Our Reasoning Behind the 3.13 Launch Delay

Posts are being removed if they mention GGG and them being 80% owned by the Chinese company TENCENT.
Good job mods, +1 to your social credit.
I am deeply sorry about the inconvenience and disappointment. But the commercial reality is that if we kept our original release date, we would be fucked.

Finally someone keeping it real.
Very cool mirror Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3227915
Frankly this is really good news. I hate the 3 month league cycle it is far too frequent for me a person who only plays a few hours a day (due to my age and health reasons). I want to play in leagues and some of them are fun (eventually when all the bugs are fixed and some balance attained) but that takes at least 1 month in all the recent releases due to bugs, poor QA and lack of balance. As with this league GGG panics with player and streamer retention and then gives insane loot drops to maintain interest for longer.

The early part of a league is not very enjoyable for me. It gets very repetitive doing this every 3 months when you only play 4 hours per day and are a slow player. The league mechanic is usually wonky for the first month anyway but it is the core content that is boring for me. Having to repeat Delve (again), Alva (really bad please remove this as soon as possible) and Incursion every 3 months is very boring. Einhar, Niko and Zana are great pleasures for me and I love their dailies. Levelling through the acts is ok and is often mildly enjoyable even if I've done it a hundred times before, I get to meet some old NPC friends and I chorus their predictable voice responses. It only takes me a few days to reach maps and do the labs, get the gear (in SSF). Now we have Metamorphs, Delerium (cluster jewels) and Blight top add to Prophecy as content we have to address every league and none of that is particularly inspiring to engage with again and again every 3 months. Add to that the horrible changes to the Atlas over the last year... yawn, bring back the battling Shaper and Elder.

TLDR: What means is I have to repeat all the boring levelling of a new SSF character every three months, I get to red maps (consistently if I like the league) but never have enough time to develop my character the way I would like. I am often still playing a few hours each day on the last week of the league before getting my character into Standard SFF where I can give her some of the better equipment I have there.

So for me a change by GGG to 4 month or even 6 month league cycles would be ideal for my habits and abilities. I am old and slow but persistent.
Understandable, have a great holiday.
i think its a good call - i am already overloaded with games that i "have to play" till the end of the year with some great releases for me (now watch dogs legion - assassins creed next and wow expansion / cyberpunk) so from my perspective its ok.

i hope 3.13 is better than 3.12 in terms of playability with that extra month you get (even thou with holidays its not an extra month). The quality issues with heist were too severe although in terms of creativity it was the best league since betrayal.
But the commercial reality is that if we kept our original release date, we would be fucked.


anyway i dont care about 2077, hope you'll be able to do some fun stuff for us anyway instead of new league

good luck Chris
Im more then happy for clear explanation like this. Altoough i wont be playing Cyberpunk at its release and prefer to play new league in poe, altough im fine with this decision. You all ppl know that POE is getting its money from the microtransactions at the start of new leagues. They have to pay their staff. It is a business after all. This game is great anda month delay in one league after so many god damn good leagues lanuched on dates. Bah, i can live with this. :)

Hope this new league will be a blast :D
I, for one, am glad this is happening; Don't hate me but, i love the economy in its current state, well, up until yesterday.

I love heist (minus the crashes...) and i'm glad i'll have the chance to play it longer since i don't think i'll play cyberpunk anyway.
Bex +1

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Can you extend heist league duration?

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