[Museum] The vanishing of Mr. Krillson

"Seems the fisherman 's gone fo' good."
"Yeah, that place is a wreckage."
"Poor bastard, wonder what happened to him, look at that doo'."
"A sea creature?"
"Nay, too far from da sho'"
"Maybe bandits with a penchant for vandalization?"
"Have ya eaten bread and weird words t-dey? Speaking of, am hungry as a dead man, me goin' home, wanna come?"
"I think I'll stay a bit longer, maybe there's something to salvage."
"Ay, don't you go disappearin' too, ay?"
"No sir, not on the menu!"

As my friend left, I started going around the rubbles, looking for anything of value. On the floor, a lever encountered my fingers, and with a tight grip and a strong pull, I found myself at the bottom of a now-closed trapdoor. The cavern is illuminated by some kind of moss, and realising there is no way to climb upward, I decided to venture forward.

A small niche on the wall hosted Mr Krillson's equipment: his fishing rod

..some lures and trinket..

It seemed tho that Mr Krillson wasn't just into fishing, around a corner just some meters away from the rod, a small table sat below more hunting gear. A bow and quiver..

And even some nets to set traps down

Sitting in the corner, under a dusty pelt, there was a wonderful sword, even if I never thought of him as a swordsman, but this piece was really something. So I took it.

Less worried than before, I proceeded armed and curious and along the way of what now seemed an endless grotto, a weird stone was shining on the wall, it didn't look like anything around, and I tried to pry it out with my newfound sword, beautiful that gem was, but I left it there as it was causing me to feel sick, maybe it was damned or something, I continued looking back at it for a while, almost walking backwards.

When I saw a door at the end of the tunnel I thought it was an exit, a way out of this mad corridor, but it was just a room, with a locked door standing now between me and freedom.

I started looking around to find the key, the room looked incredibly well maintained for being so far away from.. everything, a mannequin had me startle for a moment, then I came closer to admire its wearings. Those must have been the loot from a nobleman's house, I hope Mr. Krillson had nothing to do with it.

Behind that mannequin, another one, holding just an old helmet, encrusted in blood, clearly it saw many fights.

On top of a shelf just above the dirty helmet, something was slightly showing but wasn't quite clear what it was, I reached for it and it fell after puncturing my hand, that damn thing got me cut. I took it from the ground and it seemed.. alive? Quite weird to explain, I ha the feeling something was kicking to come out of it, but it had no openings of sort, and no space to let air in, not even an insect would survive in it, and yet I knew there was more to it. I let it sit back on its shelf, with a growing need to get out of this mad place.

I went straight to the door, and I notice that the handle was indeed weird in shape, I wondered if it wasn't actually locked but rather odd to open, so I played around with it for a while, and the handle came out.

Looking at it for a moment, it was weird to understand how it was mounted on the door. Raising my head, I saw that the door was no more.

"Ay, I knew you'd change yo' mind, come and sit with us!"
Standing at the door of my dear friend I looked back and there was no trace of the grotto, have I even been there? I opened my hand which was holding the door handle, now gripping a weird green stone. Have it all been a dream? Is there a grotto?

"Mr Krillson, I was at.. Mr Krillson's shack, now I'm.. What in damnation have happened?"
"Mr who? What's all that blabbering? Wanna eat o' not?.. By the way, cool sword you have there, where have ye found it?.."
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
Last edited by Peeveswozere on Nov 16, 2020, 9:42:15 PM
Last bumped on Nov 23, 2020, 6:46:46 AM
Hey there, I have been playing since closed beta and along the way I gathered some Items no longer in the loot table. I thought to showcase them as a sort of museum in this post, the goal is to give the chance to glance at what PoE was, item-wise. Those items are not for sale, and I'd like to expand the collection to showcase more and more items.

This post will be updated from time to time, the story needs a lot of rework, and many items are in the unique stash which I haven't yet understood how to link here. If any of you have some old items no longer droppable and would like to have them here for everyone to see, feel free to make a donation to this museum, contact me in-game and I'll be more than happy to expand this little collection of ours.

I hope you liked the post, and that you have found some of those lost items interesting enough to go dig some of PoE's history.

Cheers everyone!

17/11/20: added itemized albino rhoa
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
Last edited by Peeveswozere on Nov 16, 2020, 9:52:09 PM
Damn, well played sir.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
DoubleU wrote:
Damn, well played sir.

Many many thanks! You read it quite fast, props! I am not satisfied with it yet but I thought that if I didn't use that ephemeral motivation I had, I would never do it, very happy to see you liked it!
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
I knew it had to do with items from the "old days" as it were.
Krillson/White Rhoa/Fishing Rods are 3 things I have never come across in 8.5 years of playing this game.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Speaking of which, I forgot to add something I was thrilled to find, give me 5 mins and gonna update!
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
Need to find a perfect Ventors.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Need to find a perfect Ventors.

I tried my best, but it's out of my pockets, same goes for Mirror of Kalandra or shards of it, Kaom's, Angler's plait (and its "Hollowing Grounds" bug variation), but if you found one and have no idea what to do, I'm sure the grotto holds many a rooms.
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
Last edited by Peeveswozere on Nov 16, 2020, 9:46:35 PM
Bump in case someone would be interested in some old dusty stuff.
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.

Does this count as old and dusty?

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