[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes
Just do what I do, run UberLAB
Never. Fucking. Fails. Seriously, 4 times in a row tonight and kept crashing right on the second encounter. this is BEYOND game breaking and it's been going on SINCE launch. This is why i REFUSE to spend a dime on console MTX. It gets worse as you progress. If I would have known how bad the crashes get the higher the level you play, way after the acts and like clock work it crashes on Mapping, UberLabs and Delve, I would NOT have spent money on stashtabs on a game I can't even play. I should have taken that money and wiped my ass with it, at least I know THAT fucking worked, either way I got what I paid for, hand full of shit. This is why console players on PS4 aren't playing! Look at the trade boards, few pages of ANYTHING where before, there where pages and pages of stuff in the online only section. Now it gets smaller and smaller. And you guys are STILL PUSHING OUT A NEW LEAGUE while you can't even figure out what's causing the crashing! DONT FUCK AROUND IN ACTS AND DO END GAME STUFF, THESE ARE WHERE MOST OF THE ISSUES ARE a crash once every Ten hours...I'd like to know what game you're playing because the one I'm playing seems to make a habit out of reminding me ever other run how much of a fucking sucker I am. I almost don't want to go back to the PC just because I am so fucking mad. I stopped giving the "Indie" pass when 80% of the indie become not so indie. |
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" Dude, This. On PC back in the day there was a HUGE issue with "rubber banding" and dsyncs etc. You had the options to turn off a bunch of shit, particle effects from both you and mob attacks worked great when those where switched off. The PC revamped it's engine and went with Vulcan I think and something else and PC gameplay was MUCH smoother. I do think that this issue is completely Hardware related and too much shit is flashing all over the place and this can be toned down. Nobody is intensely looking at the graphics thinking, "Wow, looks great" they are too fucking busy killing shit and dodging. IDK, every time they introduce something big, this game gets bogged the fuck down. The PC could barely handle it back in the day and it wasn't a graphical intense game, it was just so much info going on... Now what we where seeing in 2016-2019 (check those forums and you'll see) we are seeing on the consoles. Crashing wasn't so much of an issue but freezing and lag dying was.. |
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" You're right, a crash doesn't count as death. As Snake45Jackson already said, the game puts you on freeze until it realizes there is a problem. and during that time you are defenceless. This is the worst issue, since the game likes to freeze as soon as you are surrounded or open any kind of event (delirium, monolith, breach, incursion, syndicate encounters, abyss, delve, entering boss rooms and even strongboxes) spawning many enemies at once. Since the game is still running while your screen is frozen, you die, loosing exp. The only way around this is doing low level map tiers and avoiding those encounters at all cost, hoping that if the game does crash you can take hits long enough for the game to register something is wrong. This turns the game into a really boring low tier grind with no progression. And you still die sometimes during crashes costing days of gameplay in exp. The reason you don't see million posts from HC players complaining is because nobody dares play HC on console. Last time I asked in chat about playing HC, I got laughed at. "HC on console with all the crashes...... IMPOSSIBLE" they said. The exp loss is only one of the issues, and the worst. UberLab is really bad. You make it all the way to the boss, chop him down to 20% life...... crash (if you even make it that far). Kicked out, progress lost Run syndicate encounters, reveal Catarina's location, full portals, enter AAAAAAAnd crash, all portals gone. Play Alva's incursion, build up the temple, last room left, upgrading the last room to tier 3 to get Lapidary lense, run up to the architect AAAAAAAnd crash, upgrade failed and exp loss. Use a breach stone, enter map, fight half way trough AAAAAAnd crash, encounter over, map waisted and exp loss. Open a blight map, half way through AAAAAAnd crash, encounter failed and exp loss. Run low tier maps all day long to get 1-2$ exp gain AAAAAAAAnd I fell asleep due to boredom. These are just a few examples of frustrating things that happen in this game. And to say: "Many PS4 players are reporting frequent client crashes while doing simple actions. Despite these actions feeling like they'd be easy to reproduce, the game does not crash on-demand when we follow the reported steps. We are finding it extremely difficult to reproduce the crash reliably in our office." is like walking down the beach and saying "sand, I don't see no sand". Maybe you guys should stop staring into the sky counting clouds. Sit down and play the game from start to finish. Don't say you can't reproduce crashes reliably. Because that's the only thing you can rely on in this game, is that it crashes. Try and lvl up a character to 100 without dev tools. See how frustrating that can be. If you guys can't fix the problem then change the game. Less death penalty or non at all, even the option to turn it off so that players who like the abuse can still enjoy it. Change some of the enemy encounters. spawning mass amounts of enemies at once is a 90% guaranteed crash. Put blight, delirium, and other timed encounters on hold if the game crashes. That way we could still finish them. Give us the option to change graphic and connection settings. Get rid of some of the background calculations that are overheating the PlayStation. It sounds to me like you guys are moving in the wrong direction with this problem. The crashes in the game wouldn't be that frustrating if there wasn't some kind of penalty for it. |
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I stopped playing Harvest shortly after launch because I couldn't handle the crashes anymore and because I was afraid my Ps4 could suffer from it. I didn't really follow gggtracker much and moved on to other games. I thought I'll wait till it's fixed.
Now I come back almost 2 months later to plan my Heist league start and crash again after about 15min of play time. PoE is probably my favorite game ever but its state on Ps4 is a disgrace. GGG should really disable the MTX store so nobody accidentally drops money on this broken and unplayable game. |
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Everybody is reporting crashes and freezes and fps drop rates. Many of this bring death to character in game and loss of progress which is very frustrating deep in end-game.
Untill GGG will fix this problems, at least they could remove the progress loss penalty on death so we could advance our character further. Or reduce the penalty to a quarter or half. |
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" This would go a long way to help the players |
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First Heist, First Crash (PS4) when dashing to the Exit.
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Same here.
Crash during the first Heist. Not even during the escape phase. This was the second crash I experienced today in the about 1 hour window I had to try heist. The first crash was just trying to grab my second waypoint... |
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Same here, crash near exit from first and second Heist. I was dashing through the door in bought times.
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I have problem with take item from "Offers", specifically from "Received Item" after accept offers in The Rouge Harbour.
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