it does is giving you 18% recoup at cost of Jewel slot. Its not much, but it is noticeable. Maybe just a life+damage jewel would be better, but I like my life regenerating all the time. 2) Cinderswallow Urn. It’s a Silver Flask, and you want to have one anyway. It comes with pretty interesting bonuses, such as restoring life on kill (but only on your kills, kills made by minions doesn’t count), restore charges when you consume ignited corpses, extra 10% DPS against ignited enemies. Good things, but very unreliable. Your relics can’t ignite because of Brutality, and you can’t ignite because of Resolute Technique (you can’t crit). This, however, can be solved by crafting Hits Can’t be Evaded on your weapon. Then your damage will be able to reliably ignite. 3) + to maximum resistances from notables. Anoint. While stat itself is pretty good, I never felt it does something amazing for me. It can be replaced with something more valuable. For example – Whispers of Doom for triple curse setup. That being said, unless it gives over 10% more DPS in value, I would not consider changing it. 4) Crit Build/Triple Curse Setup. With recent additions to the game the idea to scale relic damage through crit is much more tempting. However, even after seeing it working well, I’m still not too sold on it. There are few issues that push me away for that idea. And all of them can be condensed to – this strategy is unreliable.
1) Power Charge generation – the key point of the build. You relics must generate Power Charges. There are no good way to generate them. Only bad ones.
Assassins mark – gives 5% chance per 20% quality. Its… pretty bad. Even on fat bosses, you get 1, maybe 2 charges out of it. That being said, this value can be boosted a bit with Ashes of the Stars to be more reliable. Host Chieftain specter – this is much reliable charge generator. The problem is – it dies. The specter itself might just die in any serious encounter. I was running with them on a few bosses, and they were surviving, but a juiced map, simulacrum, etc, can pretty much kill them. Summoning them every time is tedious. 2) Too many gems/Too many buttons to press. Self explanatory. The is no room for extra curse gems AND specters. You might gonna have to use 2 unset rings, or drop out some utility. On top of that activating all the curses/marks/Predator can be really tedious as well. Overall I think this is more of a PoB warrior kind of way. You do reach something like 20mill Sirus DPS in PoB with it. 5) Ashes of the Stars. Great amulet. Great damage boost. Super op. Will be nerfed. Would not make a build around it for next league. Will stick to Anvil. You can abuse it while it lasts tho. 6) Brittle Ground. Broken AF, will be nerfed, would not make a build around it. 7) Double Cluster Setup. Very much doable. Adds ton of damage/utility at cost of a fair amount of survivability. Didn’t experiment too much with it, but might in a future. 8) Forbidden Flame – Forbidden Flesh. Can be used in a double cluster set up or as is. No good passives that we would want. Do not get jebaited by Commander of Darkness. Its 30 all res and 6% DPS divided between 2 jewels. You can get 2x Minion damage+Resists jewels for better value. From what I see the best would be Bastion of Elements – free 2kHP that restores itself on a 5 second cooldown. Great with Block. There are cool things in Occultist like Profane Bloom for even faster clearing, Malediction – for bossing damage and extra curse, but they would cost more than entire build combined, so I say not worth. 9) Aegis Aurora Prolly getting nerfed next league as well. But even this league its price was over the roof at league start. Its maybe time to search for alternatives. The thing is – we pretty much just using it for massive armor and ES values and ES on block. Not that big of a deal, and those stats prolly not gonna be nerfed, but know GGG they might just destroy the item entirely. |
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Smal update - main post revisited.
Tides up PoB for 3.17 Added bunch of videos Updated interactions with league mechanics with personal intel and other players feedback. Hopefuly more to come later. |
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" well i opened my character, i made some changes too and it is better now. But maybe someone can give me an advice. |
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This is a PoB I stumbled over on TFT, build was incredibly solid. While it uses the strongest things for the build right now (aka Ashes and Brittle Ground) it also incorporates melding of the flesh. Might be interesting to look at. If Ashes keeps its power I´ll definately try to copy this setup for next league, the dps in the videos was absolutely insane. |
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" Typical mistakes. 1) Weapon with slow attack speed. Get a new one. This one will cause you to die more than you think. Look for 1.50 attacks per second or more. 2) You have a regular lvl 20 holy relic gem. When you can easily get level 21 one. Or better yet - get a Divergent Holy relic. But even if you are not willing to trade, your Static strike is lvl 20. You want it to be level 1 if you are using regular Holy relic. 3) Not having Corrupted Blood imunity. Get a jewel with one. Or flask that removes bleeding and CB. 4) Gloves is a weird choice. Yeah you get a cures out of them that is like 10% extra damage, but Null and Void would help you much more than that in your current build state. You still can your your gloves for bossing. |
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" Very skeptical about that one. 4k es, Glancing blows, Forbidden jewels for 15 all res each pretty much to compensate Mending. Cyclone... Pretty sure version you had would be doing the same or even better with just double cluster setup. If I remember correctly, yours had 20mills dps, this one has 25. I don't know what kind of setups they use on AG and specters, and I'd love to see those videos if you have them. |
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I little bit extra info on what I was researching for now. Warning - lost of text.
Specters. Thats a deep rabbit hole and there were some interesting discoveries. I will share it here and try adding that into a main post. First of all, not everyone knows how Summon Specter gem works and interacts with Desecrate gem. Once you somehow obtained and summoned the specter of your liking, it will be added to the desecrated pool of creatures your Desecrate gem creates. Meaning you do not need to go through the tedious process of finding that one enemy to make them your specter again. Once you have it - you can resummon them in your hideout if they die. Now to the specter options. I expanded a list a little bit, as well as discovered some details. Mostly about monsters life pool. Second of all, all the specter from the list should be linked to a Meat Shield support, making them passively taunt enemies with attacks. Every listed specter will provide you with 10% damage reduction. Taunts do not stack. All specters will also have 50%+ chance to block and 0 resists. So here is my specter list rating.
Hairy Bonecruncher
A surprise to no one - its already in the guide. The first specter you might consider summoning. Its durable, it taunts, it has self healing.
His taunt is on 8 second cooldown with a 4 second duration, making enemy deal 10% less damage. You can get him super early - from act 2. Overal - not that useaful of a specter, but can give you a good help at the league start. Carnage Chieftain
AKA Frenzy charge monkey.
Gives Frenzy charge every 6 seconds. Thats 4% more DPS per charge, as well as smoother Flickering. You can get them early - in act 2. Surprisingly this monkeys are rather tanky. But to feel their value you need to have at least 2 of them if not 3. Host Chieftain
AKA Power Charge monkey.
Gives Power Charge every 6 seconds. Those are useless unless you are scaling Relic damage with crits (Assassin Mark/Brittle ground) - and its way after your build is set up. Then its only reliable source of Power Charge generation for your relics. You can get them later in act 6 Surprisingly this monkeys are rather tanky. But to feel their value you need to have at least 2 of them if not 3. Ruins Hellion
The forever bugged specter.
Has a massive debuff. Every 8 seconds it performs a warcry. It buffs everyone damage a little bit (about 2%, not too relevant). And taunts enemies. While enemy is taunted it deals 10% less damage. On top of that, his skill line states "Enemies Taunted by you deal 30% less Damage with Hits and Ailments against other targets" Effectively causing enemies to deal 40% less damage with hits against you. That is insane. Its like having 2 unnerfed fortify effects. You can get him early! It should be really good for leveling and white maps. Comes from act 8. However this specter comes with heavy downsides. 1) This specter can not be desecrated in zones. That means to get it, you have to first find this enemy, kill it and summon the specter of it. 2) The specter have very little HP. Twice less than a monkey. And while I didn't see it die during maps, I'm pretty sure it wont survive in simulacrum. 3) Taunt. Default taunt duration is 3 seconds. So its not clear if you get 40% damage reduction for 3 seconds, or for a full duration of the buff (8seconds) Now to the monsters that are harder to get. They of Tul
AKA rip FPS.
Has insane ability - creates a big stationary safety zone. While in it, you take 15% reduced damage and have 20% to not take damage from hits. Also spawns up to 2 totems that can act as a meat shield as well. Can only be obtained from map breach event, or from Tul Breachstone. You must find, kill and swiftly summon him from the dead body, as those corpses dissapear very fast. This specters are rather squishy. Even squishier than Hellion, but the damage reduction makes up for it. The spell the use has 100% uptime, but its stationary. Move way from it - and all effect is lost. You can have full value from just 1 specter! But its nice to have 2 or even 3 to move between safety zones. Blackguard Chaplain
AKA - im paranoid and don't want my AG to die!
Has ability to fully heal damaged minions and totems on a 4 second cooldown. That's it. Is just a heal spammer. Anything (including specter itself) will be healed to full on taking damage. Heals % of max HP, so its doesn't matter who it heals. The heal also stay up for 2 seconds. Can only be obtained from sextant mod "Areas contain 4 additional packs of Monsters that Heal". You need to find the mob in the map, kill it and summon it. The problem with this one, is that it wastes the healing on ANY damage. Your 80000HP AG takes 50 damage? Time to put heal on 4 second cooldown. It can only heal 1 target. So once it waste a couple of heals for nothing, it might just die. Demon Harpy
AKA the most damage there is.
Has ability that makes enemies take up to 40% more physical damage for ~8 seconds. Has 9 second cooldown. It has massive AOE, so its perfect for map clear and solo bosses at the same time. You can get full value from just one specter (needs confirmation) There are 2 problems with this specter. 1) You can't obtain it unless you (or someone else) has Phantasmal Desecrate. It comes from heist. The enemy you want to make specter of is no longer in the game, but Phantasmal Desecrate can create the desired corpse in your hideout. Once you summoned it, the regular Desecrate will make corpses of it too. 2) AI. The specter has a lot of life, but its rather slow moving and uses dash ability agressively, putting itself in danger. It doesn't die in maps, but easy target for bosses. My current specter set up is 1 Demon Harpy for 40% more damage. 1 They of Tul for making everyone tanky 1 Hellion for 40% damage reduction (currently in testing) Last edited by Fire_Archer#4037 on Apr 12, 2022, 9:10:56 PM
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"AG and spectres are communicated in the configuration tab. Yeah I get it that the numbers don't look so much better, but the videos did, hence I wanted to share it. Unfortunately I snitched the PoB right away but wasn't able to safe the videolinks and even after research I can't find them anymore. That being said, compared to my hidden fight the cyclone variant seemed a lot stronger. Then again, this is a mageblood setup... |
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