We The North - guild for mature players

Hi my name's Matt. I'm not really good at this game, and still don't know what's going on but I'm having fun. Would love you join your guild and game with people.

ign: UltimatumGoon
Looking for a better Guild than one that stakes their call to fame as we are good looking.....lol

I have been playing for a while now am level 71 and have done almost everything on my own with the help of Google. I guess I am tired of being in my office and banging on a keyboard in the quire so to speak.
Goon421 and 1Scooter, invite have been sent. Welcome !
Last edited by LISA_ELLANA#2298 on Apr 28, 2021, 8:23:05 PM
Hey, my name is Rick.

I am a 2k+ hours player that still has a lot to learn, currently im a college student and i play poe very casually but i do like getting to middle endgame whenever i can.

I am looking for a friendly guild that feel like there is people actually playing, so if this is that please send me an invite.

IGN: Pot_Bleeds
Last edited by BurningPotato#0691 on Apr 27, 2021, 10:28:48 PM
BurningPotato, invite has been sent. Welcome!
Last edited by LISA_ELLANA#2298 on Apr 28, 2021, 8:22:46 PM
Name is Pharcri,

Been playing since 1.2 but still have a lot to learn about the game. Looking for a guild that is active and like to talk to one another. I'm in the U.S West

IGN, Pharcri
Pharcri, invite has been sent, welcome!
Last edited by LISA_ELLANA#2298 on Apr 28, 2021, 8:22:37 PM
IGN: KillerHandFetish

I have no friends in this game.
We will see how this works out.
Account Name:brytan06
Character BtrainUltimatatum
Highest Level:100
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:2016
Country/Time SG /gmt+8
Average Hours Played Per Week:10
Player-type (League Only):standard
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active):5
brytan06 and Y4iNk33zQn7lI999xp22NEtoO0 invites has been sent, welcome!

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