Chris Wilson and Jonathan Rogers, I Blame You!
I am so excited that the Awakener Kill Event is coming to console (sarcasm, sadness, and frustration)! According to the Heist release post in the PC section we will only have 2 hours to download the Heist update. Two hours is not a "few hours" as stated by Jeff_GGG. It is completely impossible for anyone with a moderate internet connection to download the full game in that much time. Why won't you let us compete on an even playing field? You didn’t even have the decency to post the information about the console league start date or the console version of the Awakener Kill Event in the console section of the forums. All of our questions and comments have to be posted in the console section, but you have no obligation to return the courtesy?
Do you realize that your game has been completely broken on PS4 for the last three months? Stop looking at some report that tells you the game only crashes once every 10 hours. Actually play the game on Console for a little while and realize that unless you complete about one map an hour this information is incorrect. Karvarousku, a very talented streamer with many POE accomplishments to his name, tried to compete in the MTX race last league. He had to abandon it because it was impossible with the game in its current state on PS4. You have done NOTHING to fix the PS4 crashes in 3 months, yet you are starting another HC SSF race that is basically impossible because of how likely you are to die from a crash. Did it ever cross your brains that maybe you should run races on SSF instead on HC SSF on console? Did you ever think that a race should be competed on an even playing field where at least everyone can start at the same time? Did it ever cross your minds that a race should be a very hard yet achievable goal, not one that is impossible due to a painfully broken and buggy game? Lastly, I want to make it 100% clear who I blame for the state of POE on console (particularly PS4). I personally blame Chris Wilson and Jonathan Rogers. You both set the tone at GGG, and that tone has stated loud and clear that you couldn’t care less about console players. Every interview either of you gives makes it completely clear that you only care about your idea of hardcore serious gamers, and you decided from the start that no one on console fits that description. Why is POE failing on console? Because the two of you couldn’t be bothered to nurture it or provide any support or care. Have either of you posted even once in the console section of the forums since before the PS4 release? I know that you tell yourselves that POE has been a failure on console because the console players just don’t get it. The reality is that you just don’t get it! Get off of Reddit and start caring about all the people who want to love your game despite you making it almost impossible for them! Last bumped on Sep 22, 2020, 8:41:11 AM
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Я писал каждому работнику ггг здесь на сайте и задавал вопрос о дате выхода обновления 3.11.2 на консолях, мне никто не отвечает, а если я пишу отзывы о лагах в игре, то мои сообщения удаляются как негативные. Я создавал 3 темы на форуме с вопросом о патче 3.11.2 мне никто не отвечает. Разработчики не зарабатывают таких больших денег как на игрока с пк версии и поэтому консольный пользователям приходится играть в ужасно забагованую игру. Обновление 3.11.0 было о вратительным, по сравнению с делириумом, лаги постоянный, сад невозможно чистить, а про хк я вообще молчу, это не справедливо. Я люблю эту игру и хочу играть в неё на консоли, но отношение разработчиков к этому сегмент отвратительно. Вы можете опять удалять мои коментарии, но Яне перестану говорить о проблемах в игре, потому что я люблю эту игру и хочу чтоб она работала хотябы на уровне среднего пк. И пока не будет предприняты меры, я не куплю ни одной микро транзакции в игре.
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" Consoles, at least this generation and possibly the next, will not run PoE the same as a standard PC (if such a thing exists). You are correct about console PoE not being a priority for GGG. |
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Wait, there's another race?? Are they gonna give all the loot to the fastest trade kill again when HCSSF is impossible?? I too wish races would be in SSF given the state of the game, that doesn't seem anything but fair for a race.
Party play, trade or desync deaths are all bogus for racing. I watched Karv try too, PS4 PRO SSD, wired connection, enough internet to stream on. Still wasn't enough. It let me know it's not a solution I can have any say in. It was pretty depressing watching him add one to the counter every time he saw blue. IIRC 21 is when he gave up, he didn't even want the loot he was gonna give it all away. Last edited by Matt_AsA_Hatter#9910 on Sep 21, 2020, 1:39:05 PM
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They have modified the event to be SSF (not hardcore) for console. This is a step in the right direction. At least we can now actually participate. Luckily someone else made a post about the change or I would never have known. Communication still appears to be a low priority.
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" Can you link that? I might actually tryhard Heist if it's SSF not HC. | |
" Really? Thats great news, I felt really bad for the people who tried ssfhc harvest event. I agree with everything you said btw. EDIT; Official link, search for "Console prizes" Last edited by kzl_91#9261 on Sep 22, 2020, 8:46:36 AM
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