Content Update 3.12.0 -- Path of Exile: Heist
" Obviously they are targeting specifically people who start as Chieftain and use Firestorm right away. |
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" no |
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" Im a person that likes to take my time listening to the music and taking in the sights and having a choice in my build speed it is i guess haste instead of hatred |
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" Have you seen the new vulnerability? |
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Love it! Can not wait!
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" I will play a non-golem Elementalist with firestorm :) im on ps4 and will probably go hardcore heist league since my profile is open u can even check my progress and gear if u or anybody else feels like doing so ;) |
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Sorry if this is a noob question, but are there always free skill tree resets in standard when they release a new league?
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I think you guys are making a mistake about this.
"Marks apply to a single targeted enemy, and only one enemy can be marked by you at a given time." more than 90% of the player-base uses "assassin's mark on hit" rings/gear to consistently generate power charges during mapping. you guys are already nerfing the damage and critical strike chance by the curse hard enough already. proceeding with the above condition will make any "assassin's mark on hit" gear useless. alot of us rely on this to generate our power charges. "Items which Trigger a Mark on hit now only do so when hitting Rare and Unique enemies." Doing this condition on top of the damage and critical chance nerf is basically pissing on our hard earned gear, or crafted gear to have the curse on hit especially on non-assassin ascendancy class builds that rely on this mechanic heavily. I usually don't mind nerfs but this specific mechanic you guys are trying to do is too much of a nerf, making all gears that are crafted for this sole purpose rendered useless. This is completely unfair. If your developers' reason is "oooh because it's too powerful". Then yea sure just nerf the crit chance and proceed with the damage nerf. But at least let the "mark" curses affect multiple mobs of any rarity/type at a time. Let the life generation on hit/kill stay as it was or hell, even lower that too. We only ask for the curse to affect multiple mobs at any given time for consistency in mapping. Leave the curses alone. This nerf is unnecessary and really too heavy, even for me. I also think lots of people would agree with me on this. Thanks.
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" Yes! 3.14 - Removed Harvest from the game.
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" "Nice build you got there. Here's the deal: You either lose 33% DPS, or 500 HP that you'll now have to sink into useless pathing nodes." Edit: On second thought, you lose the 33% HP anyway because Redemption Sentries are now autistic. Plus no Necro would go cluster jewels now. 25 Ex for an additional squirrel urine-filled water balloon's worth of damage with every attack, what a steal! Every league it's the goddamn same. Nerfs, nerfs, nerfs. It took you ten effin' years and a billion-dollar (I guess that's yuan now? 70% owned by China's Tencent, was it?) budget to make the loader not such bottom-drawer jSwing garbage that it freezes the game and boots non-SSD players every area load, the technical backlog is still longer than Trump's self-perceived winky, some skills are so unrewarding and awkward they and the few builds that use them can safely be termed 'esoteric', but instead you nerf the ones that somehow managed to beat Sirus-8 without dying: Not an easy feat without the sound warning of impending doom, because any 1990s' Super Nintendo game is so infinitely better at visually conveying what's about to hurt you than this 'modern' one. Physical bow reliant on Projectile Weakness and Vulnerability? You've just ended this man's entire Wraeclastareer. But hey, let me just pause the game for a 10-minute session of Where's Waldo to pick the one monster that looks slightly different for my Mark, on a screen where it occupies roughly 100×100 = 10,000 out of 8,294,400 pixels, 60 times a second (go away 144 Hz master racists) while everything is moving. Except you can't pause, even in single-player mode. Is this a MOBA, where you impede other players' experience when you do? Oh wait, you can pause in those. The technology is there; the game pauses often and plenty for e.g. Shaper intermissions, once again without any visual indicator when they're about to start or end the freeze (which has killed me due to consequently botched positioning or, yes, nonchalantly continuing flasking macros many a time). Just players can't because... george_carlin_shrugging.jpg Which reminds me, some of my Harvest builds are ready for the dumpster now as some of their maxed resistances hinged on Harvest crafts I couldn't get before it ended, and now that it's not core, there's no way of ever attaining that. My fault, I guess. (Boring rant at a friend of mine on why it never actually went core:)
Final, 19:51
re: PoE Final, 19:52 what i think happend instead is this Final, 19:53 Final, 19:53 the CEO, Chris Wilson, met with 5 'streamers' Final, 19:53 idk why anyone would watch that or care about what they have to say Final, 19:53 but the company realizes the morons in masses listen to them for some reason Final, 19:53 and those five 'pros' convinced him to keep Harvest content from becoming core Final, 19:54 because suddenly everyone was able to craft good gear Final, 19:54 not talking op af Final, 19:54 just Final, 19:54 worth something, anything Final, 19:54 which is akin to inflation Final, 19:54 and the biggest enemy of inflation are the rich Final, 19:54 aka those streamers Final, 19:54 to protect the value of their items Final, 19:55 they blackmailed the CEO into stopping this core adaption Final, 19:55 "if it does become core, we'll all stop streaming" Final, 19:55 etc. Final, 19:55 at least that's my theory Final, 19:55 i've said it before, this game has taught me so much about rl economy Final, 19:55 and all that Harvest crafting actually allowed you to do Final, 19:56 is remove one of five or so dimensions of chance from the crafting process Final, 19:56 instead of adding a completely random mod, which is gonna be an insanely pricey gamble for horse feces unless you happen to live on rnjesus's willy Final, 19:56 you could add a random mod of a kind Final, 19:57 (e.g. a cold mod, a life mod, a fire mod, a caster mod, attack mod, etc.) Final, 19:57 you STILL had NO control over what tier it rolled Final, 19:57 (ranging from lvl 3 useless garbage mods to the desirable level 80 mods, around ten tiers for each property) Final, 19:57 NO control over whether it'd be a suffix or prefix Final, 19:58 NO control over whether it'd be influenced, etc. Final, 19:58 if multiple mods of that kind are applicable (e.g. cold damage, cold resist, cold damage to spells, cold damage for minions), you had NO control over which one you would get Final, 19:58 etc etc Final, 19:59 so still a boatload of rng Final, 19:59 and with each expansion there's more because the mod pool becomes larger Final, 19:59 so less likely to roll the one you want Final, 19:59 and this minuscule improvement of fixing the KIND of mod you'd roll, with everything else still 100% up to chance Final, 19:59 was considered OP Here's a fun bit about power creep. It is not just normal and expected, it is healthy. You can make a game like "Diablo II" which survives for decades on the monumental, well-balanced core game it's shipped with (plus a single add-on for almost retail price later on), but today's games want updates, on both the developer's and the players' sides, and that the game itself is free. You don't tend a garden by ripping out the few blossoms that have managed to survive, you do it by nourishing the weaker ones and helping them prosper. The bottom line is simply this: Any community's player base will always be happier about buffs to aforementioned niche skills (or the specific game's equivalent thereof) to make them competitive than the brief, sadistic impulse of glee they get from seeing rival builds nerfed - not to even speak of the nerfed builds' players' chagrin. I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash. Last edited by Infinal#1713 on Sep 16, 2020, 2:23:37 PM
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