3.11.1f Patch Notes

ShaunHub wrote:
Fixed a bug which caused black boxes to sometimes be rendered on top of objects.

Will this also include stuff like this clip?

I had to keep removing all my cosmetics for my friends sake.

Latest Game ready driver for nvidia: [Path of Exile]: Black square corruption appears around characters.[3038439]
Differences from patch preview notes:

  • Bloom is now applied after Exposure, resulting in a game-wide reduction of bloom's intensity, especially in dark areas.
  • Added a Bloom slider in the Graphics Options, allowing you to adjust the intensity of bloom effects from 25% to 130% of their base intensity.
  • Adjusted many area environments to be less bright.
  • Reduced the intensity of Bloom effects from Delve Flares.
  • Messages intended to be sent to a Global Chat Channel which contain "WTS" will now automatically change the chat window to a Trade Chat Channel. This has been done in a way which should not affect legitimate words that end in 'wts', such as newts.
  • Special characters are no longer required when searching for public parties.
  • Fixed a bug where Harvest Crafts could be applied to items in Remove-Only stash tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where you could access the Sacred Grove in non-Harvest leagues.
  • Fixed a bug where the label for the portal to the Sacred Grove could be visible before interacting with the Seed Cache in various map areas.
  • Fixed a rare bug that could prevent Conquerors from spawning on your Atlas after migrating from a solo self-found league.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause duplicate rooms to appear in the Temple of Atzoatl.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.11.1d where the delayed shockwaves from Betrayal Mastermind's "X-Slam" skill didn't deal damage.
  • Fixed a bug which caused black boxes to sometimes be rendered on top of objects.
  • Fixed a bug where Elusive would cause some cosmetic effects to lose their textures briefly when the buff expired.
  • Fixed a bug where, after refunding a Cluster Jewel socket passive, changing instances would cause the Refund Point to be refunded.
  • Fixed a rare visual bug where crafting options that you had not unlocked could appear to be unlocked.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when using Shield Charge.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when taking a screenshot while using Vulkan rendering.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur in the Hall of Grandmasters unique map.

well really 3.11.1F <<< can't login now good job.
Thanks for all the hard work GGG do in always improving the player experience and the game.
can you please tell me if it's only me or there is something wrong with the redeemer fight, she did not use to one-shot me with her one wing swing where she splashes us at 160 degrees with shards, but after the update she one-shots me with that attack, I think you can check my build at pob if you're free please tell me what is the major downside in the build that is causing such a thing
Game unplayable after patch. Can only load in town and hideout.

Opened an incursion temple - lost all portals to crashes to desktop with no error message.

Opened a map - same thing happened. Guess it's "skip PoE Tuesday" for me.

Same thing happens when I try to enter any zone with a waypoint in story mode.
Last edited by Hallsttattian#5425 on Aug 18, 2020, 10:18:31 AM
I agree with other dude/dudette. Thanks for the free game and all the hard work you put into it.


I mean...

h0w d4r3 U p4tCh g4m3 5o bIg. m3 4nGrY
Last edited by elesham4ever#1687 on Sep 13, 2020, 4:35:42 PM
x001410 wrote:
I agree with other dude/dudette. Thanks for the free game and all the hard work you put into it.


I mean...

h0w d4r3 U p4tCh g4m3 5o bIg. m3 4nGrY

I don't think you understand how much data 5gb is.
Downloading this huge patch now. Man I hope the bloom changes help me out.

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