PlayStation Heist Launch Delay

Phrozen_Eclipse wrote:
Uncle_P wrote:
Phrozen_Eclipse wrote:
Since when is it a requirement to be perfect on everything? Guys they are trying the best they can, I blame the parents. More people should have gotten more ass whoopings and people wouldnt be acting like full grown impatent children.
you still on here acting tough? Sounds like youve gotten plenty of ass whoopings the way you run your mouth. Youre light work little buddy.

First dog to bark lol. No one is acting tough. Just stating truths. Dont like it little boy you can block me :) or just continue to get mad about it. Your choice really as im enjoying myself.

Lol kids fighting kids calling each other kids. Typical day on the forums. Both sides are wrong. Plenty of reasons to complain about PoE a little delay is the least of them on ps4. And the fanboy enablers are wrong too because they are the reason we have had crashes on Ps4 since day 1 and it has never been fixed along with framerate problems and a plethora of other bugs.

And for the love of god quit calling PoE free. It has a free demo any more playing then that your ARE paying.

Mishibijiw wrote:
Phrozen_Eclipse wrote:
Phrozen_Eclipse wrote:
Since when is it a requirement to be perfect on everything? Guys they are trying the best they can, I blame the parents. More people should have gotten more ass whoopings and people wouldnt be acting like full grown impatent children.
you still on here acting tough? Sounds like youve gotten plenty of ass whoopings the way you run your mouth. Youre light work little buddy.

We can't talk about the heist launch failure but you can promote child abuse? And you enjoy doing so! Okay there buddy.

1. Who said you couldnt talk about heist launch? I mean you are demanding threatening and outright demeaning the character of people. They have been called incompetent people and crooks all night cause people want something they cannot do for themselves on their time....and that isnt how it works.

2. Ass whoopings arent child abuse lol obviously whats wrong with this generation of children lol y'all are a hilarious bunch on here.
Kind of painful for a launch... have lots of friends that were looking forward to this... especially as they were looking to something different from D3.. well, we will see what tomorrow brings... not sure i want to use a vacation day tomorrow if we can't play over on console

Any wayss... here is to hoping for a better league than harvest... i hope this one is at least playable. Harvest was a league of crashes on console.
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.
Last edited by Jeff_GGG#0000 on Sep 23, 2020, 11:16:48 PM
Whats the status looking like?Has there been any progress to a fix? Or does it look like it will be a few more hours?
This guy can promote grown people hitting someone 1/4th their own size as good parenting... instead of any form of communication but my post get removed for pointing that out as hateful?

Remove again and just ban me. Lol ggg
Jeff_GGG wrote:
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.

Cool, I'll play tomorrow. Thanks guys and I hope you guys support the PS4 better, lots of people only have this console to play your game on.
Mishibijiw wrote:
This guy can promote grown people hitting someone 1/4th their own size as good parenting... instead of any form of communication but my post get removed for pointing that out as hateful?

Remove again and just ban me. Lol ggg

You still stuck on that bro......stop being so butthurt all the time. They took my post down too.....chill out and stop attacking everything cause you think you are entitled. Ass whoopings arent child abuse.....peruod.
Phrozen_Eclipse wrote:
Mishibijiw wrote:
This guy can promote grown people hitting someone 1/4th their own size as good parenting... instead of any form of communication but my post get removed for pointing that out as hateful?

Remove again and just ban me. Lol ggg

You still stuck on that bro......stop being so butthurt all the time. They took my post down too.....chill out and stop attacking everything cause you think you are entitled. Ass whoopings arent child abuse.....peruod.

Stop thinking you know how everyone else think because you really have no clue. Entitled, yes, to think what I want like everyone else here. You're the one calling everyone names and harassing anyone with a different opinion then yours.
Jeff_GGG wrote:
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.

Thanks for the update.

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