[Early Access] <MIRROR> SEA / OCEANIC guild - recruiting now for POE1 & 2!

sent u an invite

I've been playing lots alone and would love to try to join a group. I have a lot to learn , a few to share. I've been a beginner for about 1000hrs in this game, trying to discover new things every leagues. I'm from France , but in England and miss Australia sooO much, especially Broome ! =)

could you invite me please ?
Thank you =)

IGN : sixchaosperhour

Last edited by leshazelryx#6208 on May 27, 2021, 8:50:36 PM
Hi invite please,

IGN: toxicslicer

Singaporean here
invitation sent
hey, looking for a guild to join, i play on aus server.
IGN: Cosmic_Thor

sure mate invite sent!
IGN: Santorini
sent u an invite!
can i join?
of cuz, sent u an invite!

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