Why the XP penalty?

Because without a death penalty you are literally immortal in the game.

Fapmobile wrote:
Because without a death penalty you are literally immortal in the game.


Not having an XP penalty is NOT the same thing as no death penalty. It seems you may be confusing that point?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Fapmobile wrote:
Because without a death penalty you are literally immortal in the game.


I just don't think there should be a penalty in Standard. I would just play my characters to higher levels, & ultimately play more builds. Obviously I have only played League a couple of times & I wasn't trying to race at all. The race to 100 has absolutely nothing to do with Standard. Therefore they should remove the penalty only in Standard.

Also I have bought a number of MTX's, etc. So GGG has made some money from me beyond the purchase of the game. If I decide to stop playing because the penalty makes the game a lot less fun for me, then GGG doesn't make any more money from me.

Actually I realize that the game is not going to change. I'm just trying to convince myself that it's time to move on.
I wish GGG would get rid of the exp penalty in softcore and delete characters if they died in hardcore. I also wish they'd remove cast on death mechanics but I guess I'll keep playing this game knowing those things will never happen
You need to build more defences :)
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
Turtledove wrote:
For example, another thing you might try is to use the wiki PoE and skip the particularly difficult map bosses. I mean do the map just consider skipping the boss.


Addendum to that: How difficult map bosses are also depends on the build so I wouldn't rely on this list too much. For example, if you got a minion build (with minions that can die), doing Acid Caverns is a particularly bad idea because if you get "Morgrants, The Deafening" as one of the bosses, your whole army is usually toast within split seconds. Other map bosses rated "5" are trivial on the other hand...
i have the slight feeling people who complain about the penality are the same people who got scammed in the past and now blaiming the system for not being careful.

Since i play PoE i pay way more attention to factors in other games too. I dodge stuff in Last Epoch, even though it would not kill me. I choose a safe route in Eve Online, instead of just rushing the fastest way to my goal.
The penality is one thing in PoE that keeps you playing, keeps you reading and staying on your toes. It's a nice balance between hardcore and softcore.
Sure it sometimes is unfaif if you can't see or understand what killed you, but even then you take precautions that it won't happen again. Or atleast you now pay more attention to certain things.

People learn things better if they experience a failure. If you don't loose anything in the progress, how are you supposed to learn from it. You would get to lvl 100 within a month and then get bored. Start a new character, same story a few months later. Thats one reason Diablo 3 gets bored after playing it for a while.
Last edited by Camatoo#7023 on Aug 25, 2020, 5:00:47 AM
Here's a scenario : You're now bored and you asked your friends to suggest some games to play, and they suggested 2 different games. You asked them "have you finished the game? And how did it go?" to know what to expect from the endgame system of the game and what content it has. And here's 2 replies

Game 1 : I completed the game by learning my mistakes through failure, experiment with different type of stuff, reading and exploring new gear combinations for my character, balancing around my equipment and knowing what to avoid. It was a long journey, can be difficult at times especially on the last few parts.

Game 2 : I suicide my way to complete the game, it was kinda tough tho.

Which one sounds more interesting to you?

I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Last edited by Remicaster1#7723 on Aug 25, 2020, 5:55:03 AM
Need to tone down those Cast of Death builds.
Remicaster1 wrote:
this has been talked multiple times around the community, and this will not be changed anytime soon.

Your thread reference : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2676180

This mechanic exist to punish you whenever you die in softcore, the purpose is to force you to take account into defensive mechanics, balancing it with your offensive stats.

Else people would just ignore all the defensive stats on the character and just go offense, the game wouldn't be fun otherwise when everyone dies left and right by making a bad character without getting punished.

What are your thoughts when you've spent a couple of months and years learning to do the hard contents, but in a sudden all the people completed all the hard contents in the game in 2 weeks by suiciding their way through and learnt nothing? Do you think this is fun?

do you really think anyone would accomplish anything by going full glass cannon? do you really think everyone enjoys dying to white trash? do you think your strawman argument does make any sense when it meets reality?
isnt the loss of a portal, the loss of a delirium/incursion/blight/legion/breach/syndicate encounter penality enough?

I HATE this argument.
Its total nonsense. Its a Strawman at its finest.
"You only want to keep your exp so you can die without feeling bad!"
...because everyone here is craving for zergrushes...


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