30Creptus wrote:
kenbak wrote:
So, can this build handle the current game content? Can I level and progress smoothly on atlhas or is it too expensive?
What's your budget like?
My budget is not high, maybe 5ex with a LOT of effort.
Ultimait wrote:
kenbak wrote:
So, can this build handle the current game content? Can I level and progress smoothly on atlhas or is it too expensive?
Yes, you can progress on atlas with dirt cheap budget.
Get a Hopeshredder with decent rolls for 4c or so, tabula/Shroud of the Lightless for 10-20c, Darkray Vectors for 1c, 2x Circles of Fear for less than 10c each and you are good to go.
Though for red tier conquerors/map bosses you would definitely need some upgrades. You could take a look at my Raider character on STD, mostly using cheap garbage items. Not insane boss killer, but does the job for conquerors/map bosses at Awakener lvl 8 without flasks. Note: Using Rain of Arrows in pseudo 6link instead of Frenzy is not a good solution for red tier bossing.
30Creptus wrote:
Yo, i made a big discovery. Thought you'd be interested, here it is.
You can gain frenzy charges without farruls at all! Very big deal, what you do is, get a weapon for 2nd setup with trigger socketed spells once you use a skill, put in hydrosphere, frenzy and faster attacks, hit hydrosphere, you gain frenzy charges.
This actually sounds better than Farrul's, since it won't be degenning me permanently. Though I'm too lazy to use weapon swap, so I'll probably end up using either self cast hydrosphere or Asenath's Chant helmet.
What's your thoughts about Chest replacement this league though?
I'm thinking about going Doppleganger again, since Diamond/Bottled Faith flasks got obliterated, and I'm too miser to buy Hatred crit watcher's eye or double corrupted gloves with flat crit. Also I'm not even using Assassin's Mark, because Sniper's Mark gives me more damage and won't require getting a lot of Int.
Decent rare chest with Attacks have +% to crit chance could be also an option to consider.
I replicated your STD build, it can clear the entire map well on t16 a8, but the boss takes too long, is it really like that?
Last edited by kenbak#5806 on Aug 4, 2021, 5:05:58 PM
Posted bykenbak#5806on Aug 4, 2021, 5:05:26 PM
kenbak wrote:
I replicated your STD build, it can clear the entire map well on t16 a8, but the boss takes too long, is it really like that?
No it should kill them rather quickly.
Oh wait i read that as SST, yea if you're playing hopeshredder it is kinda shitty without good gear. I recommend Spectral shield throw with that budget you have.
Last edited by 30Creptus#0534 on Aug 4, 2021, 6:05:09 PM
Posted by30Creptus#0534on Aug 4, 2021, 6:03:44 PM
kenbak wrote:
I replicated your STD build, it can clear the entire map well on t16 a8, but the boss takes too long, is it really like that?
Depends on map boss itself and map mods. I'd say it's mostly okayish(deathless and <30 seconds).
Sadly you can't have zoomy build while also maintaining good single target with no investments.
You would need to invest some exalted orbs into it to kill bosses faster.
I'd prioritise replacing tabula with Doppelganger or Hunter influenced chest with some good mods. Though I'm not that good at PoB theorycrafting, so you probably should ask some advices from 30Creptus instead.
30Creptus wrote:
if you're playing hopeshredder it is kinda shitty without good gear.
It's not that bad though, feels much better than toxic rain imo. I'd even league start with it, if not the problems with acquiring Hopeshredder early.
Last edited by Ultimait#4182 on Aug 4, 2021, 10:29:55 PM
Posted byUltimait#4182on Aug 4, 2021, 10:25:03 PM
Why do i feel like my frenzy single target set up is just about the same dmg as my clearing Rain Of Arrow set up(even tho this is 5 link)?Do you know when my frenzy start to out damage my rain of arrow dps,because i dont feel like using frenzy is even worth it :(
My character(still in early map) :
Posted byHyterPan#7607on Aug 5, 2021, 11:13:29 AM
Ik that my char is low lvl, no ascendacy and shiet. But could u explain me where do u get hp from also a dmg(XD)? My gems aren't leveled and shiet ik, market is pretty weak, can't get currently vectors and oskarm with frenzy, and i'm getting mad bout even thinking bout valing milions of boots and gloves to get those frenzy charges. Ur pob even without clusters, half of the gear, no flask activated and lowered the lvl of ur gems with making them default it gets over 150k dps meanwhile after i upgraded mine pob to ascendancy and other shiet i'm not even on 80k? XD
Could u tell me what I'm doing wrong, currently i even struggle with yellow magic maps. Where to look for an upgrades and how even i'm supposed to get them when i can't farm yellow maps :( I was looking for some jewels to upgrade but either market is empty or either they're overpriced. Ik that farulls and 6l shredder is the main one, but the rest when market is so fked up?
Posted byreedtZ_#4581on Aug 6, 2021, 4:44:51 PM
reedtZ_ wrote:
Ik that my char is low lvl, no ascendacy and shiet. But could u explain me where do u get hp from also a dmg(XD)? My gems aren't leveled and shiet ik, market is pretty weak, can't get currently vectors and oskarm with frenzy, and i'm getting mad bout even thinking bout valing milions of boots and gloves to get those frenzy charges. Ur pob even without clusters, half of the gear, no flask activated and lowered the lvl of ur gems with making them default it gets over 150k dps meanwhile after i upgraded mine pob to ascendancy and other shiet i'm not even on 80k? XD
Could u tell me what I'm doing wrong, currently i even struggle with yellow magic maps. Where to look for an upgrades and how even i'm supposed to get them when i can't farm yellow maps :( I was looking for some jewels to upgrade but either market is empty or either they're overpriced. Ik that farulls and 6l shredder is the main one, but the rest when market is so fked up?
It seems to me that you know where your damage is lacking from.
Although i'm playing SST myself, my friend is playing hopeshredder, i've played with him and he does fine at red maps. Here's his PoB. He's also on a 5L setup.
If you're stuggling, you can also look into spectral shield throw. Only thing you need is the shield, other items are not hard to get and it preforms really good.
Posted by30Creptus#0534on Aug 6, 2021, 4:58:32 PM
PS: If you can not optain oskarm's with +1, use other gloves with +1, rare or unique. Decent options are: Surgebinders, Breathstealer, Worldcarver.
Last edited by 30Creptus#0534 on Aug 6, 2021, 5:10:55 PM
Posted by30Creptus#0534on Aug 6, 2021, 5:10:31 PM
30Creptus wrote:
reedtZ_ wrote:
Ik that my char is low lvl, no ascendacy and shiet. But could u explain me where do u get hp from also a dmg(XD)? My gems aren't leveled and shiet ik, market is pretty weak, can't get currently vectors and oskarm with frenzy, and i'm getting mad bout even thinking bout valing milions of boots and gloves to get those frenzy charges. Ur pob even without clusters, half of the gear, no flask activated and lowered the lvl of ur gems with making them default it gets over 150k dps meanwhile after i upgraded mine pob to ascendancy and other shiet i'm not even on 80k? XD
Could u tell me what I'm doing wrong, currently i even struggle with yellow magic maps. Where to look for an upgrades and how even i'm supposed to get them when i can't farm yellow maps :( I was looking for some jewels to upgrade but either market is empty or either they're overpriced. Ik that farulls and 6l shredder is the main one, but the rest when market is so fked up?
It seems to me that you know where your damage is lacking from.
Although i'm playing SST myself, my friend is playing hopeshredder, i've played with him and he does fine at red maps. Here's his PoB. He's also on a 5L setup.
If you're stuggling, you can also look into spectral shield throw. Only thing you need is the shield, other items are not hard to get and it preforms really good.
Welp i had a hope ill be able to farm some currency without clusters but looks like it's impossible i guess i'll either transicition to Lightning strike or as pob u gave into lioneye fall and keep farming exalts for the higher budget items. This league is kinda worst that i've ever played since many players left so quick after week 2 and market is kinda empty :(
Posted byreedtZ_#4581on Aug 6, 2021, 5:13:11 PM
reedtZ_ wrote:
Welp i had a hope ill be able to farm some currency without clusters but looks like it's impossible i guess i'll either transicition to Lightning strike or as pob u gave into lioneye fall and keep farming exalts for the higher budget items. This league is kinda worst that i've ever played since many players left so quick after week 2 and market is kinda empty :(
Clusters are a luxury, they're endgame additions don't use them early.
Posted by30Creptus#0534on Aug 6, 2021, 5:33:38 PM
So how do you deal with degens?
Posted byVakarlan#7536on Aug 6, 2021, 11:00:17 PM