Curse Skills in Path of Exile: Heist
If an enemy has multiple Hexes on it, will Hexblast consume the accumulated Doom of all of them, or pick the Doomiest Hex to devour?
How much Doom will it rain down upon the Filthy Heads of our Doomed enemies? |
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Basically boils down to dealing the same amount of AOE damage but with two clicks instead of one, for more immersion ;)
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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" Since GGG talks about self casting im sure that this single target restriction only means that marks loose their aoe when self cast meaning: curse on hit because its not considered self cast will still be able to curse everything around you ^.^ and same goes for projectile weakness because of its pierce effect if not removed that is. And since they are still all curses just split into marks and hexes blasphemy support should work on them too right? |
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" Well, for starters you can use trickster with a channeling spell, raider (not so bad anymore eh), juggernaut. Oh, wait, you mean all of them, all the time, without actually doing anything at all? Like, make them more or less mandatory, to the point that it is not a deliberate choice but something you put on every build because there is no reason not to. Honestly: Be happy that we go further towards actually playing a game and not just a clicker. Let the 1% (whoever you believe that to be) play the speedmeta. A meta that will never change, because with enough equip that is what you should be able to achieve and at the same time, only a fraction of the players should ever achieve it, as to retain players, they need a goal to chase. I really don't get all the hate. I really look forward to not having to have a curse on hit ring as a mandatory item. I really look forward being able to mark bosses for additional effect and I really look forward getting defensive curses as an actual tool back in play. |
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The real question is:
Does bane is a Hex, or trigger curse as hex? Does it count as a selfcast curse or not. because you selfcast it, but it "trigger" the curse linked... Because it is a curse now, but it isnt in the list of mark or hex... need a response for thinking about a build |
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" AFAIU " means, that two or more targets cannot be marked simultaneously no matter if the mark is self-casted or casted in hit. |
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" I dont play poe for the speed meta. I play poe because I love making builds and combining mechanics that I have learned over the years. I dont like seeing changes and nerfs to these long existing mechanics because it all points towards a, play meta or leave game. The gap between least viable skills and the top meta is ever increasing. How have you not noticed this trend? Enjoy your nerfed builds, charges will still feel mandatory. |
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Make 2 buttons builds greate again!
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" I think it's still a wasted affix on existing rings. If it's just going to be for bosses, you'd be way better off self-casting a lvl20 Assassin's Mark than the lvl8/lvl12 on hit. That way you can have an extra mod on your ring. The mod on rings will probably be legacy and a bad one. Last edited by SaiyanZ#3112 on Sep 10, 2020, 4:19:59 AM
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So immediately after adding/buffing/reworking various slam skills, some of which do elemental damage, you completely hamstring the one single ability in the game which allows you to efficiently leech life or mana from non-physical attack damage.
This really is not okay. Awakened Combustion Support when?
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