We The North - guild for mature players

Crazy_Socks wrote:
I'd love to join. I'm 36, in Texas. I'm not super new, I played the metamorphosis league but my friends quit and I fell off the game. I'm back now, and need chill people to play with and learn more from

imitation sent, welcome.
Hi, Canuck here playing ultimatum SC. Been playing this game on & off since 2011. 24 in Mississauga (and running to quebec soon).
Last guild I was in fell apart completely in game, wish I could still play with them but oh well.
I try to be laidback, I don't really go for cutting-edge gameplay. I usually share uber trials and help on maps if I can.

IGN is Marcelle_Petiot
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last edited by noob1#2555 on Apr 21, 2021, 6:58:52 PM
I'm 29, From Canada. I'm pretty new to the game and would would like to join the guild. I'm mostly a casual player that's looking for a good community to be apart of.
IGN: Meical_
invitations sent out, welcome.
hi my name is james. I'm from alberta. just started end of last season looking for a guild to help me grow and learn more about this game

IGN BigDaddyBoo
Last edited by jameswarr21#4585 on Apr 23, 2021, 12:03:29 AM
Last edited by jameswarr21#4585 on Apr 23, 2021, 12:03:56 AM
Hi, Im 31 years old and I live in Istanbul. I have recently returned to the game with ultimatum league and would like to enjoy casual group play with you guys. Thank you in advance.

IGN: tomgodo
31 y/o swede. Been playing this game for way too long. Would love to find a new home with honest and fun people to play with.

ign: THICC_totema
jameswarr21 and HajN, invitations sent out, welcome.

Last edited by Unubold#4058 on Jun 21, 2021, 10:36:03 AM

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