This weekend we launched Path of Exile: Heist! The launch day went quite well with just a few small hotfixes to address minor problems, you can view their patch notes here. Later today, we're planning to deploy a restart patch that includes various other fixes from the weekend. Today's news also outlines a few other details about the weekend and what to expect this week.

Later this week, on September 23 (PDT), we'll be launching Heist on our console platforms. We also hope to formally release our experimental macOS version within the next week as well. Thanks to everyone who has been testing it so far and giving us feedback.

The restart patch which is scheduled for later today includes quite a few more fixes for things like stash blocking in the Rogue Harbour. Later this week we'll prepare a post about what we're working on so that you have a better idea of what to expect from upcoming patches. In the meantime, check out the Patch Notes for 3.12.1 below.

Heist Improvements

  • Players no longer block other players in The Rogue Harbour.
  • Reward Chests in Unique Contracts no longer become locked when Lockdown occurs.
  • Reduced the damage that Clockwork Sentries deal with their on-death explosions.
  • Reduced the damage of Automaton Lightning Beam's impact area of effect hit.
  • Increased the damage of Automaton Lightning Beam's beam as well as its on-death explosion.
  • Escape Route minimap icons are now always visible to players in the same Wing.
  • Fixed a bug where Replica Quill Rain's "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Arrow Nova" did not work.
  • Fixed a bug where an Agility Laser hazard could generate with the disabling mechanism in an unreachable location.
  • Fixed a bug in Grand Heists where multiple Rogues with the same Job could attempt to do a single job, resulting in multiple job progress bars being visible.
  • Fixed a bug where various Heist Unique Items did not have a slot in the Unique Collection Tab.

Skill Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where Flame Wall required more experience than intended to level up.
  • Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel and Blazing Salvo weren't counted as projectiles for the sake of projectile-specific modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel wasn't affected by Area modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug where Cobra Lash didn't chain as many times as it should have.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of Enduring Cry incorrectly displayed a higher value of "Regenerate x% of Life over 1 second" than it actually granted.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple copies of Shattering Steel were offered by a vendor.
  • Fixed a bug where Cremation had many more projectiles than intended.

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.12.0 which prevented players from changing their God Powers in their hideouts.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.12.0 where Coward's Legacy unique belt didn't count you as being on Low Life when you were cursed with Vulnerability.

Crash Fixes

    Fixed an instance crash that could occur after leaving a Heist area.

If you've encountered any bugs, please report them in the bug reports forum. Our QA team monitors this forum closely and while they can't reply to everything, they do read everything and process it. We also recommend keeping an eye on our known issues list which we update frequently.

We also released the Twilight Mystery Box which contains 38 new microtransactions, some of which can be combined to create the epic Twilight Set. Check out the trailer below or read more about the mystery box here.

Don't forget that we're in the middle of Zizaran's Awakener Kill Event! Congratulations to Darkee for being the first on to kill The Awakener in Hardcore Heist SSF and for winning the $11,000USD cash prize. Follow Zizaran to keep up to date on the latest.

We've also seen a lot of people enjoying the new voice acting and dialogue. Here are the acting credits for the new characters.

  • Nenet - Georgie Oulton
  • Gianna and Adiyah - Elle Wooton
  • Kurai - Miriama Smith
  • Isla - Juliet Prew
  • Faustus - Peter Baker
  • Karst - Aaron Ward
  • Tibbs - Andy Grainger
  • Vinderi - Paul Glover
  • Huck - Blair Annison Chisholm
  • Niles - Mike Drew
  • Tullina - Beth Davidson
  • Whakano - John Tui
Posted by 
Grinding Gear Games
Can't wait; thanks for all you do.
ty GGG for all ur work and pls dont be apset!

u do fast and good fix and work so fast alrdy so just ty!
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Sep 20, 2020, 6:50:53 PM
take your time
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
The launch day went quite well with just a few small hotfixes to address minor problems...HAHAHAAH ya because u ignored every other major problem

Please fix Abyss, but thanks for the update.
Abyss still not working lmao.. pls fix
are u seriously not fixing soul mantle? thanks for destroying my league starter.
! T H R E A D H Y P E !

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