[PS4] 3.12.4b Patch Notes
Muito obrigado!!! Não tenho como expressar minha felicidade. Hoje sou capaz de manter minhas lives e fazer qualquer conteúdo sem medo. As guildas serão uma adição importante ao jogo, mas aguardaremos tranquilamente sair a versão finalizada. Mais uma vez obrigado!!!
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Next step Is not to loose AG Gear and improve currency drop rate for ex pls😃
Srry for my english. Last edited by LABBESTIA#9958 on Oct 22, 2020, 6:21:38 AM
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" Ex is dropping this league at a higher rate than any league previously. You need a lot of certain things to do it, but the drop rate for those that are doing it correctly is insane. https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency/exalted-orb (30c = 1ex) That's the PC prices, but it's not much different for us. " Loose=Lose but I agree with the idea. Now that we have a menu for the 9 Heist members worth of gear we can equip and unequip. We should have that same menu for our AG. And if they die, those items should be recoverable. |
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I haven't had a crash since the previous patch. It's been very, very stable and I don't feel as much fear when running heists, stepping through delirium portals, or giving the ol' labyrinth a shot.
However, I am getting 'new' happenings that seem to bite me every other play session. Rather than crashing completely to the blue screen, I'm simply just freezing in place. This happens mostly when spawning large groups loot that contains uniques. I feel it's because of the jarring sound that it creates when a considerable amount of 'good' loot drops. We all know that there are different types of sound effects used for various kinds of loot, and though I've messed with the audio sliders to attempt to fix the issue, it doesn't seem to work. I would like a way to simply remove the sound effects altogether. We get a handy icon on the mini-map to show us something notable that's dropped, so it's not as if we are left clueless. (I'm a bow Ranger, so good things fall off-screen.) Strongboxes used to be a crash magnet, too. At first,I thought it was due to an enormous amount of creatures popping at once that bothered the console. I think it may have been the sound effects that go along with it that affects my experience with crashing/freezing. There are still sound issues at log-in that haven't been fixed yet, just to share. When choosing a character, the music plays per usual, but as it transition to the loading screen, it sounds as if the music is on vinyl, and it's skipping badly for a few seconds. A weird bug there, but nothing that would appear to connect to any crashing or freezing issues. |
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" First, I highly doubt it's your filter sounds that are causing issues. Second, You can turn off your filter sounds. There's a separate slider for "loot filter" volume level in options. Third, if you want to be *really* sure the filter makes no sound, you can use a Custom loot filter that has no sounds. | |
The crash issues aren't fixed at all. I just had 5 crashes in 30min which is insane. Therefore I asked Sony for a refund of my mtx. I'm on PS4 Pro, someone on reddit said the game runs fine on his OG PS4.
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" If you read the experiences of people here on the forums, or talk to people in game, you'll find that this is quite unusual. While I have had an uptick in crashes over the last day or two, I'm maybe up to 5 in 10 hours, nowhere near 5 in 30 minutes. If you continue to crash at that rate, you should try to see if something specific is causing the crash (e.g. it happens when you use a certain combination of skills or something), and, if not, then try reinstalling the game. " The majority of posts that say this are trolls. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered answering you. " I'm on PS4 Pro too. And for a while, we had some speculation here in the forum, and on Reddit, that PS4 Pro might crash more often. However, post patch 3.12.4, I don't believe this is the case anymore. If it ever was. There's a strong possibility that the correlation came about largely through the fact that more serious gamers, the ones more likely to invest large numbers of hours in the game, and utilize more different mechanics the game has to offer, are the ones who are most likely to own PS4 Pros. There was never a large enough sample size to be sure. What we *can* be sure of is that patch 3.12.4 fixed approximately 98% (my estimate, not GGG's) of the crashes on PS4. | |
I also can not confirm this as since the update I had 0 crashes and before it was really worse with creashed every 10-15min and couldn't run heists at all.
Now everything seems to be fixed. |
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