Does the "Sin" character effect add an overall hue to armour, please? (like celestial)

I'm wondering if any of you guys have the sin character effect, and if you do could you let me know if it adds an overall hue to armour sets, please?

I really like how the celestial adds a dull purple tone to blacks, and I heard that sin does similar, only adding a sort of grey/black look to lighter colours and whites and stuff.

As I enjoy making fashions, having character effects that help to pull it all together is ideal. I only have celestial that does this so far, so I'm looking for other effects that can do similar.

I've not seen it in action properly to know either way though.

Well it's on sale today, so would be great if anyone has a pic or something they could share of it looking good, please?
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Last edited by Umbral_Spectre#0144 on Sep 20, 2020, 11:41:56 AM
Last bumped on Sep 20, 2020, 3:06:54 PM
I'm rocking it on my character this league. Had it for a long time now. It just adds like a fiery black things that roll up you. I don't believe it adds a hue, if anything it darkens the armor a bit.
It does add a hue that covers the whole character, in addition to the "black flames". It's a pale, semi translucent purple / violet.

Here you go:
Astrom wrote:
I'm rocking it on my character this league. Had it for a long time now. It just adds like a fiery black things that roll up you. I don't believe it adds a hue, if anything it darkens the armour a bit.

yeah mate, that's what I mean by "hue" does it add a bit of darkness t the armour?

that's great man, I will get it.

I like void lord the best, as I'm a sucker for orbs. now I have the celestial aura though, I get my orbs fix frm that, so have started rocking celestial effect too. on this character in question, it all comes together beautifully.
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Necrolyte wrote:
It does add a hue that covers the whole character, in addition to the "black flames". It's a pale, semi translucent purple / violet.

Here you go:

Thanks mate, that's exactly what I'm looking for.

I already have celestial, but I think this is anther great option, and can work when I want t go darker than celestial.
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Necrolyte wrote:
It does add a hue that covers the whole character, in addition to the "black flames". It's a pale, semi translucent purple / violet.

Here you go:

I ended up getting the wings instead, as it's pretty similar to how the celestial effect works in terms of the hue anyway.

I should have got a pic in map though, as the aura adds so much to it, too.

Also my character is called "Malphas, (the name was taken so I put a V as an inverted A) this is a demon from the ars goetia that has crow wings and the head of a crow (on a mans body) so it's quite fitting that I had corvid wings.

Can we get a crows head, helmet by any chance?

Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Last edited by Umbral_Spectre#0144 on Sep 20, 2020, 5:55:46 PM
with celestial aura.

sorry it's not the best pic, it will pop much better in a dungeon.

I did have the Orion Cape on him before, which works really well. It's also one of the only capes I have that doesn't clip with the Elder main piece.

Also the Sun prism cat, while it would have made sense to have 2 Celestial ones, I love the design on that fella so much, I just got him anyway.

It does looks great when running about though, especially because I have Dark Prism foot prints and celestial aura, so it has colours in common with sun prism cat, and also when I use the Orin cape it has even more in common.

It gives off a sort of "RBG" type effect like on those "chroma" keyboards.

LoL, I did have a bit of every sky pattern up to date I think, but now the Moon stuff just came out, I need to get those wings. I know for a fact I'll never get it from boxes though, I never get wings from boxes.

Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Astrom wrote:
I'm rocking it on my character this league. Had it for a long time now. It just adds like a fiery black things that roll up you. I don't believe it adds a hue, if anything it darkens the armor a bit.

Sorry, I thought I'd tagged both of you in my replies.

I ended up getting the wings instead of the effect, as I think they pull this together even further.

I was using the Orion cape, as it looks great, despite having white and gold on it, and it's one of the only capes I have that doesn't clip with the Orion main piece.

I included some pics in the replies previous to this one.

The mix up I'm using is Elder Main piece and boots, Spellsword Head and Gloves, Sin Back, Celestial Aura, Dark Prism Footprints, Celestial Character Effect, Elder Weapon with Purple Effect & the Sun Prism and Celestial Cats.

This is a Chaos themed character, so he has Caustic Arrow with Celestial Skin and Toxic Rain with Lotus Skin, also TR has Mirage Archer with the Stygian Skin.

I have the Stygian Flamedash as well, but not using it on this character now, as I prefer using the teleport arrow and regular dash in unison. If like dash, flame dash is n a separate CD to teleport arrow though, I might switch back.

He looks awesome in action anyway. only thing I'm missing is the book skin for the totems, as I level using turrets as well for extra damage and to take the heat off me a bit. when levelling without access to all your legendaries, you need to that little bit extra I feel (or at least I do as a squishy character)
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.

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