Linux Ubuntu PoE installation and configuration tutorial, runs smooth

For those who have problems with installing it here's little tutorial
Spoilers are single commands
/user/ in directories is your account name

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1
I'm using Nvidia Card, for AMD install newest Mesa drivers and Turn on "Enable ACO shader compiler" in Sytem options after PoE installation in lutris.

First install drivers for vulkan and graphics card, this command should do the job, also doing patch PC will reboot
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall && sudo reboot now

Turn on driver: sudo prime-select nvidia
Install wine:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && wget -nc && sudo apt-key add winehq.key && sudo add-apt-repository 'deb focal main' && sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging

Install lutris:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris && sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install lutris -y

Install PoE, optionally Pob-Fork:
PoE: Standalone w/ DXVK version (uniscribe installation can take really long)
PoB: Community newest version
In lutris on runners list click "Manage Versions" on Wine and download "tkg-protonified-4.1"
This runner should work, if not download steam and it's proton 4.11, then move to wine runners.
Install DXVX:
Open Files and enable hidden files(Ctrl+H) or cd to directory: /home/user/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk
Create new folder (cmd: mkdir 1.2.1)
Download DXVK:
Extract tar.gz file to folder you created in dxvk directory and run a command there: "sudo chmod +x && sh install"

Now at lutris configure PoE, and check if these options are enabled:
#Game Options
Arguments: -technologo --nodx9ex
#Runner Options
Wine version: tkg-protonified-4.1-x86_64
DXVX version: 1.2.1 (type maually i'ts name of folder, directory we created "~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk/1.2.1", also make sure directory is NOT "~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk/1.2.1/dxvk-1.2.1")
Enable Esync
Xinput architecture: Same as wine prefix
Windowed (virtual desktop), select your resolution below
Mouse Warp Override: Enable
Offscreen Rendering Mode: FBO
Strict Draw Ordering: Disabled
Use GLSL: Disabled
Anti-aliasing Sample Count: Auto
Audio: Pulse Audio (my preference)
DLL Overrides (Add 2 keys) ["key" "value"]:
"d3dcompiler_47" "native"
"xaudio2_7" "native,builtin"
#System options
Reset Pulse Audio (Disable)
Reduce Pulse Audio latency
Enable NVIDIA Prime renderer offload (For AMD: Enable ACO shader compiler)
Switch resolution to: Select
Environment variables ["key" "value"]:

When lutris have problems with executable location, then set Executable under Game options to: /home/user/Games/path-of-exile/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile/PathOfExile.exe
Last edited by PolskiKokos#4746 on Nov 16, 2022, 12:00:06 PM
Last bumped on Oct 24, 2021, 9:11:56 PM
Thank you very very very much!!!

For the first time i'm running the game perfect in my notebook with amd graphic card due to your tutorial.
Thanks for the instructions.
When I try to do Lutris it says my video card driver is wrong. I have an Alienware laptop with Geforce 770M. I have version 390. I have been playing POE for years with this GPU,but Lutris says I must upgrade to version 450 but on the Nvidia drivers page it does not support a 770M GPU.

Is there any workaround for this? I really can't afford a new computer and my GPU is soldered into the Alienware laptop motherboard.

I installed the runners as you said in your post, but i cant run the game with wine protofied version, and i have tried to run with different versions of protofied wine runners... the same with all of them
Thanks for this. Really appreciate it.


Some of this can be done with Protontricks verbs

commands are on: protontricks 238960 settings list
ex: protontricks 238960 settings grabfullscreen=n

Trying to do this with Steam and Proton GE Custom on Manjaro Linux. I had a typo in the window title but corrected it and now Awakened trade works.

If you are going to use a trade overlay don't use Virtual Dekstop

I ran Winetricks with:

env WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/238960/pfx" WINEPATH="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST/dist/bin/wine64" winetricks

For Winecfg

env WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/238960/pfx" WINEPATH="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST/dist/bin/wine64" winecfg

Changed these setting ( Asterisk for setting I didn't find)

#Game Options
Arguments: -technologo --nodx9ex
#Runner Options
Wine version: tkg-protonified-4.1-x86_64
DXVX version: 1.2.1 (type maually i'ts name of folder, directory we created "~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk/1.2.1", also make sure directory is NOT "~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk/1.2.1/dxvk-1.2.1")
Enable Esync
Xinput architecture: Same as wine prefix****
Windowed (virtual desktop), select your resolution below (Winecfg panel)
Mouse Warp Override: Enable
Offscreen Rendering Mode: FBO
Strict Draw Ordering: Disabled
Use GLSL: Disabled
Anti-aliasing Sample Count: Auto****
Audio: Pulse Audio (my preference)
DLL Overrides (Add 2 keys) ["key" "value"]:
"d3dcompiler_47" "native"
"xaudio2_7" "native,builtin"

#System options
Reset Pulse Audio (Disable)*****
Reduce Pulse Audio latency*
Enable NVIDIA Prime renderer offload (For AMD: Enable ACO shader compiler)
Switch resolution to: Select****

install DLL or component and install DXVK 1.2.1 and downlaoded patched DXVK after to copy over



Environment variables ["key" "value"]:


(Isn't the option "--nologo" and not "-technologo"?
Last edited by PyroGhostUltra#0004 on May 17, 2021, 3:11:34 PM
Yup. Based on this, it's --nologo. There's no --technologo.
Still using Lutris, I also use tkg's wine:

I installed both wine-tkg and proton-tkg from that github link. In this way, you don't need the poe-hack dxvk anymore and just use the default one, though it's still an option (instructions provided in proton-tkg). Just don't know which performs better.

I also used tkg's custom kernel: Built with Fsync, so instead of WINEESYNC=1, you'd use WINEFSYNC=1. Again, I don't know which one performs better. I guess FSYNC should perform better because it intends to replace ESYNC, but then try it for yourself. In the end, you'd prefer whichever works on your specific hardware.

I'm using laptop so I guess I don't get the most out of the optimizations 'cause of the hardware limitation but it's playable. :)

Here's other sources for reference:
This everything is not needed anymore. Ive just tested in Mageia 8 beta 2, but works for any distro where you have Steam available.

1. install steam (lib32 repositories needed)
2. switch to steam beta
3. enable compatibility tool for all titles in settings "Proton 5.13"
4. install PoE in steam
5. in steam in PoE title settings use "Proton Experimental"
6. start PoE, switch to Vulkan, configure graphics.

Proton Experimental has a lot of improvements compared to manual installation Wine/DXVK: less cpu overhead, faster textures loading, faster shaders compilation. This is actually allows to play poe almost as good (in same cases better, in same worse) as windows 10.

PoE Steam version uses less space (like 23gb steam vs 40gb+ native), from my experience its actually performs a lot better.

P.S. if you have image cutting on nvidia cards, go to nvidia driver settings and in Xserver section - advanced - enable "force fullscreen pipelines" (that enables vsync, as ingame vsync not working on linux).

btw, i had terrible performance with wine-tkg on archlinux, also don't play PoE in Gnome Shell (that shit eats a lot of graphics performance).
Last edited by krab90#7777 on Jan 24, 2021, 10:29:15 AM
I am on Garuda now, Tkg Kernel with Fsync with pretty stable fps. The Github page doesn't say anything to activate it

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