Community Showcase

PabloCappone wrote:
Please more polish for next league , 3 months league with a 1 month wait for "fix" :/


also hope ggg will keep ban bots
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That is some Sirus-ly impressive art
Le Toucan Will Return
Only Quin can get on the official highlight reel dying at level 1.

The both art is gold! good job!!
The painting of Karst is fantastic. The clips of some streamers playing the game is not. More art, less clips of streamers.
Last edited by AbilityPoints#9049 on Nov 2, 2020, 8:02:46 PM
holy 300 splinters one map
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
both clips of Quinn RIP'ing in his own league made it in hahaha now That's Epic!
Nice 😊👍
The art is nice, but having the no-life streamers as standard for how this game should be played is not. Good for the guy getting 300 splinters in 1 run, but I dont wanna feel shit for playing a slow build i actually like and getting maybe 12 so i can hardly ever do simulacrum.

Oh well, same old, same old; game doens't really cater to the casual complaint.
As if she's born to be the witch, or as if she was the template for the character ... beautiful....!

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