Einhar not capturing beasts in map with 0 health after patch.
Title captures bug entirely; I have an Einhar mission in this map. Arid Lake, monster lvl 78, spawned through atlas master mission. Did a Four Feral Exiles prophecy already completed. Tried re-logging, leaving and re-entering, killing boss, and triggering prophecy. Mobs still won't get captured by Einhar - all of them. They all have the same problem. Please help! I'm in a private league, if that means anything.
Last bumped on Oct 14, 2020, 8:15:03 AM
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I can confirm that this is happening. Nice for infinite xp, not good for capturing beasts.
Buddha Bunny
Thanks for the report, we're investigating.
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having the same problem
302,896,510 |
same problem after patch
Einhar's AI seems to be on follow mode. He's not even attacking things, just follow.
I'm also having the same issue since the patch
the same problem. 3192248671
Last edited by akavick#5572 on Oct 13, 2020, 8:19:22 PM
Same here, nice investigating... thanks xD