Harvest Fan Art Competition Winners

gg guys, that's hot
_Vinicius_ wrote:
Pheature wrote:
Didn't even grab a runner up spot, painfully disappointed in myself..
Congrats to the true artists!

I saw your art on instagram and for me you have a runner up spot.


I appreciate that, you beautiful human :) Thank you.
damjanusz wrote:
Congratz to all participants! Great job, guyz - swooshed my eyes with some awesome pieces, not gonna lie!

But, still - I feel bitter and upset. I shouldn't have post it, shouldn't have been the first one here typig things like that, but I feel like that's the way to go, to get rid of that sore of loss.
I'm not mad at others, nor mad at juries. Kinda asking myself what I did wrong or "not good enough". Asking myself what to do to make my stuff eye-catching and pleasant to look at, and how other achieved that level. Thought, that I will try with something, that I think I'm good with.
Don't get me wrong - I'm satisfied with my piece. I've seen some kind posts and comments about it, some critiques too. But here... I've smashed against another wall of reality. Posting that here, cuz of You and me, guys. We have to work more, learn more. We can't be jealous of others, but try more to be one of them, and maybe, just maybe, to be one the top next time.
I wish someone could point me everyrhing that's not ok in my piece. Someone that knows what's up, lmlo.
Avatar is mine, next time C:

Edit: I thought about never-ever posting in art comps here again

@BellenaS: PM me Your art profile, pls. Gonna study it!

I wouldn't worry about it, art comps are famously difficult since people have personal taste and individual biases. Just use what you learned about the market and people in general to improve yourself.
Last edited by JohnnyMangoes#4875 on Aug 18, 2020, 1:28:22 AM

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