Announcing Path of Exile: Heist

nothing new, i'm not interested.
ched_21h wrote:
New supporter packs are awful!
For 30$ you actually get Character Effect, that's it.
For 60$: no pet, no portal, no weapon skin/effect, no back attachment.

Exactly!!! I think these new packs are the worst they have put out BY FAR, i know i have them all but the CB and OB. It seems like they have lost thier creativity with supporter packs, its just been armor sets over and over again.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Neosobr wrote:
If I were CD Projekt, I would sue GGG. For stealing the plot. Hearts of stone were stolen. They can't think of anything for themselves.

Should Blizzard sue GGG , too for stealing "You do not have nets , exile" ?
Hey GGG,

the new league sounds interesting, but can you pls add the QoL function to at least write the changes to the gems in anotherh coulor? This would help the not so much hardcoreplayer to distunguish the differences between the different gem types, which are already way to many and way to complicated.

Else I fear that poe will turn into path of googleing Skillgems and their values when you dont know those already by heart.
DistantBliss wrote:
SkyzzoDeSky wrote:
"Play more, drop more" it's not the answer the community wanted.


We are not the only ones!
Last edited by SkyzzoDeSky#6536 on Sep 2, 2020, 6:41:10 AM
Damn. I was looking forward to the announcement, but I personally have no interest in playing this. I guess I will wait for PoE II to come out.
I loved PoE and played it and supported it a lot.

But the times are changing. We are getting the gameplay more and more complex, with more loot drops and more and more currencies.

But the main problem is, that the game is targeted to lifeless players, who play 10 hours a day. I have a life, work, family, so I'm able to play 1-2 hours a day.

This means endgame is closed for me, achievments are impossible to get. Each league endgame where you need to collect 100-500 different shards which drop on average 0.5 per map is impossible to play.

Also, GGG nerfs the builds each league, so the built I used to play perfectly in SSF are currently completely underpowered.

The more and more complex mechanics are not explained at all - for example, how these flowers which should improve harvest drops work? I definitelly do not found any info on them in-game. Also, after 100 hours in game I got like 2 of them.

I'm afraid that this will be the first league in long time I will leave out.
@MaximGorkij, how is the game more nolifey than it was back in the days when it was 'simple' but required immense investment to get anything done.

There's more to do, which means more avenues to succeed. My feelings anyways. Heist looks great to me! :0)
The idea itself is interesting.
Wonder what this league will have for casual players. And hopefully an in-game guide or proper announcement of mechanics this time? Harvest was confusing AF and spending limited gaming time on googling cooled down the initial thrill quite fast.

Support packs are lacking as if "Heist" is also applied to packs this time:it's a rogue league so some of your support bonuses also "went missing".
I have a bad feeling about this leage.
Going to be super dead after 1 week.
Who else miss Invasion leage? Good old times.

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