What to Expect in the Coming Weeks

akb1981 wrote:
Please don't make us have to build anything!

We are not the same, I love building things alot.
LOLOLR wrote:
Having to rely on broader RNG for crafting once again...FeelsBadMan

It was alot more fun with the rng crafting system. It was still possible to craft any item you wanted, you just had to put more thought and time into the process of how to make it. This league litterally broke the game, every second person now has a few mirror tier items, its not how its suposed to be. People are reaching 100+mill boss dps like its nothing...I mean the league has been fun, no doubt but I sincerely hope they keep that shit compleatly out of core and dont try to implement it in any way. Even the Chaos tier crafts from harvest are strong...
4 meme jewels sold, Harvest
dachoppa wrote:
toyomatt84 wrote:
The only news worth reading...

Update: We're actually going to make the bulk of Harvest crafting core!

If only C.W. knew what the bulk of his fanbase actually wants. Sigh... I guess one can dream.

you mean the bulk of the player base that left the league so quickly that the player numbers fell into a black hole?

Maybe there is TWO or more bulks.
Can't say I get that excited anymore as I just assume it will be a league that will have you pick up X # of small shit so you can form bigger shit that will need more loot filter entries; after which you will be sold a stash tab for all that tiny new shit.

Same shit different day league.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Aug 25, 2020, 8:31:30 AM
Iamod wrote:
Kylee310 wrote:
While I agree that Harvest crafts are too powerful and it boosted some build into god power tier. It needs to be balance/tone down, but simply toss it on aside is not a solution either. Harvest gave us a taste of what good deterministic crafting look like, and now you want to toss us back into the abyss of "slot machine" crafting. Since GGG is not going to help make my life easier, I'm not going to support them either. I'm not rage quitting, I simply refuse to spend another penny on the game until I'm seeing something worth supporting. I'm riding FREEBIE from now on.

Not giving them anymore money? Your whole $20? Oh noes! Good thing there are others that spend thousands to support and procure the success of the company, so you have an existing game to play for free. Nice badge. Deterministic crafting is never nice. It makes all other versions of crafting via ring useless.

Wrong! With harvest it's the first time I had think to use all the different crafting methods together. Usualy I chaos spam some basic's and Fossil few other item. Alter and augment some things. But with harvest I started to find every method of crafting very viable.
can't wait
I'd love to see after the great crafting league, the opposite of it. Lets say a league, where there is a overhaul on uniques, or even (league only) set items. Where you can collect stuff, instead of creating it, and then get better with it.

Or maybe a system, where your items gain sort of experience and getting stronger while mapping, so you can reach hier content by playing the game itself, not only upgrading gear over and over. For example, you find a token which gives +20 to maximum life to any item you use it on. This could be stackable and over and over agin useable (up to an upper limit ofcourse).

Also, idk if time has already come to rework the atlas system again. Sirus. Hm, could be for sure something more exciting.
Lets Go!!
Another expansion already? Thanks GGG for making such an awesome game and continuing to make it better! You guys are awesome, I for one will continue to support this!
So what can I expect coming weeks?

Right now I'm preparing excitement in reaction to your announcement of your preparation of your announcement, to be ready when you do.

Thank you for informing about the supporter pack options though ;-) I'm glad that got settled, I was getting worried whether I could still buy harvest support.

Did you try turning it off and on again?

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