[3.15]❄️Ice Shot Deadeye | Shatter everything | League Starter | UElder down ❄️
" hmm thanks, other question if you guys can answer me, in PoB default hes not using thread of hope and allocated others nodes and a lethal pride, so, whats the best now? and i never used a letal pride jewel before, how can I search it |
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" Lethal pride gives the bigger nodes near it an extra passive the ones we are looking for are 10% to intimidate enemies on one of them and 5% chance to deal double damage ( the more the better of these ) the way you get one is you buy it and put it in your tree then check the bigger passives around it sadly you cant tell which ones the jewel has untill slotted so you have to keep divining it and hoping for the best Cassia supremacy
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Worth putting some currency into this via harvest? If so, what?
Thanks! |
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" short asnwer - no. if u looking for curse ring, its probably not assassin's mark for couple of reasons. assassin's mark good and bad. 1. it gives u flat crit chance, like bottled faith, as long as enemy is cursed with it. so its good to use it until u rise ur crit high enough. with quality it also provides power charges. 2. a reason why assassin's mark is good at leveling and early, is because u have some sort of temporal solution for ur crit chance, before u manage to buy bottled faith. which means u can focus ur wallet on something else. 3. reason why its bad, is because of quality. it becomes totally useless as curse ring because, curse ring has 0% quality in it. so u not gain power charges. 4. if u looking for mark gem, sniper mark performs better once u got decent crit rate. (about 90%) and also provides some useful benefits for maven invites. 5. as for ring with curse, there is only one choice its shaper+redeemer ring. awakener orb helps with it, u just need frostbite curse. 6. also make sure to drop cold pene in barrage, if ull get frostbite curse ring. because hypothermia will perform better in that case, except some rare situtations where everything got some extra 50% ele resistance (maybe oshabi +50% ele res mod) regarding to all that 10ex worth crafted dex bows, keep in mind, that u can get same dps without dex stacking just with chin sol+point blank. the only difference is that, dex bow gives u decent damage from any range, while chin sol provides same damage as dex bow only in close range. but still, if u looking for a way to make a 20mil shaper dps in less that 5ex investment, this is a way. generally to make dex bow + hyrri demise outperform chin sol + voidfletcher in close range, u need to gave a 800+dex in build and about 180ex worth bow, which is not even hunter infuenced. according to craft exile calculator, hitting a base with desired stats for such bow, will take about 12k chaos worth of rescources. roughly. and after all that time played, i can say that new ascendancy nodes fckingly sux. it looks good on 1st sight, when u see it like: - oh its now +2 arrows cool - oh we got wind ward, so we are tanky - oh we got focal point but in fact its like that, it is like: - fck, to take +2 i need to grab useless far shot or +1chain which gives 0 damage. wasted. - cool, and now we lost 1000flat evasion from tailwind, so instead of dodging all hits, we now need to actually take em and reduced that damage by losing stacks of gale. gg. nice upkeep for maximized tailwind effect. meme - yea we got focal point, which we cant take, because we give up wind ward then. generally with focal point u get just that missing damage, which u lost on old chain node, which gave dmg for remaining chains. so all in all, ur same in terms of dmg, if u go class cannon route, and ur dodge is ripped now, so u actually taking a hits. bad thing about crafted bows is that they all like meme following slaves, doing bases of thicket/imperial bows, seems people have no idea what is assassin's bow. and no one didnt check that with dex thicket/imperial ur crit is about 80-85% because both of bases provide low crit itself. tryout assassin's bow with +2 and t1 flat as base, slam it, and aug crit, then aug speed or craft it, and ele pen on top of it, after that invest into attack speed in rest of ur gear, like gloves, because u can roll attack speed on gloves, but i think u cant roll crit multi there properly. but yea, market is empty, because 80% crit thicket is the only one bow in game, rest was removed with 3.13.3c update last night /s if u want to gamble, check shaper influence, worth it. |
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" And long answer, lots of info =) Thanks for the write up, trying to ingest =) |
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Yo guys,
Just to clarify, can you tell us again, what stats to go first on your rare items: Like: - at least 90% crit chance how do you cap it ? -the 75% resist needed -frostbite on hit on your ring : to replace sniper mark curse when you got the crit needed : if i understand correctly the last answer ? -Barrage on your helmet : Barrage starts with 5 arrows and scales very good when you reach around 9-10 arrow, how do you get 10 of them ? -aspect of cat if you go farrul what else to priotized or cap to reach ? got 3 power charge, how to get more of them ? Same for skill/suport gems: whitch one to priotized to awakened/divergent gem. Last edited by acthouum#3238 on Feb 11, 2021, 6:35:48 PM
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" bottled faith/tree nodes/corrupted gloves with flat crit(hands of high templar) yes 75. no its not correct. while u have leveling/early game - u use assassins mark. got bottled faith or flat crit gloves? remove assassin's mark gem, and put sniper mark one. roll frostbite double infuenced ring, and annoying wihspers of doom. im usually casting my sniper mark manually when its needed(only on bosses). barrage gets +1 from helm chant, +2 from ascendancy, +2 from dying sun. 3power charge is enough, we dont get more. in this build better to have 7 frenzy charges. 3 from tree one from gloves. gems.. barrage - level with normal one, then replace with divergent. cold pene/awake cold pene - previous league i didnt even used those two, but in that league i do, because maven witness seems buffs bosses a lot. ice bite/cold damage/awakened cold damage - ice bite is better than normal cold damage if u have 7frenzy charges. nearly same with 6frenzy. normally u have a choice between ice bite/cold damage on iceshot setup. on barrage u want awakened cold damage anyway. some ppl using elemental focus, but better not do that, because with elemental focus u cant chill, even if u have pandemonius ull be not able to chill with skill which linked to elemental focus. which prevernts from u from applying shock and gaining power charges. awakened ele with attacks - goes to barrage, u can keep non-awakeed on iceshot, and replace it with awakened once u have some exalts which u can spend without worrying. dmg on full life, basically the only game which u can buy during leveling and keep it till endgame lol there is some alternate inspiration support which gives a bit of crit. thats what goes to ur barrage setup as well. divergent barrage - awake cold - awake ele with attack skills - alternate inspiration - dmg on full life - awakened cold pene. ice shot - ele with attack skills - dmg on full life - icebite/cold damage - chain - hypothermia/culling strike/onslaught/cold pene. me personal stats priority on rares is: 1.i have stygian vise, which fills resists and t1 hp + crafted ele with attack skills. u can exalt slam it with redeemer of hunter orb. 2. typical two-toned boots, with hp, movespeed, elusive and 3x resists. 3. helm -9 cold from 85ilvl+ redeemer is mandatory. some hp also, ive personally rolled a 38int here too, just to get more freedom on rolling rings/amulets. 4. rings and amulet.. i didnt roll yet Last edited by tffiad#0007 on Feb 12, 2021, 1:25:03 AM
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Does anyone have a crafting guide for the bow using harvest? I've got a magic bow with +2 arrows as the only mod so was wondering where to go from there |
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" get a rare bow with +2 and t1 flat cold and maybe cold per dex, from hunter infulence. roughly 7ex+ worth base multicraft it with ele pen + attack speed. done. or u can aug crit on that base and aug speed. (8ex worth to do via tft) and then craft ele pene. cooking from magic bow is a bit annoying, because u have magic wep with +2 and t1, and u need to make it rare. |
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hello, anyone know if this build is okay for ssf?(and if not can anyone suggest a bow build for ssf besides tr)
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