3.12.3c Patch Notes (restartless)

ilvl is changed only in the main room (trinkets, experimental bases). That mean all other chests in Heist are USELESS.

Who need good enchant on ilvl83 helmet or 30% quallity Body Armour if you can't even craft T1 res on them??? Makes no sense...
antmit wrote:
Can GGG confirm or deny that as part of this patch there was an unmentioned change towards the way heists are generated as well as the exp rates in heist?

I have been working on the 750 heist end game grind using primarily i83 contracts and have been doing Heists non stop the past few days

After the patch I noticed that the layouts became longer, sometimes so long that they no longer fit in my full screen minimap view.

I was also receiving "decent" exp and now the rate appears to be much worse even though I clear the same as I used to. I had previously calculated this out to bring me to Lvl 100 and now with 150 left to do, I am definitely not going to hit 100 anymore.

Again, please confirm or deny the changes. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with the change if it did happen, but it is not fair or correct to patch something significant like this without mentioning it in the patch notes.

Personally, I'd prefer it to be reverted. I'm sure it won't take too long for reddit to be full of complaint threads again.

Even before the 3.12.3c patch some map layouts based on Records Office, Laboratory, Prohibited Library where still very long (in comparison to other contracts) contrary to what they said in the last patch notes.

So maybe you got contracts which are based on one of these three tilesets/layouts but that indeed does not make the whole situation better if RNG decides to drop the same (bricked) layouts over and over again.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
I had over 66 of each type and had been running all of them. Over the past few days I went from 250 heists to 600 heists completed.
Thanks for fixing the open Citadel bug!
cjbLazin wrote:
Random freezes for up to 2 seconds , upon spawning different monster packs , making the game unpleasant to play ! Hope that this will be fixed asap , otherwise ill enjoy another game.

Have the same problem with this update.
It's not fun to play atm

Same here. They seem to completely rollback the XP gain buff and size decrease changes to their original values. Be it a mistake, a bug, a bad merge in git, an undocumented change, or whatever, I am really tired of these things all the time again and again.

I guess we'll be getting another hotfix soon, if that's confirmed.
Last edited by Verminaardth#3310 on Oct 10, 2020, 4:07:52 AM
Crashed to desktop first try after download of patch.

Matter of Honour green level 80 heist...


just start working on the next league
had potential but you flopped the league again.... shouldn't spend 12k coins on a grand heist and come out with like 10c... i should run a normal heist and come out with 10c

ran a total of 4 maxed out heist and that was it for me nothing but 100% garbage

just like harvest had potential but you gave me 12 alc seeds every full garden harvest

you need to find the balance between the starting league mechanics and the final boss/end game side of the league mechanics while also adding balance and not shoveling 120 useless items down throats like weeping essence in a red map shit should be shreiking or deafening
This game is horrible, very dc
256mosh wrote:
Crashed to desktop first try after download of patch.

Matter of Honour green level 80 heist...


just start working on the next league

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