PlayStation 4 and the Common Client Crash

Is there anything that players can do to help resolve it? Give more detail in crash reports?
the crash information contains nothing useful for us to investigate
Perhaps running some extra crash tracking app or something?
maybe if you listen a bit you'll be able to fix issues itold you ps4 is shit sony tell lies to games devs. ps4 is not capable to take this game unless you downgrade graphics and everything. if you want your game to work well you got to consider this console like a 100$ pc. everithing is overclock in the ps4 and still not powerful enough to handle simple games. i hope you will listen this time even if i pretty sure you not going to listen
Thank you guys for searching for a solution!

We hope for the best.
Hunt_Pro wrote:
maybe if you listen a bit you'll be able to fix issues itold you ps4 is shit sony tell lies to games devs. ps4 is not capable to take this game unless you downgrade graphics and everything. if you want your game to work well you got to consider this console like a 100$ pc. everithing is overclock in the ps4 and still not powerful enough to handle simple games. i hope you will listen this time even if i pretty sure you not going to listen

Oh boy another one of these clueless delusional guppies.... Keep thinking that kid sure it's the PS4 fault 😂😂😂
I do have to admit that this post gives me mixed feelings. On one hand it's nice knowing you have done things to try and fix it, on the other hand it's only one person doing them.

Would also like more information about crash reports, is it worth sending them? I try to attach a small message every time I crash describing what I was doing.
Hopefully this won't impact Heist a lot.

This common crash only got worse in Harvest so maybe that's a nice clue to have.

A little bit salty right now because of the league delay but you still have my support GGG. After all the game is still on console.

Here's to a nice league and a possible awakener prize for me. Thanks for the all the hard work we don't see!
20 min in game and i have 3 blue screen.New league,new patch and same old problems.You guys sux.All r team.
Fuck reading at other comments I had it easy... 3 crashes for 20 minutes is just border line insanity. I was one hour in on my second heist boom BlueScreen. Ten seconds of blackcreen thought my console got bricked again because of the game happened before had to hard unplug...

To all those people, fan boys, wannabe devs saying the game requers thousands hundreds million trillion calculations 😂😂 and the PS4 can't handle it literally walked inside the portal moved two meters bam bye bye heist. Cause that requers so much calculation right hahahaha

Calculate how to optimize ur game cause this is officially THE WORST CONSOLE PORT I have ever played in my life hands down.
One guy working on it, huh?
My game has crashed 8 times today.. that’s 1 crash every hour.
Heists crash at least 75% of the time. I've tried nine or ten by now and been able to complete two.

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