Auction House / Barter House

If I remember correctly the devs have stated that their goal is to be able to complete trades with out ever having to actually login to the game, and instead do it through the website(I will try and find the quote). As far as a RMAH I really do hope that it never is implemented, and if for some reason it does it stays for Default only.

Chris wrote:
We have large trade-system plans that are underway. Although we haven't discussed the specifics publicly yet, we've mentioned that it's integrated with the website. Our plan is that people can trade items without having to load the game client (good luck getting any work or study done now!)

Because this feature is taking a while, we may consider implementing a simple player-player trade within an instance as an interim measure (but this would be wasted development time as it'd be replaced by the proper system when that is ready).
Beyond_Bow_BobMKIII Level 80 Tornado Shot Scion
Last edited by Zeshin on Apr 25, 2012, 10:05:02 PM
They could also try implementing a trade chat channel. Link it to whatever trade/barter system they have planned. Perhaps a chat program on their website(if that's the route they choose to go) that links directly to in-game trade chat? Not sure how hard that would be to synchronize, but I know my wife has a similar app on her phone for guild chat in WoW.
Trade via the website is also fine , I mean it doesn't have to be an ingame AH np . Skipping the " personal" part in trades will be nice considering the game will be f2p .
The auction house I'd like to see is a place to put items of moderate->good quality (like 100ipd, some aspd, maybe on a 5X base weapon) as opposed to selling it to Gruest.

Put the item into the auction house and let it collect offers (visible or not). Either take one of the offers on it, or it goes to Gruest automatically.

Trade via website would be alright, but I don't agree with GGG about putting big features in the site as opposed to the game (looking at skill tree planning, mainly). It's distracting to have to alt+tab out of game if you're already playing and the devs have to worry about various browser support for whatever pretty UI things they want to do.
The only possible way that I would be happy with this idea is if the real money auction house was on a league all by itself, so people could choose to play there with others who want to buy they gear with real money. This should not, however, be the default.

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