[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes
Im not even ingame and i already see it got worse again changed keybinds and still no update on the ce errors.
I'd say 200years of game design but that was another meme. Can already see me running a heist dropping a 6link unique and goodbye poe, hello ce error. |
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It makes me so sad to see what has become of this game...
I played PoE for over 7 (open beta) years, with pauses, and tried it again last year on PS4-Pro (obviously got into "couch-gaming" a bit :D). PoE was NEVER optimized well (enough). After introducing multi-Threading, new graphics API´s (DX11, vulkan) etc. over the years, it´s gotten better, but still huge stuttering when there is a lot of action on the screen. The demands of processing power did rise alongside new implemented content. It is kind of a vicious circle, more content, more bugs etc. I know it isn´t that simple, still... But what is happening right now on the PS4 is just unacceptable. Making progress in the game has become so hard if you die with high level characters randomly (in maps e.g.). Not to mention Heist content. I kind of wanted to write more, how I feel, to emphazise what this game means to me, regardless of all the money I spend (again on a Sony account), with all the memories that are tied to the game. Then I realize it´s "just a game", I am not entitled to judge over GGG. For now I am just sad and disappointed, not angry. I am just a gamer and so I want this game to be good, because I love it! Chris, are you still playing your game? Were will GGG go from here? Is PoE2 the solution? Please give us (community) the heartfelt attention again, like back in the days this journey started. :) |
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I have a PS4 pro and this is what i think is happening.
So what i found from the crashes, is that is related to the amount of players online at one time. The best session i had playing poe this league was monday, that is a national holiday of my country, and i had until noon GMT a 5 hour session with no crash, so from 7am GMT. I was connected the all time to the london gatway. Along the day it worsend reaching a peak of 3 crashes an hour, that coincides with the server moust activity around 7pm GMT. I have no prove to back this up but based on my expirience this is what it feels like to me. Also what this league i found something new, every other league, the game stale for a few seconds, 10s sometimes and sinc up like every action in a few seconds, this league it never happened. what it seems is instead of this delayed sinc, the game just crashes. Keep up the good work, and i hope you solve this as fast as you can, love your game :) ... |
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this is October and still the crashes are taking place and still no fix???????????
Last edited by dragon91368#4734 on Oct 9, 2020, 2:02:25 AM
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The crashes surely must have to do with how long the game is running for? Like I never crash immediately when starting a game nor do I crash back to back... there is always what feels like a minimum of 15-30 mins between crashes?
If i'm starting a new character it seems to take longer to have a 1st crash, guessing due to available actions/skills. Wonder if it's due to therefore an overheating issue, especially if it's hard crashes? Or I'm speaking BS and it is just coding tripping out everything. Either way it may force my hand to get an Xbox temporarily just to play this game without as many crashes! |
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It is unplayable theese days...
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Is insane just came home from work logging in doing a heist runnin 10 secs crashes Relogging in making a new contract runnin 10 sec crashes again beenm like this for the last 30 mins u gotta fix it is ruining the game |
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The micro transactions page will insta crash you, so GGG must absolutely must fix this first!!! How else will they continue to take your money then!?
PlayStation 4 Crashes We don't have any updates to provide here unfortunately but we are getting a lot closer to narrowing this problem down. You know, I would LOVE to know, or have some form of insight from you guys as to what is causing the crashes. If of course, that’s actually true. I wonder.... it’s only been, what, years that we have had to endure this negligence?? BE VOCAL TO YOUR CONSUMERS!!!! WE CAN HELP FFS!!!! STOP LEAVING US IN THE DARK!!!!!! |
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" I concur that the "normal" (non-Heist, non-Delirium) crash does seem to be affected by the volume of active players. Sometimes changing Gateway provides a better experience. GGG, if you're willing to throw some money at this issue, try doubling or tripling the console Server capacity during some upcoming peak activity period, and compare the crash rates per player hour to earlier peak times. (I'm assuming you use AWS, Azure, or some equivalent, and can therefore float Server capacity with very little effort). I suspect that crash rate per player hour during peak my *look* like it isn't much different from off-peak, because the type of player who only ever plays during peak hours is also the type of player who takes 12 hours to get to Act 5, and spends *lots* of time in town, effectively doing nothing. These players will have a much lower crash rate than the ones running juiced T16 maps, deep delving, or chaining Heists. Also, in case you're actually reading these: I want to reinforce that the Heist crash is "solved" by restarting the app before every Heist. Another player (Camo, iirc) discovered this, but several of us have tried it, with 100% success for regular Heists, and good (but not 100%) success with Grand Heists. Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Oct 11, 2020, 7:23:46 AM
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I started playing again after a long while, and I have big crash issues, playing the story and such is OK ish, there's a crash every once a while, but we're talking once or twice pr day.
Then I tried to do a few heists... My record so far is 3 crashes for 1 heist, I even failed the intro heist 3 times cause of crashes. So I figured that there was really no point of doing those. Then I reached act 6, and started getting those delirium mirrors, and those were also another crash trigger, I've done 6 so far, 5 of them I crashed on... Unlike heists, I atleast get to keep my pickups during normal gameplay. Delve, Atzoatl works fine along normal game, I've only reached 1st ascendancy trial, but that too went fine. It don't matter how long I've been playing, if it's 5 min into the game or 10 hours straight, as soon as I do a heist, or find a delirium mirror, I'm gone. I also noticed during a heist that the graphics all of the sudden turn into ps1 quality, and after a while just slowly reverting to normal. I didn't read anything in this tread, but in the first post I see the devs tell how they have issues replicating the crashes, I say go find delirium mirrors and do a few heists. Shouldn't it be fairly easy with millions of crash reports from ps4 (no idea about other platforms) to narrow down the issues?, does this need to be dragged out over months? |
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