What We're Working On
" I think you are confused. If a person with 3 challenges says "this league is great and there aren't any problems" would you conclude that this is the case,despite hundreds of people reporting crashes and various problems? In order to give a review or an opinion that holds merit,one has to play the league mechanic enough. And obviously the person with 3 challenges has not played enough,because in this game if you play enough,you complete more than 3 challenges,either you want it or not. I'm not saying simply that a person's opinion is disregarded because of his few challenges,don't make a strawman. I don't do many challenges myself either. But saying "all is good" with so little playtime,despite what the majority of people that played enough reports,is not working for me. |
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GGG FIX YOU'RE Game ASAP For client Crashes, I Have Crashed about 20+ Times in a hour while trying to play your game. On VERY Modern Hardware. 2080gpu ryzen5 69gbs of ram. < Not my PC Causing it. FIX IT ASAP NOT NEXT WEEK . <3 <3 <3
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" I didnt say that. You are making a strawman argument here btw :\ " You are literally saying because they havent played enough Heists, their experience doesnt hold merit. Then in the next sentence you accuse me of making a strawman. Incredible! One last time: A person posted (who has played PoE before the harvest league and experienced the normal run of the mill crashes) is saying they have yet to experience the problems that everyone else has in the current Heist league. At no point did they say there are no problems with the league, they simply stated their experience. You dont even need to play the current league mechanic to experience the common crashes that we are all getting. You dont need to play past act 1 to experience multiple crashes. My first crash was in The Coast, before I even touched a Heist. You dont need to have played in either Heist or Harvest league to be aware of how often PoE crashes normally. So to someone who is used to the normal crashes, they are finding it unusual that they are not also experiencing the crashes everyone else is in the Heist league. I am saying that looks like it might be of interest to GGG to look in to someone thats NOT having the common problem. I make music, you can listen and dl for free at https://analogmunky.bandcamp.com/music or https://soundcloud.com/analogmunky/tracks Last edited by AnaLoGMunKy#2668 on Oct 11, 2020, 9:24:11 AM
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I'm gonna give you one last example hoping you'll understand what i'm saying.
A brand releases a car and thousands of people that drove it for 1000 miles report many problems. Then comes a guy that has driven it for 1 mile and says "this car is good,i don't know what these people are talking about". If he had driven it for 1 mile and the car broke,that just makes the other people's review about the car stronger. But not finding problems after just one mile of driving is not a reason to conclude that the car is good,despite of what the majority reports. Same with this game. Yes,if a person has not played enough heists,he cannot give a review about heist crashes. Because most of the crashes occur in heists and not in maps. He has to first play enough heists in order to reach a conclusion. That's what i was replying to,until you jumped in. Over and out. |
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I mean what do you people expect exactly ? No major bugs , more polished game, no crashes ?
They are stretching their dog shit engine so much that its amazing that this game runs AT ALL! On top of that they are making new content EVERY 3 months. Not even US army with all the black budget can save PoE1 from all accumulated issues over the years that they just can't find time to fix. They are about to reach maximum of what their engine can offer and what their dev team can achieve. You will start to witness more and more game braking bugs / crashes/ bad interactions with each new league. I thought this would be clear to everyone by now. They are investing in Poe 2 for multiple reasons, but most significant ones are to ditch this dog shit engine and to try to draw in fresh blood. Allot of veterans are just not investing any more money to play the game for 2-3 weeks before they quit it again and wait for new fix that will last them less and less. Poe desperately needs new players but that is just not happening since game is convoluted with way to many systems of progression that is just not appealing to newbies, and re designed to keep old players interested in old product. Poe 2 needs to happen soon, question is will GGG have enough money to develop poe1 parallel with poe 2 without completely depleting their resources trying to maintain playerbase. I would imagine they are making new mtx on weekly bases not because they have fun with it, but because they are running low on playerbase that actually spends money on this game. Remember once you buy all the quality of life tabs that you need, you don't really have to invest in game that you only play 2-3 weeks every 3 months. |
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Thank you! And please make an Adventure Mode pls.
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" Nah, I understand what you are saying, and in this situation, I disagree with most of it. I didnt inject my opinion any more than you did, on a public forum, where people are free to inject their opinions. You make a strawman argument and accuse me of making one and then follow it up with a crap analogy that doesnt even seem apt. I sure hope you are done. Have a nice day. I make music, you can listen and dl for free at https://analogmunky.bandcamp.com/music or https://soundcloud.com/analogmunky/tracks
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" I am not sure if this has been asked anywhere, but is this a feature planned to be available to consoles as well, or is it going the same way as tab pricing, where we do not see it at all? Or perhaps the way of guilds, where we will not have it until years later? I do not mean to sound critical at all, though some criticism for it would be justified, I only ask because the console folks never really know if a major QoL improvement or feature such as these are going to be available to them, or when they will be available to them. PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045 Discord : R3SPAWN |
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Thanks Bex!
This has been a great league for me so far. My friend only plays on Mac, so I look forward to the Mac OS release so I can get him into POE. :) |
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Speaking of the Mac OS client, what's the progress of having it identify the GPU and include resolution parameters?
Comparing MacOS Top and Windows client below against options - Graphics Mac Graphics VSync (Enabled) Foreground FPS Cap (Not enabled 240) Background FPS Cap. (Not Enabled 30) Windows Graphics Display (Shows Graphic Card ID) Mode (Example Windowed Fullscreen) Resolution (1980X1080) VSync (Enabled) Foreground FPS Cap (Not enabled 240) Background FPS Cap. (Not Enabled 30) Last edited by Nightwind4#4451 on Oct 11, 2020, 5:32:28 PM
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