GGG's Lead Developer addresses the PoE community about the latest league.
" This is correct. There is a problem with such content though, that the characters interactions and the lore is "single player game content". I collected every replica in the game just to read those descriptions (I really like that) and did every quest line and listen to character dialogues. I greatly apprectiate the effort that writers put into Heist. However, this is single walkthrough thing. You aren't going to read the replicas' description for every day. You are going to fight the monsters and get the loot, and this part is certainly not ideal for Heist (opening a door for 7 seconds, who ever think that was a good idea?) |
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" I would argue that quality of the game is going to the shitter, fast. Especially the fun part of it. Became a quality bugged chore. " Having a sub par product of leisure to sell atm to customers that are financially stretched is not a good strategy. New mtx hideouts speak for themselfs. Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen#1295 on Oct 16, 2020, 4:47:05 PM
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" You are correct, it IS a single walkthrough thing, and I'm still not done, as I have the unique ones left. I don't mind the doors, as I usually have something to fight, a small chest to open or something while they open the doors, but I can easily understand the frustration. I can also easily understand the frustration for players rushing content, which is very usual in this genre. Heist isn't perfect, but as a league amongst other leagues? It's decent. It's semi-different, and appeals to a different crowd than Harvest. I like leagues being different. If all leagues were "Breach-clones", I wouldn't be playing this game as long as I have. Now, on itself, Heist is repetitive. But it's still a change from other leagues, and I like that. But I like the idea I heard in either Baeclast or Inspired Learning, where they advocated for only one locked door in each heist; the vault door. You would still have to bring your thief, but you wouldn't have to open doors every 5 meter. But I guess the thought/idea behind the doors, is to create suspension; you have to keep the thieves safe while they open the doors, and fight yourself through the packs waiting for you on the other side. Again; the idea is awesome, as many other of GGG's ideas, but the execution is rather... Average. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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I don't plan on doing this anymore, but I went back to collect some reddit posts for use in a different thread and realized a lot of them apply to this conversation too.
Here's a rundown of frontpage threads from Reddit today that may provoke more discussion here on whether or not GGG should do a manifesto about Heist as a league and what they think they could have done better. I am in varying states of agreement and disagreement with some of this stuff, but perhaps it will illustrate the temperature over there. These are all front page posts meaning these thread titles (in bold) garnered hundreds or thousands of upvotes each with ~80% upvote rate.
GGG did become just another company which puts profits over player enjoyment
One poster says players who defend GGG are in an "abusive relationship" (too new for points). one of my favorite indie game developers explains how to create non-repeating tile-based texture maps for games in 2010 A pointed thread about how GGG themselves talked about now to make terrain not look copy+pasted 10 years ago while today they release hideout MTX that look copy+pasted on the floor. One poster says of these new MTX that "This is like 100 times worse than announcing a mobile game on blizzcon" (+55). $14.50 for a single horribly repeating copy+paste ground texture... this is a new low LEAKED: Glacial Expense MTX Set A second scathing thread mocking 'low effort' MTX. One poster opines, "I've never been disappointed by this game as I am now." when reflecting on the state of the game generally. (+3) Both of the last two posts had a variation of 'this post took more effort than the MTX' and 'actions speak louder than words'. Actually most threads contain these repeat posts. I feel like things are going downhill "I feel like we have reached an all time low." from the OP "Things can and probably will 'get worse' because of the intensified scrutiny after such an awful league. All eyes are on GGG's mistakes at the moment, and GGG has, and will continue to always make a fuckload of mistakes judging by their oodles of past, tonedeaf actions. But honestly these hideouts aren't anything fucking new, GGG has been putting out awful cosmetics for an entire triple A release's cost nearly as long as they've been in business. Truthfully the game's still f2p, and I'm still having fun playing it so I do." (+130) "If this isn't rock bottom I don't want to see what is." (+39) Never Stop Complaining "I've been playing PoE since Ambush league, so I've been around for a lot of the good and the bad. All I can really say now is that after so many years, I just can't believe in GGG anymore. Almost every league, they make multiple boneheaded decisions, get called out for it, potentially fix it, and then just do it again anyway the next time. I'm so tired of complaining and giving feedback at this point because it's hard to feel like they even give a shit. They got your money from their overpriced MTXs, hit their quota for the league, and move on. Did they learn any lessons? Probably. Does it feel like it in the next league? Rarely." (+184) 1 month into the league and Heist is still buggy. Why release half made content. if anything you should release content complied with the QA team and then add more content in between league that are not a part of challenges but just something extra. "This league is by far the worst league released since I started." (+101) "Wait... so you knew about this problem the whole time?" On releasing bosses with known bugs "Why say anything, when actions speak louder than words?" (+488) "GGG generated an annual company profit of $48.6 million for the last financial year, after all costs and tax. Here's the direct link to GGG's last submitted annual Report: - it's a publicly listed document as per NZ company law. Anyone thinking they can't afford to bring in a competent management and dev team are completely delusional. A company making this much profit from pre-league support packs and MTX sales is having nothing short of an absolute laugh at it's customers by dumping out their product in the absolute state it's still in. The finance guys at Tencent must be in absolute hysterics laughing at this." (+343) Love for POE and sadness "It feels like content is drifting from what it once was and it's painful to see a blizzard (Activision) like similarity here with the degradation of content and influx of mtx" from OP Just a gentle reminder to GGG that all of the league-based map drops still ignore awakening level or atlas completion status when dropping maps "I'll be honest, neither of those options are remotely acceptable. This is literally like going to a restaurant ordering a steak and they come out and say, sorry, we're out of steak, you can have a dogshit sandwich or a deep fried pigs asshole. Make maps work, atlas status should affect all maps and map drops should be reflected by their atlas status, if racetrack is tier 14, then how maps should work is very simple, item drop rolls as map, item then rolls which map drops, then game checks atlas status and spits out map at correct tier. End of story, anything else is literally unacceptable." (+26) Edit: and I should add that there are, of course, measured responses too. Almost always with fewer upvotes though. They are in some kind of mood over there. Last edited by innervation#4093 on Oct 16, 2020, 8:32:53 PM
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