What We're Working On

Take your time with making PS4 playable. Genshin Impact is awesome.
Should really look into the PS4 system crashes before focusing on a MAC release.

Maybe look into investing on PS4 dedicated servers also...
The absurd performance drop when facing conqueror influenced maps and delirium is still unfixed i see. The performance this league has been atrocious.
We've also increased the range in which you can move from your Rogue before it interrupts the task they're performing.

This was seriously annoying.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Thanks for all your hard work. Can't wait for stash affinities.
Can anyone explain how exactly this works ?

"Alternate Quality Gems can now be supported by gems which match the bonuses granted by their Alternate Quality."

So If I have an alternate quality gem it will only be supported by gems that give the same bonuses.

Let's say the alternate quality has +1% increased attack speed , it will only be supported by faster attacks ?

Probably someone with more experience knows better.

Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
YouTwoKaY wrote:
for gods sake, please fix the bug that makes it impossible to use dash/flame dash or smoke mine after shield charge its annoying!!!

"After" shield charge? I am having great difficulty with flame dash on it's own...:( just saying...
Tonst3r wrote:
Ygidua wrote:
I have not crashed a single time since Heist was released. You folks are talking to a person that had multiple crashes and dcs each hour of play before Heist.

It has been the best and smoothest league since legacy, not before did I experience no crashes or DCs, I am happy and hope you dont introduce my crashes and dcs again, only to fix those of others, as now is my time to have some fun!

You have 3 challenge points. I'm not even sure you finished the campaign.

That doesnt invalidate their experience, you elitist!!! ;P

Seriously tho, people have been crashing from start to finish, me included. The games always been crashy and the PS4 version has been, afaik, the worst out of all the platforms. Heist has been the absolute worst crashy league for everyone.

So the real question is: wtf is going on with this person that they are NOT crashing, unlike pretty much everyone else? That could be something very important for GGG to look in to right?
I make music, you can listen and dl for free at https://analogmunky.bandcamp.com/music or https://soundcloud.com/analogmunky/tracks
It's really nice that you all still work on Heist improvements, props for that! But there's still a small issue with Heist that should be addressed - it's the number of enemy mobs in a single area. I don't mean it's difficult to ram in, slam Infernal Cry and blow everything up, but the issues PoE has when more than 100 enemies are present on the screen at once, especially when supported by immortalizing rare enemy. I've lost many heists because my screen was entirely filled with mobs, dropping performance under 3 FPS, even with the pretty nice machine I owe, delaying my actions by a few seconds.
AnaLoGMunKy wrote:
Tonst3r wrote:
Ygidua wrote:
I have not crashed a single time since Heist was released. You folks are talking to a person that had multiple crashes and dcs each hour of play before Heist.

It has been the best and smoothest league since legacy, not before did I experience no crashes or DCs, I am happy and hope you dont introduce my crashes and dcs again, only to fix those of others, as now is my time to have some fun!

You have 3 challenge points. I'm not even sure you finished the campaign.

That doesnt invalidate their experience, you elitist!!! ;P

Seriously tho, people have been crashing from start to finish, me included. The games always been crashy and the PS4 version has been, afaik, the worst out of all the platforms. Heist has been the absolute worst crashy league for everyone.

So the real question is: wtf is going on with this person that they are NOT crashing, unlike pretty much everyone else? That could be something very important for GGG to look in to right?

I never do challenges, if they happen they do, but I never pursue them.

All I can say is that I played Heist a lot, more than any other league content before with the exception of Blight and the game runs perfect on my end.
These little missions are so fun, its exactly my type of content.

Before Heist, I couldnt even enter portals without a DC, I constantly crashed when lots of stuff happened on screen, during leveling, league content and maps, I had a terrible experience and why I only played the last few leagues for a week or two.

With Heist, all that is gone. I am playing a game again, that I played last during Blight and Legacy, when the game did run similarly smooth for me.

Also the glitches with Vulkan are gone, the FPS could be better but my god the PC is 10 years old, so it is to be expected to be around 40 on FUll HD.

GGG can always contact me and we might be able to figure stuff out, I know a thing or two about PCs!

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