[2.0] Simple & Cheap 2-Handed Axe/Sword Cyclone Build
Cheap and simple build for Duelists !
Main Skill : Cyclone Weapon : 2-Handed axe or sword (Physical Damage) Keystones : Resolute Technique - Iron Reflexes (Blood Magic)
Introduction of the build
This build has been started when the Cyclone gem was introduced in the game several months ago.
The main idea was to use Cyclone as we wish, regardless of the skill cost. This could allow the use of a Life on Hit gem which works great with Cyclone because it hits twice per spin. So with a high attack speed, a lot of life is gained while cycloning through enemies. To allow a permanent use of Cyclone with several support gems, the Blood Magic keystone and later the support gem are mandatory. In order not to kill ourselves, we will need a high life regeneration too (Cyclone can easily cost over 100 life). For a optimal use of the Life on Hit and maximum damage, the Resolute Technique keystone is needed. With it, there is no need of only accuracy nodes nor a great amount of Dexterity. The last kestone of the build is Iron Reflexes. This famous node not only turns all evasion rating into armour, but it also increases the gear possibilities, as you can use both Armour and Evasion Rating based items. This is a great choice if you decide not to trade for the gear you want, and only rely on your finds. Concerning the damage, we will use 2 handed physical axes or swords. This way, any Physical Life Leech will be very useful. Swords are the weapon with the best attack speed potential, while axes have more damage but hit more slowly.
Passive tree [Sword version]
Passive Skill Tree at 27 points
Passive Skill Tree at 40 points(take the Blood Magic Keystone if you don't have the support gem yet) Passive Skill Tree at 55 points Passive Skill Tree at 66 points Passive Skill Tree at 85 points Final Passive Skill Tree at 101 points Bonus : take the Endurance Charges in the Marauder and Duelist areas (4 points needed) for more physical damage mitigation and an increased Immortal Call duration) Bandits quests rewards Normal Difficulty -> Help Oak (+40 to life) Cruel Difficulty -> Help Kraityn (+6% to attack speed) Merciless Difficulty -> Help Oak (+1 endurance charge) Passive skill tree breakdown BaseStat +243 to Strength +163 to Dexterity +14 to Intelligence +20 to Strength and Intelligence General 20% increased Stun Duration with Two Handed Melee Weapons on Enemies 20% increased Damage against Enemies on Low Life 10% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds on Kill 14% increased Physical Damage with Attacks 8% increased Area Damage Defense +356 maximum Mana +1010 maximum Life +290 Evasion Rating 163% increased maximum Life 3.6% of Life Regenerated per Second 25% increased Evasion Rating while you have Onslaught 8% chance to Avoid Elemental Status Ailments 40% increased Life Recovery from Flasks 20% increased Flask Recovery Speed 52% increased Armour 10% increased maximum Energy Shield +6% to all Elemental Resistances 42% increased Evasion Rating and Armour +44 to maximum Life +1% to maximum Fire Resistance +8% to Fire Resistance 40% increased Evasion Rating Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour Weapon 210% increased Physical Damage with Swords 115% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons 44% increased Attack Speed with Swords 24% increased Attack Speed 48% increased Physical Damage with Axes 20% increased Accuracy Rating with Swords Melee Attacks have 5% chance to cause Bleeding +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range 8% increased Melee Physical Damage 20% increased Accuracy Rating with Two Handed Melee Weapons 9% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons 42% increased Accuracy Rating 14% increased Melee Damage +0 Accuracy Rating Other 16% increased Area of Effect radius 16% increased Attack Damage 0.2% of Physical Damage from Attacks Leeched as Life 12% increased Life Leeched per second
Passive tree [Axe version]
Passive tree at 27 points
Passive tree at 40 points(take the Blood Magic Keystone if you don't have the support gem yet) Passive tree at 55 points Passive tree at 71 points Passive tree at 87 points Final passive tree at 103 points Bonus : take the Endurance Charges in the Marauder and Duelist areas (4 points needed) for more physical damage mitigation and an increased Immortal Call duration) Bandits quests rewards Normal Difficulty -> Help Oak (+40 to life) Cruel Difficulty -> Help Oak (+18% to physical attack damage) Merciless Difficulty -> Help Oak (+1 endurance charge) Passive skill tree breakdown BaseStat +243 to Strength +163 to Dexterity +14 to Intelligence +20 to Strength and Intelligence General 10% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds on Kill 14% increased Physical Damage with Attacks 8% increased Area Damage Defense +364 maximum Mana +1034 maximum Life +296 Evasion Rating 163% increased maximum Life 3.6% of Life Regenerated per Second 25% increased Evasion Rating while you have Onslaught 8% chance to Avoid Elemental Status Ailments 40% increased Life Recovery from Flasks 20% increased Flask Recovery Speed 52% increased Armour 10% increased maximum Energy Shield +6% to all Elemental Resistances 42% increased Evasion Rating and Armour +44 to maximum Life +1% to maximum Fire Resistance +8% to Fire Resistance 40% increased Evasion Rating Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour Weapon 101% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons 25% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons 240% increased Physical Damage with Axes 15% increased Attack Speed with Axes 94% increased Physical Damage with Swords 20% increased Attack Speed with Swords 24% increased Attack Speed +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range 8% increased Melee Physical Damage 20% increased Accuracy Rating with Two Handed Melee Weapons 42% increased Accuracy Rating 14% increased Melee Damage +0 Accuracy Rating Other 0.4% of Physical Damage from Attacks Leeched as Life 16% increased Area of Effect radius 16% increased Attack Damage 18% increased Life Leeched per second
Until you get Cyclone (providing you don't buy gems), you can use Cleave/Static Strike (axe or sword) or Ground Slam (mace) and/or Leap Slam available at the start of a Duelist's journey. The first support gem should be Life Gain on Hit, use it as soon as possible.
The duelist quest rewards offer a lot of defensive gems that work well with this build : Decoy Totem, Enduring Cry, Immortal Call, Temporal Chains, Warlord's Mark, Grace (with Reduced Mana). In order to feel comfortable before running maps, it is recommanded you have at least 25% damage reduction without Grace, 75% at all resistances (except Chaos) and 3,500 life. As 2-handed weapons deal nice amounts of damage, and you have taken many offensive nodes, the DPS aspect of your character should be okay. If you have a 5-linked item on your gear and lack defenses, I recommand you get a Blind gem. With fast Cyclone attacks, you will blind enemies easily, reducing their accuracy rating by 75%. This is a great defensive choice, and it does not increase the cost of Cyclone ! If your defense is okay and you want more damage, the natural choice is Melee Physical Damage. If you have enough Intelligence (two +30 nodes are easily obtainable from the tree), you can use Temporal Chains to slow down enemies. It is better to equip your character with Strength/Dexterity (red and green) items. Both Armour and Evasion Rating will be taken into account for the conversion into Armour granted by the Iron Reflexes Keystone. Once you find a Blood Magic support gem, use it with Cyclone, so you can remove the keystone. If you lack of defences, don't forget about Endurance charges ! They can be obtained with the Enduring Cry gem. Each charge grants 4% to all Elemental Resistances and to Armour. You begin with a maximum of 3 charges and the passive tree will increase the maximum to 7. Be aware that Cyclone is dangerous to use because of the desynchronization effect. In particular when you spin around objects. By the time, you will learn how to use the skill without suffering too much from desync. The Unwavering Stance keystone is mostly useless because you are already immune to stun while cycloning...and it negates the blinding effect. You should pay attention too from cold damage, as you can be freezed while attacking, making you very vulnerable as you can't benefit from life on hit ! A very good advice is not to forget about flasks. Don't be afraid of carrying elemental resistance flasks, especially when you don't have maxed them (75%). Granite and Jade flasks can also be useful, but with the Grace aura and even a mediocre stuff you should not have bad damage reduction. Last but not least, if you can get your hands on a Concentrated Effect support gem (and provided you have enough Intelligence to use it), its increased damage effect is a better choice than Melee Physical Damage. However, some may not like it because of the decreased area of effect of Cyclone.
The main aura is either Grace or Hatred, depending on your needs. - Grace Increases your defence against physical damage thanks to the Iron Reflexes Keystone Reserves 50% of mana - Hatred This is the best offensive aura for the build, as your damage is only physical Reserves 50% of mana The 2nd and 3rd auras are Heralds : Ash and Ice/Lightning - Herald of Ash Adds Fire Damage based on your Physical Damage. The overkill effect is anecdotical. Reserves 25% of mana - Herald of Ice/Lightning These heralds add elemental damage and have an effect when you kill frozen/shocked enemies. With the node that grant 5% chance to ignite/freeze/shock, these effects (which add damage) can be triggered frequently (thanks to the high attack speed) Reserves 25% of mana If you are short of elemental resistances, one of the main auras can be swapped for one of the following gems : - Purity of elements This aura grants you increased elemental resistances to fire, cold and lightning - Purity of fire / cold / lightning These auras are better if you lack of a particular resistance Skills Chest or weapon : The main setup with Cyclone needs an item with 4 linked sockets that are green and red. If you don't have the Blood Magic support gem (in this case you have taken the keystone), you can replace it with Added Fire Damage. As a 5 link, Melee Physical Damage is the best choice. You can also take blind for its huge buff against attacks. Concentrated Effect needs some Intelligence that can be provided by either passive skills points or mods on your items. If you don't like this support gem, Added Fire Damage is still the other better choice. 4L: Cyclone - Life on Hit - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic 5L: Cyclone - Life on Hit - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic - Melee Physical Damage / Blind 6L: Cyclone - Life on Hit - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic - Melee Physical Damage / Blind - Concentrated Effect / Added Fire Damage 4L Item : This is a trigger setup. The Cast When Damage Taken gem is only available as a reward from Merciless Library. Immortal Call can be useful when you now you are going to take huge amounts of physical damage. With many Endurance Charges, you will be invulnerable to physical damage for some seconds. Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Enduring Cry - Immortal Call 4L item : Leap Slam is very useful when you have to escape enemies or if you want to move faster. Blood Rage is dangerous if you don't have enough life regen and/or chaos resistance, but the frenzy charges and life leech granted can be useful. Leap Slam - Blood Magic - Faster Attacks - Blood Rage 4L item : This setup allows you to curse enemies every time you take a certain amount of damage. Temporal Chains slows down enemies, while Enfeeble reduces their damage. Warlord's Mark is for more life leech and endurance charges. Cast When Damage Taken (level 1) - Ice Nova (level 1) - Curse on Hit - Temporal Chains / Enfeeble / Warlord's Mark 3L item : This is for the auras. Hatred / Grace - Herald of Ash - Herald of Ice / Thunder
Gameplay videos
Current gear and stats
This is my current gear, at level 85. Note that all of these items have been found, not traded, in order to show how well the build works without trading. ^^
Cyclone tooltip with Hatred, Herald of Ash and Herald of Ice on : ![]() Defense tab without Grace : ![]() Defense tab with Grace on, 7 charges and Molten Shell active : ![]() Last edited by Shimaran#2001 on Jul 20, 2015, 2:18:58 AM
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I started a build with this guide and I'm really enjoying it so far. Cyclone is really fun :) I'm a bit of a noob but this build is working excellently for me.
One question: You recommend 2h Axe, but you also recommend to use Viper strike for dangerous targets. Is it safe to assume you are using 2h Sword as your secondary weapon? (viper strike doesnt work with axe) |
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In fact I had a good 2 handed sword, and I didn't realized that Viper Strike doesn't work with axes ^^
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i made my build before looking at any references and came out pretty good concidering only having 4L and nothing higher. with a nice phys dam sword cyclone is beast. im producing 1497 dps and an attack time of o.20 = to 5 hits a sec. without frenzy...:)
for my gems i use faster attacks/bloodmagic/and Q7% melee phys dam. for my auras i use determination/haste/grace mostly life/life regen in tree with iron reflex ofc. a couple sword damage and two hander nodes with attack speeds. i have anywhere from 2 to 3k life depending if farming. 3k at high end due to gear... anyways love the build! btw trying my ass off to get 6s in chest!!! this toon is lvl 72 btw beta key was passed to me by Bigsamson. a true gamer! Last edited by Verboten247#6823 on Apr 2, 2013, 7:06:45 PM
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Are you worried about being stunned?
There's 15% increased attack speed and 100% stun resistance that you could pick up for an additional 6 points instead of going straight to Blood Magic. The only problem is I see this might nerf your early game a little until Iron reflexes unless you're using full plate gear. EDIT: Also I query the sword usage apart from having access to Viper Strike they have innate Accuracy and Crit modifiers - does this hinder the rolls on the items at all? Since we're grabbing the 100% accuracy Keystone Last edited by ClassicHitachino#2613 on Apr 9, 2013, 4:18:49 AM
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As long as I'm running Cyclone, I don't get stunned, so i guess the skill provides some kind of stun immunity ^^
About the usage of swords, well, they are the weapons with the best attack speed, which means the life on hit gem works better. But if you want to deal more damage, axes are better. I just updated the original post with my current state with my character and some other things. ^^ And I will also try some day to put a video of my character doing a map =D Last edited by Shimaran#2001 on Apr 9, 2013, 4:31:11 PM
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The build has just been updated and a map video has been added, in order to show how it performs in end-game. ^^
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Any Update on this Build?
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" Thanks for the reminder ! I have updated the build with the 1.0 passive tree and the new trigger gems. Also, there are now 2 different versions of the build, depending on the weapon that is used : a sword or an axe. |
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Thanks for the update. Am using your build and so far I don't encounter any difficulties on using it. Really appreciate everything and I enjoy playing this game.
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