[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes

Still getting crashes, not as many as before but the Aspirant Trial crashes are particularly frustrating. Using Cyclone seems to be the only consistent cause for me - linked with cast while channelling, flesh offering and vulnerability of that helps? Would also agree with an earlier post re: managing harvest content on a controller - does not feel great for seed placement especially.
For me crashes are also mostly random but occur more often in Oriath than any other place and also pressing the options button in order to open the trade menu seems to trigger it. I have the feeling that one crash source could be whenever the game tries to reach out to the network (I'm obviously not a tech guy here) bc I experience most crashes when loging in from the main page, when teleporting out/in to Oriath when other player are around or trying to open the options/trade menu when in Oriath. Still, I also have crashes during mapping or in my hideout (Undying Evangelist Spectres seem happily trigger crashes in my hideout). The crashes during gameplay when there is much stuff going on seem to be more severe bc they sometimes freeze my PS4 and I have to unplug the power source in order to restart the console - something only PoE managed to achieve so far...
- Too many minions on screen
- Using skills with intense FX
- No graphic options to let us disable unwanted FX
- Opening a Strongbox
- Walking through the Market in Act 3
- No graphic options to let us disable unwanted FX
- Loading screens between teleporting
It is not worth playing on the console, it seriously harms your health, practically this damn game is not adapted for the console, it crashes non-stop, the game without sound, 720 resolution, I disabled everything and in vain the game crashes because it is not done by some professionals, everything is a joke (I never encountered any problems while playing Diablo3) so it may just be that you will never succeed because you do not know how to do it (amateurism).
I get crash about every 2 hours. Usually happens:

- Used leap slam
- Too much stuff goin on the screen(mainly this)
- Identified item from stash in garden
- Using portal to garden

I have noticed that when i come back, some trade got accepted/rejected or i got offer.

Dont you get crash reports from sony with videos?

I write down all crash situations and report here.

I hope you solve em. Good luck
Savo-Laine wrote:
I get crash about every 2 hours. Usually happens:

- Used leap slam
- Too much stuff goin on the screen(mainly this)
- Identified item from stash in garden
- Using portal to garden

I have noticed that when i come back, some trade got accepted/rejected or i got offer.

Dont you get crash reports from sony with videos?

I write down all crash situations and report here.

I hope you solve em. Good luck

They do, but honestly at this point I think it is pretty obvious they are just not interested in console stuff. Up until this point I was really hoping they would get their act together, I've been playing since it was released on PS4. But at this point it's really just a case of "if you aren't going to do something right, don't do it at all".

The constant crashes, the flickering screens, the rubber banding, and I can't even play the game with sound because as soon as I turn the sound on it makes everything worse. But honestly, the thing I find the worst about all of it is the sheer lack of communication regarding what is happening.
Most often happens to me when large groups of enemies die and there is a loot drop at the same time. Any large lag spike caused by your graphics has a chance to make me crash. Many just seemingly random crashes with not much going on on screen. Perhaps test on many different versions of ps4?
They don't give a rat's *** about the console port. Terrible optimization, bad graphics, glitch-y texutures etc. And the crashes the CRASHES!!!! Come on we get it it's a free game bla bla. Well i say screw you there's a ton of free game that i have been playing for years and never NEVER CRASHED ONCE !!! They only care bout the micro-transactions which quite frankly most of em are crap.. and the good one u need to spend CRAZY over priced amount. Just do yourselves a favor and stop bothering with this **** until its fixed(if it ever gets fixed which at this point the way i see it never gonna happen).

Someone above mentioned Diablo 3 he is righ. Iv played this game non stop long 8 hour sessions on PS4 and a PS4 Pro never crashed once. What type of a game u have to turn off all sounds to make it run BETTER hahahahaha(that doesn't even work) you guys are a JOKE.
Last edited by radoikata#9838 on Jul 7, 2020, 4:40:37 AM
You do know the problem of crashes at all times, and it is the poor quality of the servers, 90% of the game servers have extreme lag and problems when playing, this week and weekend it has been shown that the problem is their servers
I'm going to start tracking all of my 'Bluescreens' to see if a pattern can be identified. I'm fairly certain that there is not one thing causing issues but a myriad of them. Going to have to start chopping off heads until we can kill this beast, finding the heart is seeming challenging, if only it was as obvious as Kitava's

This post will be slowly updated as I gather more information. GGG if you see this and there is more info you need me to collect PLEASE let me know and I will do my best to get you all of the information that could better help you diagnose these issues.

Log began on Friday 7/10, around 7pm pst.
1. Baran spawned, game stopped working.
2. Drox spawned on map, as his portal vanished game froze. Was using flame dash at the time keyed to (C)
3. In hideout walking from portal. Was attempting to cast a skill from second skill bar keyed to (C)
4. During Chimera fight, had just passed through smoke. Was working on the 25 smoke challenge, could have been the 25th wasn't counting them all.
5. Sirus fight, final part of the fight, he was starting a new attack and had just moved, it looked like it could have been the quad beam.
6. In pack of mobs. Was hitting lots of buttons. (S/X/C) Basic map, nothing special just rare.
7. Large pack of mobs at Lightning Shrine getting deleted by Essence Drain. Baran influence was present on the map. Hitting (S/X)
8. Opening Betrayal menu within map, was talking with Leo. The board was partially loaded on screen when the crash occured.
9. The Temple of Atzoatl, just walking to another room. Possibly using Flame Dash (C) to move faster.
10. Alva room, working on killing the T3 Currency boss. Al-Hezmin's influence was present on the base of the map.
11. Near Replenishing Shrine that had just been cleared out. Was approaching to pick up shrine. When I loaded back in Alva was spawned right beyond the crash point. Freeze was really long, I was able to take a photo with my phone. Can upload if needed.
12. During Delirium. Had just killed a bunch not much left around me. (RIP) Guessing it was the red globs chasing me.
13. Mid fight with Ivory Temple boss
**NEW PATCH RELEASED** I think it was 3.11.1b?
14. Toxic Sewer, 8 mobs left on map. Was in process of killing them. Nothing left alive when I loaded back in for the loot.
15. Delving, Azurite node around depth 200. Game froze, had all potions and skills active. (RIP)
Log stopped on Monday 7/13, 1:30am pst.

Edits with more data to follow.

Currently I cannot point to one single pattern, it does seem that conqueror presence can increase the likelihood of an issue or any NPC in general as Alva has caused issues and possibly Jun too. Shrines also seem to be something that can increase your chances of having issues as 2/15 crashes involved one. However, with #3 you can see that it could also be pressing a button. Or possibly it was the NPC's within my hideout as Alva is located further than the rest of them she may have loaded later?

Also seems that my (C) button has been the possible culprit of a lot of these issues. As that is my movement skill (Flame Dash) it is possible that it doesn't like that pop up here style. There are commonly a lot of rubberbands with flame dash, which is interesting as you can see where you DID dash previously indicating the dash worked but then you're back where it was at the start. Large gaps of space or objects you traverse seem to increase this issue (shortcuts like in speed running strats).

Thank you for taking the time to read this and the efforts you put into our community. I appreciate your transparency in this and hope we are able to assist you in a resolution.

- HC_is_Bluescreen, SSF Trickster

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