We The North - guild for mature players
I've been playing on and off since bestiary league, no clue about hours played - I clocked 550 in steam until 2018, using standalone since then. I try out every league and go for challenges if I stick around. I figured I could do a bit different and try guilds to make the grind more bearable, plus if I can help others out even better. I'm from montreal - current ign: sticcmãnã |
" invite has been sent, welcome! |
Ahoy! Big-O-Silly here. Very interested in joining a guild of nice and mature people.
Good day,
I'm looking for a friendly guild to make this a little less of a single player game. I've played since 2016 and usually go for challenge completion at league starts. Play mostly US/East times after work and on weekends, looking forward to the company. |
i am looking for a Guild who could teach me a bit and also play with me together :) Playing in Europe so GMT+1. BR Pr0tectors |
" invite has been sent, welcome! |
" invite has been sent, welcome! |
I am sorta new to the game and i notice i miss a certain social apsect in this game. Wich a guild always fills up nicely. I like your 2 rule policy about kindness and fun and i will uphold it with utmost care when/if i am invited! :D |
Hi, I'm looking for a mature and relaxing guild that isn't all about min-maxing. I don't have that kind of time and commitment. I would love to try your guild.
Current IGN for league: KrySoSRS Thanks, Kryron |