3.12.1 Hotfix 3
" How far into heist are you? I'm at t16 maps, a6, have most of my rogues at level 4/5. I never had to "think" I just didn't kill any mobs and ran around in circles. This is not a good argument. |
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Thats first time im saying about poe changes “POG”. <3 thx alot. I guess it will be much better now.
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why the nerfs to difficulty? was it truly so hard for people to use their brains?
Tempus Fugit
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Please reconsider the alert thing.
I thought first when i read the notes that the taking away of alert is coming that it will be awesome. Then i played 4 heists and a grand heist, and it is totally dull, like instantly turned off by it. 1. It makes 0 sense thematically to kill everyone when you are in a heist. 2. It makes heist no different than mapping. 3. It kills the point of the alert level. It could have been just a "lootbag" system at this point that you can carry x amount of stuff out, because it has nothing to do with them being alerted to anything thematically. 4. Alert on guard kills was frustrating specially when it juped enormously, but when it was taken away it just feels super super boring and dull. 5. I planned all my stuff when the alerts were on and i knew depending on the amount of guards, and patrolls i face (or can avoid) will be forced to change up my plan on the fly. It was super fun and exciting, and ye again sometimes challenging, but guess what, heists never go as planned. So why can i now preciselly calculate the amount of chests to open and literally not give a shit about the guards? Possible solutions: 1. Give the guards some alert level (less than before) 2. Give only the patrols the ability if they spot you you will have your alert level raised. 3. Have it if you dont kill them fast enough they alert even more. 4. anything but the current system. I was super jazzed about heist league and as i said after 4 runs im so turned off. Its a lot of reward for nothing and there is no challenge in this anymore. +1 literally not being able to take everything i wanted was the spice on this stuff, and now it is all gone...or risking too much and when i open the chest the alert is not quite maxed out but because of the guards that come up it is now and im fucked. There is no more "im fucked" in Heist. Please please fix this. |
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" true, but removing alert on kills completely and not adding anything instead not fixing the issue, isn't it? all they had to do is remove alert on kills, add alert to patrols, when they see you you get +alert. add more alert to chests. So player would have to choose rogue accordingly. Pick Nenet to see where patrols going to avoid them, or pick Karst to get alert from patrols, but less alert from chests or Tibbs/Niles to unlock chest after lockdown + Rogue gear and Contract crafting. There so much potential for depth. |
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" reddit babies dont want depth. they want zero effort maximum reward Tempus Fugit
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LOL. They totally neutered the league mechanic.
Gee gee, Reddit. Way to 'improve' the game. "We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio." Last edited by Garr0t#3474 on Sep 22, 2020, 10:59:05 PM
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Still losing grand heist portals if you try to stash, outstanding. Glad I wasted all my coins again, and my only GH.
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" +1 to this, I shouldn't be rewarded for going full murder hobo, it didn't make sense that running past guards gave less alert than killing one, but making it so that there's no alert at all makes no sense whatsoever. There has to be some reward for being sneaky Would be cool if the player could disguise themselves and only go on a killing spree when the disguise falls apart and you get discovered |
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It's still broken, but in the other way now. I was able to complete a heist getting all chests, killing everyone and still didnt start the alarm. I only filled 5/6 of my bar and everything was done. I picked the thing, and jumped my way out and that's it. Thx ggg for free loot, xp and absolutly no challenges.
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