Auction House / Barter House

Before I begin, I'd like to talk about Diablo 3's auction house idea.

First off, it does seem convenient to easily look through categories of equipment you are interested in, and be able to buy it from other players with either in-game gold or USD. However, Blizzard killed the real cash currency auction house stating that there will be a fixed listing fee, as well as a transaction fee after a successful sale. However, if you don't sell the item, you still lost real cash by just posting it.

I canceled my pre-order of Diablo 3 right away, and chose to buy Path of Exile instead. I find the gameplay to be unique and satisfying. Though the game lacks a currency, the barter system is new, interesting, and different from every other typical MMO. However, it would be convenient if the game had an auction house.

By this, I mean either an actual auction house or barter house, or both. Barter house, where you post an item you're trying to get rid of, in exchange for another item or two, or whatever. As for auction house, though there may be no in-game currency, is it possible to implement the use of real life cash? Reason why I ask this isn't to unbalance the game like most people would assume because of people paying top dollar for the best gear. This isn't the point, but the point being is it could be a method for Path of Exile to make extra income, as well as a chance for its players and supporters to make a profit as well.

Though this is just a suggestion, here's an example of a possible layout of how this would work:

1. There is NO REAL-LIFE-CASH LISTING FEE for an item posted in the auction house to sell.

2. However, if the item is successfully sold, there could be a certain percentage transaction fee (example: PoE could have a 5% or 10% transaction fee, sell an item for $1.00, PoE makes $0.05 to $0.10).

3. Option to switch between Barter or Real Life Currency.

4. If it's necessary to prevent the auction house being over-flooded with items, make it to where you can only post a limited number of items per day or per week, or per month (whichever works best).

I know some may not agree with this, while others may. Reason why I suggest it is because I know in many other MMOs, people still buy / sell items through 3rd party sites, with the risk of either having their money stolen, or account banned because it was against TOS, etc. I just thought I'd throw this idea out there, so if anyone would like to give their input on this, feel free to post.

*ADDITIONAL NOTE* To other forum members, please be respectful and thoughtful. Even if you disagree with this idea, post about it with logical explanations as to why it is faulty, and not some lame post like "faking ghey" or "I hate it, it's stupid", give a reason why you hate it, or why you think it's stupid. Just saying it will justify nothing if you have no proof to back up your thoughts.
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One thing before I get started. From the "Pre-purchase" page:

"We are completely opposed to the concept of “pay2win”."

The idea of a real-money auction house here will never, ever be implemented. The devs have repeatedly stated they do not want this.

mardok85 wrote:
I canceled my pre-order of Diablo 3 right away, and chose to buy Path of Exile instead.

Note that all you've bought is early access to the beta.

mardok85 wrote:
Though the game lacks a currency, the barter system is new, interesting, and different from every other typical MMO.

This game is not an MMO. It's an action RPG. I am amazed at how many people think this an MMO. It's not.

mardok85 wrote:
I know some may not agree with this, while others may. Reason why I suggest it is because I know in many other MMOs, people still buy / sell items through 3rd party sites, with the risk of either having their money stolen, or account banned because it was against TOS, etc. I just thought I'd throw this idea out there, so if anyone would like to give their input on this, feel free to post.

That's fair, and I do think that once this game releases to the general public you'll have that stuff. Already people buy and sell items on D2JSP, for example. Can't really stop that.

I'm in favor of an in-game auction house where people can list gear for trade, receive offers either in gear or in-game currency, with the option to list what orbs you do/don't want, etc - I think that would be useful and cut down on global trade spam. But you're never going to get an in-game real-money auction house here. It goes against one of the most basic philosophies the devs have over how they want to operate their game.
Thanks for the reply unsmith, I appreciate the input.

And I know it's not technically an "MMO" per-se, but rather an online-only game where you only meet other players in towns, party up, and enter instances. You say it's an action RPG, which is true, it is, but it's online, so doesn't it fall under some kind of online category? Maybe AORPG? (Action Online Role-Playing Game?). Why is Guild Wars considered an MMORPG when it's the same concept, you only see people in towns?

Not bashing on you or anything, take no offense by it. I just didn't know how to categorize this game, and I said "MMO" due to lack of a better term.

I'm also aware I bought early Beta access, and that we're all testing the game out, and simply throwing ideas out there, thus the Barter House idea. =)
There is no such thing as freedom...
fully support a type of AH or barter system. simply being able to browse and look at possible upgrades would be super wonderful. I remember the sole reason for me joining a hardcore raiding guild in wow (played it for the first 2 years before bc)was because I wanted the epic loot that I was seeing on other players :P

it will also get rid of anyone trying to undercut new players in whispers. very important to me as poe seems to have alot of vets preying on new players :P

the convenience cannot be understated. having to spam global chat for something I want isn't fun at all. felt like a chore and worst.

boozee wrote:
the convenience cannot be understated. having to spam global chat for something I want isn't fun at all. felt like a chore and worst.

It's also not fun for everyone else who doesn't care about whatever you're trying to buy. Shocking concept here - occasionally there are decent conversations that happen in global, and those sometimes get drowned out by trade spam.
I very much doubt there will be a real-money auction house, but the devs have stated what their plans are.
eZek0 wrote:
I very much doubt there will be a real-money auction house, but the devs have stated what their plans are.

I replied with my thoughts in that thread, but quoted myself for readers' convenience here.
Garr0t wrote:
Contrary to popular opinion, I actually support an in-house real money auction house, with a per transaction cost going to GGG on successful sales. I do not agree with listing fees. This will help GGG offset the cost of maintaining the trade system, and it will facilitate trading for players that want to purchase items using real money.

I can hear the screaming already: "But GGG said they will never sell power!" I certainly agree and approve of this position. I would not ever expect to be able to purchase something that gives me an in-game advantage from GGG directly through the cash shop.

However, it is clear there is demand from the player community (as evidenced by D2jsp and the inclusion of a RMAH in D3) for some way of profiting from in-game goods. I think this is a scenario where 'if you can't beat em, join em' comes into effect. I would rather GGG be able to capitalize on an activity that they cannot prevent and will likely occur outside of GGG's jurisdiction anyways. At least with a sanctioned RMAH, the players are 'protected' from fraudulent activity that is more likely to occur through a non-integrated third party site.
"We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio."
I do like the ops idea aswel.

An auction house where you can sell items for in game cash and/or real life cash ( wihtout the real life cash loss in case of an item not selling ) would be grand.

I am sure loads of people would join and boost the economy.

Really something to think about if you guys planning on making Path of Exil THE action rpg game of the next decade.
Thanks everyone for your input, and thank you Garr0t for posting your quote from the other forum. You've worded exactly what I was thinking, only a helluva lot better.

The reason why I came up with the idea is because I want to support Path of Exile in any way possible. Technically, I'm not saying to "steal" the idea from Diablo 3, as I have always dreamed and thought of this in many MMOs, where every MMO would benefit from it. However, if there's ever a listing fee, it would limit the amount of people using it as people are either too afraid to risk losing any money, considering the way the economy is. But with no-listing fee, but have a sales transaction, benefits everyone, including the game company.

It would allow the game to thrive, expand, and probably extend the lifespan of the game (as certain games have shutdown due to lack of players or community).

*EDIT* I understand now what PoE means about being against the "Pay-2-Win" deal. I think they refer to other games that have Cash Shops that give other players a better advantage over others, rather than just providing unique gifts to customize the look of your character, or something minor like "EXP Boost" for "etc. amount of hrs." This is just referring to "Cash Shops" provided by the Game Company itself though, not the Auction House. It's not like you'll find the "Ultimate Equipment of Mass Awesomeness" that easily in the AH, as there really is no right-way to equip your character, other than finding stuff you like that fits your play-style.

With that said, technically the AH isn't a "Pay2Win" deal, as it is just simply a means to barter, trade, or sell to try to improve your character (and there will always be improvement needed, unlike in-game Cash Shops that instantly give you the best gear for cash).
There is no such thing as freedom...
Last edited by mardok85 on Apr 24, 2012, 9:47:32 PM
AH is a very good idea be it RMAH or not .

Some people actually prefer to trade via AH and not in person / trade in game resulting in waiting , scams etc etc / .

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