[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes
" Apparently we do have a community manager, like Bex. "apparently" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2753025 |
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The crash frequency got much worse after patch... pls man this is an up and down wish i could play at least one day without a crash
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" I'd love to know who's been assigned that role. I'm not sure if it's Natalia or someone else but it would be nice if there was a dedicated GGG team member specifically handling the console environment. While I'm sure we don't need updates every five minutes, it would be nice if we could have some form of communication other than "We are aware of the issue and are working on it." Okay, that's a start but has any progress been made? Do you think you have seen a pattern that we may be able to help you replicate? Things along those lines. Some consistent communication would go a long ways in keeping the player base engaged and wanting to resolve these issues rather than putting down this dumpster fire and walking away forever. My wife and I both stopped playing as we can't take any more of the progression and time lost trying to tip toe around not knowing when the next BSOD is coming. It's not a matter of if, it's when. I'm sure a fair bit of the console population wouldn't mind if you took the next league off to work on the core game to resolve the crashing issues. If these crashing issues are not sorted out soon, it won't matter how amazing the next league looks/plays, how amazing the new supporter packs look or even PoE2, you more than likely will not have a solid console audience to keep around for years to come. I really hope I'm proven wrong, GGG comes out and squashes theses game crashing instances but at this point, I'm not holding my breath. I'd love to say that the next gen consoles are going to resolve a fair bit of these issues but I don't believe it's strictly hardware related at this point. Maybe I'm wrong but I can't see how other games that are more graphically intense run much smoother than PoE does. Maybe said games are optimized to be on the console environment whereas PoE is not but PoE's console port needs to be addressed. Sorry for all of the rambling. It's difficult to stay a sane Exile while dealing with all of the bugs. |
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I only play on SSF Standard. After Harvest league i started to have a lot of crashes on the same character, playing the same things. I have constant crashes, now i have a new character and it seens worst with my new character that uses flame dash and totems. 4+ crashes in one hour of gameplay or more.
The game used to run a lot better with delirium. |
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Done with this league now, bluescreens to dashboard, lag, impossible to complete uber labs, locking up my ps4 requiring unplugging/hard reset and finally the familiar screech that actually powered my ps4 off( I had literally just closed my stash in my hideout when this happened) . Love the game but not enough to risk completely bricking my ps4.
Oh and I'm running the same chaos slinger and bane witch builds that had none of these issues in delirium. |
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Still crashing about once per hour, even on standard chars. And of course it's usually in the later half of long stretches without waypoints so I have to play 2-3 zones again.
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Just had the most laggy experience of this league yet when I was trying to kill a patch mixed with t4,t3 and t2 seeds. Just getting somewhat close to the hydra like spitting worms and it drops to like 5 fps.
Just had a few more crashes in a row after that, two of them with the heart of the grove event. Like 2 seconds after clicking on it and starting the animation I had a crash, then dashing in the map even trying to get back to it. Then the rest of the event was so unplayable low fps that I just called it right there, this league is over! Really hope you can fix this performance next league because if it is this bad again I will stop sooner then this time, maybe not even return till ps5 or something. |
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Logged in and went to change some inventory on a different character. Got to the loading screen for oriath and got a massive hard crash. Game froze then shut down my monitor but left the ps4 running. Had to manually shut down my ps4. I've read incidents similar that have fully ruined a ps4, pretty darn nervous to even boot this up again at this point..
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" Damn happend to the same thing yesterday.. but was the first time but no more cuz i deleted the game lol bye bye Path of Crashes till you fix the game maybe I needed to shutdown manually my ps4 because the crash was so good that the monitor was shutoff lolol |
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4 patch and still crashing... Delirium portals that make your ps4 drop to 0 fps until you die, rollback, massive drop of fps while many mobs on screen that make the game unplayable... I won't give any money anymore to GGG, on poe or poe 2...
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