Content Update 3.12.0 -- Path of Exile: Heist

Yep, as a necromancer player, I find this a bit too much.

I may try the league, but I swear I won't spend a penny on MTX so long as this continues.
first! haha! oh...
Very nice
When you use an in-area transition (such as the entrance to a boss room), a very short cooldown is now applied to the transition at the destination, to prevent accidentally bouncing back with some overzealous clicking.

Surprised to see the nerfs limited to what we expected from the manifesto.
Blah. Nothing special.
KilenWoods wrote:
Yep, as a necromancer player, I find this a bit too much.

I may try the league, but I swear I won't spend a penny on MTX so long as this continues.

Vote with your wallet
i like big crits and i cannot lie, you otha brothas cant denyyy....
Ahhh... Yes... The tears of those who hate change!
Permanent minions such as Golems, Zombies and Animated Guardians are now saved when you log out, and are automatically resummoned when you log in.

The /autoreply command now persists across area transitions.

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