3.12.3 Patch Notes

We losing players. Please make heist great again after this. Btw why we waited for 1 week to apply this patch? Thanks good works.
"Some things that slumber should never be awoken."

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Thanks, so, after 2.5 weeks / 206 hours, we might start to actually play the new league; let's see it.

Enabled questlines that lead towards The Twins and the Nashta, The Usurper Heist boss encounters.

Better than never I guess, however I guess, their availability is still in hundreds of maps?

Significantly increased the likelihood of obtaining Unique Contracts from Smuggler's Caches.

Hmm, then finally might find my first one after ~660 heists found.

Reduced the maximum length of a Heist in higher level areas. The number of Reward Rooms remains unchanged.

I am looking forward to this, from around area level 75-77 the lengths started to be annoying.

Moved some of the more valuable main-path chest rewards to Reward Room Chests.

What?! So, the already multiple times nerfed loot is now furter nerfed considering the full run?!

Dropped Talismans in level 68+ areas now drop with higher-tier modifiers on average and with a random Anointed Notable.

Pff, even more pointless RNG layer. However, is it generic change, or only from heists?
And then random quality via random catalysts when?

Significantly increased the amount of experience that Heist monsters grant when killed.

Looking forward to this, by killing most monsters in i83 that 2M XP per hour was laughable at best.

Increased the Rogue Marker value of Heist objectives by up to 40% (based on the Tier of the Contract).
Reduced the revealing cost for high-tier Blueprints by up to 15%.

Ouch, so I should have not sold them before at all, shall kept them. Not that 40% means much considering the reveal costs still going to be brutally high even after the laughable 15% discount.

The "additional seconds to Lockdown Timer" modifier on Ally Equipment now gives a maximum of 5 seconds (from 10 seconds). Existing items are affected by this change.
The "increased time before Lockdown" modifier on Ally Equipment now gives a maximum of 10% increased time before Lockdown (from 20%). Existing items are affected by this change.
Isla, the Engineer's Heist Perk now gives 30% increased time before Lockdown at Level 1, up to 50% increased time before Lockdown at Level 5 (from 80% at Level 5).
Opening a Heist chest during the Imminent Lockdown timer will now reduce the remaining time by 3 seconds (from 1 second).

Ok, my above loot related questions clearly answered here, we are getting way less loot now.

Improved the visibility of Observer Totems and their skill effects.
Observer Totems in Contracts requiring the Perception Job now only increase your Alert Level if their area of effect pulse hits you.

Excuse me, but what a joke on my melee character.. these should have straight be removed.

Fixed an issue where having insufficient mana to use a skill could cause performance loss.

Finally I might be able to do no mana regen maps again, thanks for this at least.

Fixed a bug where Mansion Contracts and Blueprints were much more rare than intended.

See it RNG is RNG people? That was a bug just as metamorph eyes; 4 in ~660 was a clear bug.

Fixed a bug where, if you had completed a Unique Contract (and its quest) through trade or party play before completing the quests that precede it, you would be unable to turn in the quest immediately before the Unique Contract quest, and unable to open new Unique Contracts from that quest line.

So, unique contracts can be traded?! Good I did not buy them just waited their bugged drop rate.

The Captain Fairgraves encounter in The Ship Graveyard now begins slightly sooner.

I mean, sooner, at least as soon as before, right?

Fixed a bug where reservation skills could remain active after unequipping the item that they were socketed into.

Wow, did not experience this bug, but again, cannot imagine how these things can even happen..

Fixed a bug where Vaal Temple Map displayed an incorrect Atlas Region and was required to unlock a Favourite Map slot in Valdo's Rest.

Thanks, better than never.

So, all in all, looks promising on paper, let's see, how are these changes going in practice..
The marker income and reveal cost rate is still going to be broken for sure on the first sight..

Update, whatever, tried an i83 laboratory heist with Niles, small chests practically dropped nothing visible on semi-strick filter, Niles still stuck at each and every corner before the doors and the length of the heist was still painlessly long, just as long as before. Oh, and the XP gain, killed everything in and out I encountered for a whooping 2.3M XP per hour on level 97. Come on, this must be a joke.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.
Last edited by Mike_84#0026 on Oct 6, 2020, 2:09:04 AM
I know the attention is currently on the active league and I fully understand it.
But please fix this bug before it ends so it doesn't again become a problem when the next league starts:

niles is still broken terribly, some heists are still really huge, loot chests are still... almost garbage
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
I was under the impression that this patch will improve rewards. 4 lockpicking haist ilvl83, 3 currency rewards, about 11 or so jewelry rewards ... One of them was the only mansion that dropped for me ... had 3 jewelry. I'll run a few more, maybe I had bad rng, but if this pattern continues I'm not giving this league another week to wait for the league to actually be worth running stuff ...
loot is still dogshit. heist is just a waste of time. You are making an effort to lower the league in the last 2 leagues. We have already played as an alpha tester for 2 weeks and switched to beta. I am requesting money from you ggg. I was not a bad tester.
Dropped Talismans in level 68+ areas now drop with higher-tier modifiers on average and with a random Anointed Notable.

Okay, this is epic. Still tons of RNG but this change made talismans from "not even worth looing at" to "worth checking out" singlehandedly.

The higher-tier modifiers on average thing is amazing on its own, you should apply that to ALL high item level gear.
smokedust wrote:
I was under the impression that this patch will improve rewards. 4 lockpicking haist ilvl83, 3 currency rewards, about 11 or so jewelry rewards ... One of them was the only mansion that dropped for me ... had 3 jewelry. I'll run a few more, maybe I had bad rng, but if this pattern continues I'm not giving this league another week to wait for the league to actually be worth running stuff ...


We are paying tons of coins just to see Doors opening and the corriDOOORS. And, ofc, «Niles, Niles! Wtf you doing!?» I hear this from literally every streamer now.

What a hallucinatory patch.
Pay coins to get scammed.

The heist without fortune.
For balance reasons ofc.
Last edited by Invuln#0740 on Oct 29, 2020, 6:58:24 PM
Oooooh. I waited with my full heist stash of contracts for this patch just to learn that nothing really changed for the better.

OK, then I'm gonna complete a few more challenges to get to 24 and I'm out of this heist league (a.k.a. standard league). And knowing how buggy every new league is - I'm probably not gonna come back until PoE 2 launch.
Last edited by M_atrix#2043 on Oct 6, 2020, 5:39:58 AM

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