Content Update 3.12.0 -- Path of Exile: Heist

Welp imma give this a try anyway! :D

Honestly i think people are kinda overreacting or don't remember/weren't here when warbands dropped. Cuz that .... that was .. you know. Warbands. :D
Necrolyte wrote:
RIP firestorm?

The meteor seems mighty underwhelming, and the storm part has completely lost its scaling with cast speed and duration, in exchange for a pittance of base / added damage increase. The longer interval I assume is balanced by the increase in radius however.

Icestorm seems to be in a pretty bad shape too. This is pretty disheartening, I was initially happy to see these skills get some love from a performance stand point.

We will see,..
Last edited by Rakiii#5559 on Sep 16, 2020, 6:10:03 AM
where is harvest in core? GGG
Dairu81 wrote:
Try reading next time, "Pog".
where is harvest in core? GGG

They already said dude:
Does the removal of the "curse" tag from Bane means, that the skill node "Hex Master" from the passive tree is not working for it anymore??
- Bye bye this league then oO.
elemenopy wrote:
This is it? It's just a bunch of nerfs wtf lol. C'mon man
Dude I was thinking the exact same thing, surprised by the first few pages full of "pog" "nice" "hype" etc
Goremanslizer wrote:
Does the removal of the "curse" tag from Bane means, that the skill node "Hex Master" from the passive tree is not working for it anymore??
- Bye bye this league then oO.

Vixens wont work as well
Danerer wrote:
Ahhh... Yes... The tears of those who hate change!
Not much of a change really
Permanent minions such as Golems, Zombies and Animated Guardians are now saved when you log out, and are automatically resummoned when you log in.

When you use an in-area transition (such as the entrance to a boss room), a very short cooldown is now applied to the transition at the destination, to prevent accidentally bouncing back with some overzealous clicking.

Those two alone are awesome. Great QoL. Love this addictive game, need to see POE2 for more lore and stuff(or an atlas update on the watchers of decay).

Happy heist everyone!

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