GGG please stop doing this to us every time
" Maybe you should stop acting like a legit "league $#%*&#^" and stop disregarding around 20% of the playerbase, at any DAMN time... There are plenty of reasons to never, ever touch the "beta content tests" aka the ~3 month leagues, like enjoying persistence, time constraints, playing since the alpha/closed/open beta etc. Standard is more alive than ever, and sure, there are players that might enjoy "leagues", but at some point, being the damn hamster on that damn grinding wheel stops to be "fun" at least for a time, so Standard has it's use... TencentGGG actually care more about Standard than you would think, as the current system, as unintuitive and disruptive as it currently is, reached it's current state AFTER a long time and a few series of improvements... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Feb 2, 2021, 10:31:39 PM
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" Oh shit, I didn't know you don't care about standard. I am so sorry, I will immediately stop playing it. Please forgive me! |
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" Funny, I never said to remove standard league, now did I? Also, yes, standard does have it's uses, like saving the hideout and stash tab layout for the leagues. And oh no, 20% of the population plays standard, ha, where did you even pull that statistic from, out of your ass? Seriously, if 20% of the population is playing standard, then 19% of the "people" playing it are nothing but 24/7 botting accounts. You won't ever find good deals in standard league, the economy has been, and always will be, screwed. As for the temporary leagues, ever heard of a system called Seasonal content? That is literally what a league is, and calling it a Beta Test Content league is the most retarded and idiotic shit I have heard all day. The moment they remove the league is the moment the game dies. Why do you think they never focus on standard, unless it also benefits the league content they make? Because everyone plays league content. Who cares if it is temporary, you act as if it takes more than 2-3 days to get to level 90 and end game even from a basic start with nothing. I have been playing for more than 15k hours and I can tell you myself that the absolute longest it has ever taken me from Act 1 to Act 10 and then to level 90 is a total of 16 hours. Good luck with the complaining though, it all falls on deaf ears. |
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Standard is vibrant. Sorry. But it has a ton of players.
I am done with leagues. Sick of being GGG's beta tester monkey. Love standard. Ton to do. Leave your e-peen elitism at the door. |
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" That is the TencentGGG's own approximation, last time published around the beta for 3.0. There are more bots in the leagues by the way, as the bot ban waves affect their league memeconomy faster and more impactful than on Standard. Don't know about you, but there are a lot of players that enjoy themselves on the REAL GAME aka STANDARD, so your "19% of the playerbase are bots" out of the @$$ supposition is off... You also find great deals in Standard, it's just that the prices aren't the same as on leagues, though they mimic ascending and descending trends. ALL LEAGUES ARE BETA TESTS. Not comprehending that is the "most retarded and idiotic shit I've read all day"... They can actually remove league development for a while and focus on actually make the game "UP TO SNUFF" from a "PLAYABLE" perspective - your account has the Legacy supporter tag, so you should have "enjoyed" LEGACY LEAGUE which was the most impactful QA/QoL period PoE received recently (that and the Lockstep update still keep PoE "enjoyable") - and it also works the other way around, they can also remove Standard, but then they must be prepared to lose a lot more of their playerbase as a large part of the league players do enjoy to keep their "stuff", and not being able to do so, will have a lot of them MOVE ON TO OTHER GAMES... They will actually stop developing leagues at the moment when PoE will be considered a "finished" product, and they could even make a standalone offline version available then, but they will not remove Standard - although a "reset" of the Standard league might be possible - as it will not bring them anything of note, beside a reduction in players, and even worse retention numbers... Why do you think ALL THE ATLAS EVOLUTION IS IMPLEMENTED IN STANDARD? It would have been easy for TencentGGG to not make them available and keep them locked to leagues, but they did it the other way around, by having the bigger picture aka Standard implementation in focus, they always improved on the "end game" and we got to enjoy all the Atlas expansions... As a fellow player with ~15K hours, I can also "rush" to 90 in a couple days, heck, I can also rush to 100 in an asininely small time. The question is "WHY THE $@#& WOULD I DO THAT???"... It's not a contest - except if you actually do it to gain something - it's a damn "experience", and I do understand such aspects are beyond your comprehension, but do know that PoE is as "epic" as it is because it provides "FUN" and "ENJOYMENT" for both this friendly casual n00b hoarder and "legit ignorant league $#%*&#^$" like yourself... It's always important to highlight to TencentGGG their shortcomings, just as it's also important to give them credit when they deserve it - and as we all still play PoE, we know that this game is already "good", we would want it to always be "GREAT" and TencentGGG should always strive to make it "THE BEST" - so we will ALWAYS keep them informed regarding the improvements that can be applied... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Feb 2, 2021, 10:32:17 PM
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And yet again people like you love to spread misleading information. Leagues will always keep coming out, and the reason why standard even has any mechanics is because of leagues in the first place. Leagues are not beta content,they are seasonal gameplay mechanics, like many other games have. [Removed by Support]. The "real game" is not standard. Being able to put mirror tier items in literally every slot and call it a build is beyond stupid, and the only reason atlas evolution is in standard is because oh yeah, leagues, of course. GGG didn't comment on this [Removed by Support] because they know it isn't and never will be worth their time to read any standard [Removed by Support] complaints. You can keep bitching about it, but again, it'll fall on deaf ears.
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Feb 3, 2021, 4:05:00 AM
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" What misleading information? Leagues were/are/will be BETA TESTS. These days, they're not even resembling "completed" and "top quality" status for at least the few weeks post launch. The "good" ones will be added to the "real" CORE GAME, the dreaded STANDARD LEAGUE... Newsflash, you were and still are able to "put mirror tier items in literally every slot and call it a build" during EVERY LEAGUE since the first ones... As I said, the Atlas evolution is due to TencentGGG's desire to progress BOTH the league and the Standard lore (leagues are extensions to Standard)... TencentGGG actually read and care about Standard more than you give them credit for... Please go along and troll some other topics if you don't have enough comprehension regarding this one, and stay salty for every improvement that TencentGGG will apply for Standard... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Feb 3, 2021, 7:02:52 AM
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" Yet challenges, rewards and competitions are all made in leagues. Bro.... chill down. If anything i assume the reset the atlas every league to standard because most of the leagues they change actual maps. If they don't blank your map it's possible to bug your game and you keep dropping the older version of the map. |
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" Of course all the "challenges", rewards and competitions are targeted to the new and the "returning" players that "cheese" their way through content in AT MOST 3 months. TencentGGG don't have a retention problem with the Standard players, as they will tend to return sooner or later... "Bro", I'm chill, though I might state some obvious disheartening thruths... The change of map tiers is a "nice" touch to "revamp" SOME reliability of the Atlas, but is addressed in an unintuitive and disruptive way, which could be improved... Not to mention the next reset of the Atlas will be a PITA to manage due to all the Atlas points... Some improvement is needed, and there were numerous suggestions for it... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Feb 3, 2021, 10:00:14 AM
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