Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

"Minions are soo nerfed" that im going to league start with Golems all day long until finish Blight maps AFK, like i saw this league many times.
< mathilW /
Wow the same complaints every league. "GGG you are breaking my build. I can only do 40m dps now instead of 50m!!! Man you guys dont know what you are doing". Words of a true moron. Suck it up sunshine. This is another example of participation trophies ruining the world. Thanks again GGG for much needed nerfs.
GGG still hasn't figured out that nerfing necro/scion doesn't make people use other ascendancy's cause Necro is either broken OP or unplayable kinda like Elemental hit it was unplayable for centuries then it was OP as fuck and now it's back to being a nobody.

BUFF other Ascendancy's instead of trying to nerf stuff into the ground to force People to NOT use it.
Wow massive. You pretty much nerfed EVERY ASPECT of my build. I cannot play league as I do not have as much time to start over again and again.

While I realize some passives were too strong, crit has been nerfed severely in the past. It's such a bad and poor game design to make these changes retrospectively again and again, when people invest a lot of currency into builds.

Frustrating, I am considering to quit. Not that anyone on this forum cares, but I am sure more people getting affected are thinking the same. Longevity in this game is a joke. You are forced to play league and meta builds only. - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Sep 14, 2020, 7:18:40 PM
Mathil, show feet
I'll prob still take instant enduring cry for anything thats close to the area. Its a literally a equip and forget buff set to left mouse button.

the glancing blow nerf is kinda wierd. they could just move the node a little bit and remove it from thread of hope reach [as somebody else mentioned] would have fixed many of the abuses with it.

Nothing really note worthy for summoners, we all knew redemption sentries were gonna be nerfed, I used them mostly for the shatter to get rid of mob corpses. theres still a bunch of other minions that can do all content anyways. its a still a tabula and id'd drops and maybe 50c on trade to clear red maps. meh for mistress, not a big deal for me.

I mostly see nerfs to stuff we all knew was going to be nerfed. I'm sure another couple of meta builds will be found in the first couple of days and everybody can just copy/paste that followed by the normal whining about it getting nerfed at league end, repeat every 3 months.
Yay new league :)
> Ball Lightning combined with Slower Projectiles ... area lowered slightly

Meaning less single target hits per cast? Kinda worrying, CWDT is already endangered by Firestorm changes.
Last edited by etuhoha#0710 on Sep 14, 2020, 7:24:01 PM

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