3.12.4d Deployment and Full Patch Notes

Divination Card affinity isn't working for me. Heist Softcore
This is... quite literally... a game changer. I did not expect this to make as much of a difference as it has.

I also REALLY REALLY appreciate that you guys have made the option available to those who are not forking out for specialised tabs. Shows consideration for those players not able to splash out on Q o L. Thank you for not forgetting your loyal but less loaded fans!
Great work!
It is a big improvement if you have a lot of stash tabs. And it works fluently, no mini lags if you switch the tabs fast by clicking different types.
Thank you GGG!
Thanks!!!! Rly helpfull
"The Azurite Mine is now capped at Depth Level 65,535."
so delve is not infinite anymore? xD

also when is this gonna be released?
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Scarabs aren't working with the fragment affinity with the fragment tab
Great! Can we now please have the Maps stash tab highlighten improved? So that at least the tier group is highlighted when searching for, e.g. Shaper influenced maps? Or maps that have a guardian instead of the usual map boss? The filtering clearly works fine and is capable of finding and highlighting the individual map, but finding it in a 2 level nesting without any of the above levels being highlighted, is... well... a pain.
Pull but one thread, and the fabric of the world unravels.
riiw wrote:
Scarabs aren't working with the fragment affinity with the fragment tab

Same here, the Fragments stash doesn't seem to work at all... not only scarabs.
For me, not even splinters of sacrifice fragments get put into.
Pull but one thread, and the fabric of the world unravels.
Khathuluu wrote:
riiw wrote:
Scarabs aren't working with the fragment affinity with the fragment tab

Same here, the Fragments stash doesn't seem to work at all... not only scarabs.
For me, not even splinters of sacrifice fragments get put into.

It works but only with "special" tabs.

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