[Early Access] <MIRROR> SEA / OCEANIC guild - recruiting now for POE1 & 2!
Hi, Would like to join if there open slot. Started from HIEST League, Aiming for 36 Challenge each league. from SEA region too.
would love to join your guild. From SG. Currently lvl 98 and trying to puch to 100 IGN: Arzalea |
np mate...sent u an inv
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HI I would love to join your guild. 9k hours played lvl 94 chief IGN is Fernalzdischargesagain. Thanks :)
Hey - Just looking for a place to hang while I play. Only 1200 hours in, the last guild was US-based so it was pretty quiet during the day...
sure, inv sent =)
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Add me too! Been looking for a guild for a guild for a while now.
IGN:ChineseNewYearIsHere Last edited by Burningnotes#3144 on Mar 5, 2021, 8:36:15 PM
inv sent =)
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I will pm in discord
Last edited by zhenleaw#2811 on Mar 9, 2021, 6:22:21 AM
Hey guys, recruiting now for next league! 41/50 slots left