The Void Weapon Effect and Weapon Skin


What year is this? 2077???
Need more frontal assets and backal assets armor!
Really nice weapon design!
I have never felt further from what I know and love
Not gonna lie.. I live for all these elder/void mtxs! Here's to hoping for more!! :D
Soooo, everything but the staff? Why?
A weapon effect that isn't just various sparkles! Thank god.
I think generally the mace and axe, especially the two-hand version, fall far behind the sword mtx. The axe and mace suppose to be bigger, heavier, stronger visual impact etc. But now most of them look like the small toy in my nephew's hand
It looks good.

Now, can we please get back an option to turn off Bloom and other post-processing effects?
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
The skin looks NICE! The effect without the skin looks... questionable. ^^
Now we need a void character effect that looks similar to the Heartseeker one but with black wiggly tentacles and footprints that leave little clusters of tentacles behind... Make it happen.
Oh yeah!! Too bad no staff... whyyyy GG? Whyyyyy? /cry

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